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61. Oscar Wilde Oscar Wilde. (18541900). Wilde is rightly best known for his proseand it is sometimes forgotten that he was also a prolific poet. http://www.photoaspects.com/chesil/wilde/ | |
62. Clasicos021 Translate this page Oscar Wilde (1854-1900). Libros Electrónicos en Español para ser visualizadosen su equipo Palm. Biografía Oscar Wilde (6K). Oscar Wilde (1854-1900). http://www.palmve.com/clasicos021.htm |
63. Britannia | Britain Translate this page Wilde, Oscar, eigentlich Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde (1854-1900).Irischer Schriftsteller. Er war ein führender Vertreter http://www.robert-morten.de/baseportal/Redaktionssytem/britannia_mini_detail&Id= | |
64. Database Results For "Oscar Wilde (185" Oscar Wilde (18541900). I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde (1854-1900).I think that God in creating Man somewhat overestimated his ability. http://maller.com/quotes/default.html?xauth=Oscar Wilde (185 |
65. Database Results For "Oscar Wilde" Oscar Wilde (18541900). Alas, I am dying beyond my means. Oscar Wilde (1854-1900).I think that God in creating Man somewhat overestimated his ability. http://maller.com/quotes/default.html?xauth=Oscar Wilde |
66. Oscar Wilde Oscar Wilde A brief biographical Sketch. Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) - A biography,plus links to purchase all of his works currently in print. http://www.theatrehistory.com/irish/wilde001.html | |
67. Part 3: The Scarlet Woman: Wilde And Religion Frederick S. Roden. Oscar Wilde, (1854-1900) Wasted Days in Kottabos Volume3, No. 2 (1877). Oscar Wilde, (1854-1900) Poems. London David Bogue, 1881. http://www.nyu.edu/library/bobst/research/fales/exhibits/wilde/2religio.htm | |
68. Descriptive Cataloging Of 19c Books: Sample Record 1 title page. DCRB Full. 100 1 $a Wilde, Oscar, $d 1854-1900. 245 10 $a Intentions/ $c by Oscar Wilde DCRB Core. 100 1- a Wilde, Oscar, $d 1854-1900. http://www.library.yale.edu/~mtheroux/19c/19sam1.htm | |
69. Sites Relacionados SEESCYT Portal Gubernamental Dominicano Translate this page Oscar Wilde (1854-1900). Oscar Fingal OFlahertie Wills Wilde nació el 16 deoctubre de 1854, en Dublín y estudió en el Trinity College de esa ciudad. http://www.bibliotecasvirtuales.com/biblioteca/OscarWilde/ | |
70. Zitatenschatz - Oscar Wilde Translate this page Oscar Wilde (1854-1900). Oscar Fingal OFlahertie Wills Wilde wurdeam 16. Oktober 1854 in Dublin geboren. Da seine Mutter einen http://mitglied.lycos.de/zitatenschatz/wilde.htm | |
71. Ritratto Di Oscar Wilde e morto come a conclusione di quel capolavoro che è la vita Oscar Wilde http://members.tripod.com/~darkindia | |
72. Oscar Wilde Homepage Official site offers a biography, many photographs and a list of works. Maintained by a company representing his estate. http://www.cmgww.com/historic/wilde |
73. Oscar Wilde It's that I have put my genius into my life; all I've put into my works is my talent. For further reading Oscar Wilde Art and Morality by Stuart Mason (1907 http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/owilde.htm | |
74. Xrefer - Search Results - Oscar Wilde Wilde Oscar 1854 1900. Wilde Oscar 1854 1900 Irish writer. Salome; Ibert, Zemlinsky. WildeOscar 1854 1900. Wilde Oscar 1854 1900 AngloIrish playwright and poet. http://www.xrefer.com/results.jsp?shelf=search all&term=oscar wilde |
75. Nyhedsliste DEBBI. Dato Forfatter/Titel 12.06.2000 Wilde, Oscar (1854 1900). A House of Pomegranates. 12.06.2000Wilde, Oscar (1854 - 1900). A Woman of No Importance. http://www.debbi.dk/DebbiNewTitlelist.asp?Category=317&Copyright= |
76. Nyhedsliste DEBBI. Date Author/Title 12.06.2000 Wilde, Oscar (1854 1900). A House of Pomegranates. 12.06.2000Wilde, Oscar (1854 - 1900). A Woman of No Importance. http://www.debbi.dk/DebbiNewTitleliste.asp?Category=317&Copyright= |
77. Oscar Wilde http://www.epdlp.com/wilde.html | |
78. Information On Irish Writer Oscar Wilde (1854 - 1900),Dublin 2, County Dublin - Home Irish History. Send this page to a friend Irish Writer Oscar Wilde (1854 1900) Dublin 2, Dublin. Oscar Wilde (1854 - 1900). Irish history. http://dublin.goireland.com/scripts/low/xq/asp/areaid.166/areatype.C/cat.9/Subje | |
79. ART OF WILDE - O Retrato De Oscar Wilde http://www.artofwilde.hpg.com.br/ | |
80. Oscar Wilde (1854 - 1900) Translate this page Oscar Wilde (1854 - 1900). Oscar Wilde nació en Dublin en 1854. Hijode un célebre cirujano irlandes y de una madre escritora, estudió http://www.fortunecity.es/poetas/relatos/166/Bio/Wilde.htm | |
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