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Barrie Sir James M: more books (49) | |||||
61. Berkshire Theatre Festival 1933 Dear Brutus sir james M. barrie The Devils Disciple - GeorgeBernard Shaw The First Mrs. Fraser - St. John Ervine The http://www.berkshiretheatre.org/chrono2.html | |
62. Stories, Listed By Author Weekly Nov 24 1923. barrie, sir james M(atthew) (18601937) (chron.)* According to sir JM barrie, (ms) Argosy (UK) Feb 1929. * The http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/fictionmag/s55.htm | |
63. Stories, Listed By Author barrie, sir james M(atthew) (18601937) * Farewell Miss Julie Logan,(na) The Times Dec 24 31 The Scribner Treasury, ed. Anon http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/anth/s8.htm | |
64. The Little White Bird By James M. Barrie JM barrie. james's Park, as their hoops tell me, and she ought to look crushed andfaded She has no longer occasion for you, my dear sir; you are like a picture http://encyclopediaoftheself.com/classic_books_online/tlwbd10.htm | |
65. Fairy Poetry Page 2 and that was the beginning of fairies. sir james M. barrie. Do you believein fairies?. . . sir james M. barrie. Child of the pure unclouded brow. http://www.dragonflydream.com/Poetry2.html | |
66. The Novel sir barrie had written The Little White Bird where there is ANON The JM barrie Societywww.jmbarrie.net. Just Wouldn't Grow Up written by james M. barrie, the http://www.peterpanfan.com/novel.htm | |
67. Peter Pan By James M. Barrie : Arthur's Classic Novels Peter Pan. Peter And Wendy. by JM barrie. james Matthew barrie A Millennium Isay, John, said Peter. Yes. . Say, 'Ay, ay, sir.' . Ay, ay, sir. . http://arthurwendover.com/arthurs/child/peter16.html | |
68. Peter Pan Inspired by the Scotlandborn novelist and playwright sir james M. barrie's classictale of Peter Pan, Walt Disney and his team of ingenious animators http://www.alldisneydvd.com/dvd/peter_pan.htm | |
69. Peter Pan The play that this feature was based upon was written by sir james M barrie. Theway to Never land is the Second Star to the Right and Straight on Til Morning. http://trivia.disneysites.com/peterpan.html | |
70. The Plucker Book Repository Gould. barrie, james M. Peter Pan pdb details View all works by jamesM. barrie. Bastiat, Frederick. Law Benson. Besant, sir Walter. http://dave.pluckerbooks.com:81/results.phtml?browse=b&browse_type=author |
71. The Diogenes Club: Membership Directory The Diogenes Club sir james Matthew barrie, sir james Matthew barrie Honorary Member TheDiogenes Club Rick M. Freeman, Rick M. Freeman Honorary Member. http://www.diogenes-club.com/memberlist.htm | |
72. Children's Stories - Neverland! It was Andy. He was dressed like one of the Lost Boys from the book, Peter Pan,by sir james M. barrie. Look at you, Mungo said. Youre a Lost Boy! . http://www.electricscotland.com/kids/stories/neverland.htm | |
73. Caring.html sir james M. barrie. Be kind and merciful. sir james M. barrie. A true friendis someone who is there for you when he'd rather be anywhere else. Len Wein. http://www.sierracanyon.com/school/character/caring.html | |
74. CCE Renewals, 1962 barrie, sir james Matthew, Bart (start)); Page 1970 (barrie, sir james Matthew,Bart Page 1996 (Hemingway, Ernest (cont.) Hobbs, Glenn M.); Page 1997 (Hobbs http://digital.library.upenn.edu/books/cce/1962r.html | |
75. Irvine Burns Club - Honorary Members List Cochran Patrick 1888 William Black 1889 David Christie Murray A Lang 1890 WalterBesant Viscount Traprain james A Froude 1892 sir james M barrie Thomas Hardy http://www.irvineburns.ndirect.co.uk/who_we_are/page5.html | |
76. Curmudgeon-Online List Of Authors 1, Phineas Taylor Barnum. 1, james barrie. 1, james M. barrie. 1, Dave Barry. 7,Lynda Barry. 1, He was se. sir Arnold Bax. 1, Louise Beal. 1, Caron de Beaumarchais.1, http://www.curmudgeon-online.com/COauthoralpha.htm?letter=B |
77. Barrie, Sir J(ames) M(atthew). The American Heritage® Dictionary Of The English barrie, sir J(ames) M(atthew http://www.bartleby.com/61/98/B0089800.html | |
78. James M. Barrie - Biography And Works Literature Network james M. barrie. Plays. Peter Pan, james M. barrie.Search all of james M. barrie The works of playwrightnovelist http://www.online-literature.com/barrie/ | |
79. Links To Literature: James M. Barrie GENERAL RESOURCES. Pegasos JM barrie. Concise biography and bibliography.Catharton JM barrie. Selected links and bibliography. WORKS. http://www.linkstoliterature.com/barrie.htm | |
80. Theatre Royal The Oldest Theatre In Scotland Meanwhile, a young laddie from Kirriemuir, in Angus, later to be worldfamous asSir james M. barrie, was a pupil at Dumfries Academy, developing his growing http://www.tartans.com/articles/theatreroyal.html |
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