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61. I19430: Alexandre (____ - ____) + (1696 1748) _Nathaniel finch (1737 - 1779) _Marthafinch (1703 - .Elizabeth finch (1772 - 1828 john Frailey. http://www.gendex.com/users/bobspu/spurgeon/d0032/g0000022.html | |
62. I36027: John Arphus Carter (5 Feb 1947 - ____) john Arphus Carter. 5 Feb 1947 . BIRTH 5 Feb 1947. Family 1 SharonLee Walter MARRIAGE 29 Apr 1972. INDEX. HOME Martha finch . ABT 1703 - . http://www.gendex.com/users/bobspu/spurgeon/d0018/g0000053.html | |
63. Www.asle.umn.edu/archive/biblios/anthologies.txt 1927 Halpern, Daniel ed. with advisory editors Annie Dillard, Gretel Ehrlich,Robert finch, john Hay, Edward Hoagland, and Barry Lopez On Nature Nature http://www.asle.umn.edu/archive/biblios/anthologies.txt | |
64. Col. John DYER & Abigail FINCH Major James FITCH (1649 1727). Alice BRADFORD (1661 - 1745). Col.john DYER, Abigail finch. b. ca 1687 occ. edu. rel. d. ? br. res. . http://www.vineyard.net/vineyard/history/allen/Web Cards/WC24/WC24_487.HTM | |
65. Memorial To Boy 1st Class John Louis Finch Memorial to Boy 1st Class john Louis finch who died during the sinkingof HMS Hood, 24 May 1941.'. In Remembrance of john Louis finch. http://hmshood.com/crew/memorial/F/FinchJL.html | |
66. Top People In UK Industry [F] plc finch, Peter Director Managing Matrix Moulders Ltd finch, Robert 3DI Salesand Marketing Director H Snelson Engineers Ltd Finlay, john W. Director http://www.applegate2.co.uk/indexes/people/f.htm | |
67. Vegas - John Finch As Marti Pellow - Stars In Their Eyes john finch as Marti Pellow. 1994 Series Winner of ITV's Stars In TheirEyes. . For further details http://www.vegas.eclipse.co.uk/johnfinch.htm | |
68. Lurking Fear (1994): John Finch, Blake Bailey, Ashley Lauren, C. Courtney Joyner 1994). LURKING FEAR OVERVIEW, CAST CREW john finch, Blake Bailey,Ashley Lauren Directed by C. Courtney Joyner more SYNOPSIS http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/LurkingFear-1048351/reviews.php | |
69. Advanced R-C Boat Modeling, days. Advanced RC Boat Modeling, by john finch 0911295216 $14.95. Asone orders, each item will be listed in the shopping cart. One http://www.motolit.com/0911295216.html | |
70. BPJ Author Index "F" -- 1950-2003 Farragher, Shaun john Colman's Journal 16111620, 27 (Winter 1976-1977),6-13. finch, Anna Grandmother's Tree, 41 (Spring 1991), 1. http://www.bpj.org/index/F.htm | |
71. Descendants Of John And Margaret Hess This page begins with the married couple john and Margaret Hess. Their greatgranddaughter,Judith Ann Hess, married William finch; thus began the finch Family http://www.geocities.com/nynnyan/finch/ | |
72. Genealogy Data finch, john Anthony Birth living Gender Male Family Marriage livingSpouse ROSSIGNOL, May Marguerite Yvonne Birth living Gender Female http://www.geocities.com/~nancy-cyr-bush/html/dat189.htm | |
73. John Cleighton-Hills Memorial Cup - [Player Bio] Mark finch email Player Stats Season. GP, G, A, P, P/G, PM. Summer 2002. 9,6, 1, 7, 0.78, 18. Summer Playoffs 2001. 1, 1, 1, 2, 2.00, 0. Summer 2001. 9, 2,0, 2, 0.22, 20. Totals. http://summercup.drover.ca/PlayerCard.asp?item=518 |
74. HavasusBestHomes.com Meet John Finch III, Realtor© john finch moved from Seattle, Washington, to Lake Havasu City 4 yearsago. He had previously been employed as a general contractor http://www.havasusbesthomes.com/john_bio.htm | |
75. Bibliography, Index F finch, H. Stanley, 12, 29. finch, Isaac, 28. finch, James, 30. finch, john, 28, 29.finch, Reynolds, 251. finch, Samuel, 28. finch, Samuel, Jr., 28. finch, Sarah, 28. http://www.cslib.org/stamford/b_ind_f.htm | |
76. Free Love Poems From PassionUp.com Thomas Campbell Bliss Carman john Clare Samuel Coleridge Samuel Daniel Emily Dickinsonjohn Donne William Douglas Michael Drayton Anne finch Stephen Foster http://server5.passionup.com/poetry/finch.htm | |
77. Army Reserve | Chat Scott finch. Danny Free. Mimi Gray. Jim Griffiths. Willie johnson. Ed Long. DavidMartinez. Lisa Mask. Bruce McGee. Rob Mineo. Don Owens. Ricky Price. SFC john Sheehy. http://www.goarmyreserve.com/ps/chat/bios/finchsx.htm | |
78. Archived Tapes De Chadarevian , Soraya. and john finch. Michael Fuller. LMB. Interview with ProfessorFrancis Crick. finch, john and Anne Bloomer. Uli Arndt. Holmes, Ken. http://www2.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/archive/tapes.html | |
79. 3rd Ear Music - Brian Finch - Hero Of Hero's Work in Progress Colin Shamley john OakleySmith Jannie Hofmeyr Hugh Masekela SiphoMchunu Malombo Projects Brian finch Freemuse MMINO - Goals Hidden Years http://www.3rdearmusic.com/project/project1101/bfinchcd.html | |
80. I524 John FINCH ( - ) john finch. BIRTH Keene, Essex Co, NY. REFN NEH GR v63 p189. Family 1Polly PARTRIDGE MARRIAGE INDEX. Notes. Capt. john finch of Keene, NY. http://www.utc.edu/~cchase/d0003/i524.htm |
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