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41. Higham Press Show Results : Windsor 2002 - Best In Show & Group Judging Starexpress Spiced Up MALTESE - Bitch RESERVE 6242 Miss IL Waters - Vella Ennis VETERAN WORKING GROUP Judge Mr D Smith BEST 6748 Mrs WG MILLER - Ch http://www.highampress.co.uk/windsor/bis.htm | |
42. Food History Resources - Recipelink.com The Cook's Decameron A Study in Taste, Containing Over Two HundredRecipes for Italian Dishes Full-text Author Mrs. WG Waters. http://www.recipelink.com/history.html | |
43. W More Information; Waters, Mrs. WG The Cook's Decameron A Study in Taste, ContainingOver Two Hundred Recipes for Italian Dishes text, zip, More Information; http://www.ulib.org/webRoot/Books/Gutenberg_Etext_Books/Browse_by_Author/W/ | |
44. C More Information; The Cook's Decameron A Study in Taste, Containing Over Two HundredRecipes for Italian Dishes by Mrs. WG Waters text, zip, More Information; http://www.ulib.org/webRoot/Books/Gutenberg_Etext_Books/Browse_by_Title/C/ | |
45. 404 Not Found T. Up From Slavery An Autobiography Wason, Robert Alexander Happy HawkinsWaterlow, Sydney Philip Perigal Shelley Waters, Mrs. WG The Cook's http://www.globusz.com/authors_w.html | |
46. Ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ga/wilkinson/cemeteries/liberty.txt B. b. Dec 17, 1889 d. Feb 10, 1962 Reddick Evie Lee b. Jan 24, 1908 d. Jan 23, 1992Reuter Rosa Lee Waters b. May 14, 1921 d. Nov 5, 2001 Sappe Mrs WG b. 1901 d http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ga/wilkinson/cemeteries/liberty.txt |
47. Ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/la/winn/taxlists/tax1868.txt A. Roberts, WG Roberts, John Roberts, Jesse A. Robertson, Robert Robertson, Anderson R.Warner, JD Warner, GW Wasson, JM Waters, Daniel Waters, Mrs. Martha A http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/la/winn/taxlists/tax1868.txt |
48. Chronicles Of Oklahoma Page 237 ADAIR White, WG, , Watts. ALFALFA Waters,Mrs. Clara C. , Granite. HARMON HARPER http://digital.library.okstate.edu/Chronicles/v006/v006p237.html | |
49. Esmeralda.com Cooking Over Two Hundred Recipes The Cook's Decameron A Study in Taste, Containing OverTwo Hundred Recipes for Italian Dishes by Mrs. WG Waters (Gutenberg text http://esmeralda.com/Cooking/ |
50. Online Books 4 Free: Free Technology Books - Home Economics (including Food And The Cook's Decameron A Study in Taste, Containing Over Two HundredRecipes for Italian Dishes by Mrs. WG Waters (Gutenberg text). http://www.onlinebooks4free.com/menu/technology_home.html | |
51. Kansas Historical Notes, By Staff, Kansas Historical Quarterly, Vol. 18, No. 1 ( Others were Mrs. Essie May Novinger, Lura Smith, Mrs. Sarah Waters, Frank Johnson,WH Sourbier, RA Brannan, WV Brown, Riley Hanson Mrs. WG Anderson was http://www.ku.edu/carrie/kancoll/khq/lynn/1950/108-112N.HTM | |
52. Carrie V. Shuman Classic 19th Century Cook Books on CD ROM by Mrs. H. Wicken, Mrs. WG Waters, CarrieV. Shuman, Mrs. ST Rorer, Maria Parloa, Antonia Isola, Our Price $25.00 Avg http://www.abacci.com/books/authorDetails.asp?authorID=726 |
53. Surnames Wa-Wg RoRy Sa-Sim Sin-Sy Ta-Th Ti-Ty U V Wa-Wg Wh-Wy Earle Mr. Mrs. SH Wallace WheelerW. WARE Mrs. CE WARMKE Mrs. Minnie Otto WARNER Will E. Waters JW Major http://www.usgennet.org/usa/tx/county/mclennan/obits/wa.htm | |
54. Maple Grove Cemetery Dodge City Walters, Ronald Francis, 613-2000, 2, 5, 18A, Age 49. Walters, WG, 10,70, 4, Waters, Mrs. Helena, 12-1-1844, 6-25-1910, 9, 64, WGAR, S/W Wifeof Edward. http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ks/county/ford/cemeteries/maplegrovecemwawh.htm | |
55. Visitations/Relations Index, 1889 James Arbuckle, Maclyn Armstrong, Mrs. RA Arthur, WG Austin, Mr. Frank Bailey,Mrs. GM Baker, Mrs Waters, Mrs. Will M. Watkins, Mrs. Ann EL Wellborne, Hon. http://freepages.history.rootsweb.com/~jwheat/visrelind89.html | |
56. Results Best Dog. Sh Ch Zanfi Pride (Mrs EJ Waters). Res Best Dog. Towbray Wakerley).Limit Bitch. 1st, Slievemish Delphinium (Mrs WG Smith). Open Bitch 2 abs. http://www.iwsa.co.uk/pages/Results.htm |
57. *C* Book Titles Contributions to All The Year Round, Charles Dickens. The Cook's Decameron,Mrs. WG Waters. CopyCat and Other Stories, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman. http://www.omnisourcedirect.com/ebooks/titles/c-titles.htm | |
58. Book Authors -W- Izaak Walton, The Compleat Angler. Sydney Waterlow, Shelley. Mrs. WG Waters,The Cook's Decameron. Jean Webster, DaddyLong-Legs. Jean Webster, Dear Enemy. http://www.omnisourcedirect.com/ebooks/authors/w-authors.htm | |
59. Endowment Donors Mrs. Patricia Abney Mr. Mike Adams Mrs. WG Addison Mrs. Donald Walther Ms. Jean M.Warren Ms. Jill Ann Waters Mr. O Wawro Ms. Minta W. Weaks Mr. Mrs. James A http://www.mls.lib.ok.us/borders/endowment/donor2000.htm | |
60. Chase County Newspapers Index Waters, Joseph G, 204, Waters, Mary B, 41, Watkins, John T, 19, Williams, WD, 150,Williams, WG, 50, 137, Williams, Z M Miss, 112, Willis, Joel, 40, Willy, Mrs, 125,Wilson, Annie, 123, http://skyways.lib.ks.us/genweb/chase/news/leaderW.htm | |
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