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81. INDEX Joseph Montville (18791973) Joseph Perry (1912-1994) Justin Edward Karen Kate ShirleySilas C ( - ) Startling Frank Dr. (1851-1942) Stewart F. (1903-1925 White. http://briana.home.att.net/fowndx.htm | |
82. Biblioteca Virtual Kb). White, Gilbert (1720 + 1793). The Natural History Of Selborne(.zip 198.94 Kb). White, Stewart Edward (1873 + 1946). Arizona Nights http://www.bibvirt.futuro.usp.br/gutenberg/w.html | |
83. Dickinson College Alumni > 1876-1900 Barlow (18641942) non-graduate, White, Robert Walter Patton (1870-1943), Wallace,Samuel Stewart (1868-1922). 1864-1944), Pettinos, Charles Edward (1870-1957). http://chronicles.dickinson.edu/encyclo/a/alumni/alumni5.html | |
84. Ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/oh/scioto/cemeteries/lucasvillecem09.txt White, Olga Patrick 1921 1984 SHUMAN, Everett H. 1890 Feb 26, 1938 - July 31, 1939MILLER, Edward G. 1878 MILLER, Elizabeth A. 1882 - 1961 Stewart, Alex 1890 http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/oh/scioto/cemeteries/lucasvillecem09.txt |
85. Ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/pa/fayette/cemeteries/cochran3.txt SMITH ELIZANETH N. 18761956 327 SMITH Edward L. 1912 1987 331 Stewart CARLTON C.189401949 306 Stewart CAMILLIA B WHIPKEY CLYDE W. 1911-1961 294 White NELLIE E http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/pa/fayette/cemeteries/cochran3.txt | |
86. Dictionary Of Twentieth-Century British Philosophers (Humanist) S Amber BLANCO White (18871981 S Charles Edward SPEARMAN (1863-1945)Psych. S John Alexander Stewart (1846-1933) Ancient S James Hutchinson STIRLING http://www.thoemmes.com/dictionaries/20entries.htm | |
87. Index; Family Descent Narrative Kelso Allied Families 18921954) Charles (1906- ) Charles White (1867- ) Dan Lewis David (1981- ) BradleyVictor Edward (1978- ) Daniel George Buckner (1864- ) Mia Stewart R. (1836 http://freepages.history.rootsweb.com/~pearidger/families/kelso/k_all00i.htm | |
88. Descendants Of David Picklesimer . . . Paul R. White (1953 ). . .unknown). . Sherman Stewart. . . . CoraleeStewart (1974- ). . . . . . Ralph Edward Eddie Smith (1953- ). . . http://members.tripod.com/~blakjac/davedes.htm | |
89. Manuscript Collections - Listing By Collection Number MS 8973 Stewart, Harold (1916-1995); MS 8982 - BLAIN EWERS, Earl; MS 9061 - DUYKER,Edward Adrian Joseph MS 9147 - TORSH, Daniela; MS 9148 - White, (Sir) Thomas http://www.nla.gov.au/ms/findaids/findnume.html | |
90. Scioto County Cemeteries: Buckeye Cemetery W and dau of JAMES Stewart Cynthia 18731956 SMS WATERS, William Grant 1925-1977SMS WEISENBERGER, Edward Co K 6, 1962 Effie DOUGLAS 1870-1952 White, Rodney D http://www.scioto.org/Scioto/Cemeteries/Green/buckeyecem.html | |
91. William YORK Family Page spFred RANDOLPH 6 Clarence GINTHER (1900) 5 Edward BROWNE (1879 1915) 6 AdamWhite 6 James White ( -1942) 5 1822-1900) sp-Enos Huron Stewart 4 James http://www.calweb.com/~wally/darke/w-york2.htm | |
92. El - New General Catalog Of Old Books & Authors b 1877 The Red Man And The White Man In M 1841 Apr 24 1911 Dec 11) Stewart MarshELLIS (M W ELLS {CA} (M ? - ?) Original Poems p 1890 Edward ELLSBERG {US http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/ngcoba/el.htm | |
93. The Mad Cybrarian's Library: Free Online E-texts - Authors W-Wz White, EB The Door(Classic Short Stories). White, Ellen GM White, Gilbert TheNatural History of Selborne(Gutenberg Text). White, Stewart Edward18731946. http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/richmond/88/1libw.htm | |
94. EL ESPIRITISMO White (1873-1946)es conocido como autor habilidoso de muchos libros de viajes y aventuras http://www.amen.net/lb/articulos/espiritismo.htm | |
95. Riverside Cemetery - Guysborough County, NS son of JA Cecilia Stewart, Grace McFarlane Aug.25 son of Alfred K. Elizabeth WHITEARCHIBALD, Margaret for Alice MacDonald 19081978 WILLIAMS, Edward (b.Oct http://www.angelfire.com/ca4/Patsy/riversher2.html | |
96. PJDavis - Genealogy (18551918; no issue) Edward Miles Mitchell (1858 -Varina Margaret Webb BennettStewart (1905- ; 2 Lucy White Hayes, m. December 8, 1910, George Bowyer Young. http://jeffersondavis.rice.edu/gene.cfm | |
97. Mt 1 Unmarked Belle White 1893 Robert EL White 1876 1945 1946 Georgia B. Owens 1886 1962Edward Owens 1881 Mike) Wilbanks 1875 1939 James Harold Stewart 1933 1933 http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~kaye/mtzion.htm | |
98. Gaslight Contents By Author Edward George BulwerLytton see Bulwer-Lytton. Arthur Machen (?-?)The White people F (1899, 1922 ed.) The Bowmen F (1914) introduction to The Bowmen http://gaslight.mtroyal.ab.ca/gaslight/contents.htm | |
99. MacKay Family & Connections In The Maritimes Celia H. Daniel (1819 1900) Edward Baker (1813 William Rufus (1830 - 1915) WilliamWhite Blair Mary 1901) Sidney Smith (1801 - 1864) Stewart Inglis (1864 http://www.magma.ca/~mmackay/wc_idx/idx001.html | |
100. Artists In The Collection 1999 Collection Catalog Available 152 pages, 66 color and 150 black and whitereproductions. Edward Corbett (19191971). Stewart Macfarlane (1953-). http://www.paam.org/collection.html | |
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