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41. Issues & Views: Booker T. Washington: Legacy Lost In reading Booker T. Washington's letters, speeches, personal biographies, andthe many articles written about him while he lived 18561915, the most http://www.issues-views.com/index.php/sect/1000/article/1020 | |
42. Booker T. Washington Booker T. Washington. go to books by this author. Booker Talifero (T.) Washington(April 5, 18561915) was born into slavery in Virginia on 5 April 1856. http://www.abacci.com/books/authorDetails.asp?authorID=554 |
43. Legends Of Tuskegee: Introduction Booker T. WashingtonBooker T. Washington (18561915) It was at Tuskegee, in theheart of the American South, that Washington founded the Tuskegee Normal http://www.cr.nps.gov/museum/exhibits/tuskegee/intro.htm | |
44. Booker T. Washington High School--Atlanta: A National Register Of Historic Place The school was named for Booker T. Washington (18561915), a Virginia native whohad been born a slave and became one of the most influential black leaders and http://www.cr.nps.gov/nr/travel/atlanta/boo.htm | |
45. Washington_Booker_T_va Booker T. Washington (1856-1915). Franklin County. By MinrishaPage Middle School, Virginia. No race can prosper till it learns http://www.ncteamericancollection.org/litmap/washington_booker_t_va.htm | |
46. The San Antonio College LitWeb Booker T. Washington Page The Booker T. Washington Page ( 18561915 ) Major Works An Address at theOpening of the Cotton State and International Exposition, Sept 1895. http://www.accd.edu/sac/english/bailey/bookert.htm | |
47. The Booker T. Washington Papers, Vol.10, Page Iv, In Front Matter, U. Of Illinoi IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication DataWashington, Booker Taliaferro, 18561915. The Booker T. Washington papers. http://stills.nap.edu/btw/Vol.10/html/R4.html | |
48. The Booker T. Washington Papers, Vol.7, Page Iv, In Front Matter, U. Of Illinois U NITED STATES OF AMERICA Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data (Revised)Washington, Booker Taliaferro, 18561915. The Booker T. Washington papers http://stills.nap.edu/btw/Vol.7/html/R4.html | |
49. Booker T. Washington Booker T. Washington. Booker T. Washington18561915 LIFE, Copyright Time Inc. http://pathfinder.com/photo/essay/african/cap13.htm | |
50. Booker T Booker T. Washington. 18561915. From slave to educator, Booker T. Washingtonis one of the most prominent figures in history for blacks and whites alike. http://raider.muc.edu/~horninme/G2 booker_t.htm | |
51. ThePragmatic Booker T. Washington Essay by Adib Rashad on differing views of Washington and his contributions to American culture.Category Arts Literature 19th Century Washington, Booker T....... Booker T. Washington (18561915) always sought ways to say what people wanted tohear, and except for a few black and white critics, Americans accepted him as http://www.themarcusgarveybbs.com/board/msgs/10127.html | |
52. RE: ThePragmatic Booker T. Washington of these understandable, but unwarranted negative feelings about a man who was obviouslya victim of his times.Booker T. Washington (18561915) always sought http://www.themarcusgarveybbs.com/board/msgs/10618.html | |
53. The History Of Jim Crow Biography Booker T. Washington (18561915) By Claudia M. Stolz. In allthings that are purely social we can be separated as the fingers. http://www.jimcrowhistory.org/resources/biographies/Washington_BookerT.htm | |
54. A Bio. Of America: A Vital Progressivism - Feature Booker T. Washington. Booker T. Washington (18561915) an educator and AfricanAmerican leader, was born a slave on a plantation in Virginia. http://www.learner.org/biographyofamerica/prog19/feature/essay.html | |
55. Project Gutenberg Author Record Project Gutenberg Author record. Washington, Booker T., 18561915. Titles. http://www.ibiblio.org/gutenberg/authors/washington__booker_t.__18.html | |
56. Booker T. Washington High School By Eugene C. Wachendorff Statue of Booker T. Washington. This African American hero (18561915) was the founderof Tuskegee Institute. The bronze statue is by Charles Keck (1875-1951). http://www.bluffton.edu/~sullivanm/atlanta/wachendorff/highschool.html | |
57. Essays.cc - Booker T. Washington Booker T. Washington Booker T. Washington 18561915, Educator Booker TaliaferroWashington was the foremost black educator of the late 19th and early 20th http://www.essays.cc/free_essays/a5/dli45.shtml | |
58. Booker T. Washington (18561915), Booker T. (Taliaferro) Washington. Part of the Famous Americans Issues/AmericanEducator and first African-American honored on a USA postage stamp! http://members.aol.com/efirpo/bkr_wash.html | |
59. History / Primary Sources Page 2 Washington, Booker T., 18561915. The Booker T. Washington Papers . 1-2).Washington, Booker T., 1856-1915. Up From Slavery An Autobiography . http://www.westminster-mo.edu/library/information_resources/bibliographies/histo | |
60. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg > Titles > U text. Author Washington, Booker T., 18561915 Keywords Authors WWashington, Booker T., 1856-1915; Titles U ; Subject Gypsies. http://www.archive.org/texts/textslisting-browse.php?collection=gutenberg&cat=Ti |
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