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41. Wacky Anne's Christmas Library: Author Information Henry Van Dyke (18521933) The Other Wise Man , 1902 The First Christmas-Tree ,1902 From The Blue Flower . Keeping Christmas Kate Douglas Wiggin (1857-1923). http://members.tripod.com/~wackyanne/library/xlinfo.htm | |
42. The Spirit Of Christmas (in MARION) The spirit of Christmas. Title The spirit of Christmas, by HenryVan Dyke. Author Van Dyke, Henry, 18521933. Published New York http://vax.vmi.edu/MARION/AAF-3911 | |
43. CHRISTMAS STORIES (in MARION) Van Dyke, Henry, 18521933. The spirit of Christmas, by Henry VanDyke. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1910 c1905. LOCATION MAIN http://vax.vmi.edu/MARION?S=CHRISTMAS STORIES |
44. V 1862) Noncareer appointee 1829 Secretary of State 1831 Envoy Extraordinary and MinisterPlenipotentiary, United Kingdom Van Dyke, Henry (1852-1933) Non-career http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ho/po/11685.htm | |
45. C:\PROGRAM FILES\SOFTQUAD\HOTMETAL PRO\gifs\hymn5100.htm Osbeck's 101 Hymn Stories 51. Hymn Title Joyful, Joyful, We AdoreThee. Hymn Author Henry Van Dyke, 18521933. Hymn Tune Hymn to Joy. http://villa.lakes.com/irv/hymns/hymn-51.htm | |
46. University Of Delaware: HENRY MILLS ALDEN PAPERS ALS 2p Nov 25 ALS 4p 1881 Sep 19 ALS 4p 1891 Jan 26 ALS 2p May 23 ALS 6p 1893 Nov21 ALS 3p 1897 Jun 6 ALS 1p nyNov 24 ACS 2p F14 Van Dyke, Henry, 18521933. http://www.lib.udel.edu/ud/spec/findaids/alden.htm | |
47. The Golden Argosy, Edited By Van H. Cartmell And Charles Grayson Van Dyke, Henry, (18521933) The Other Wise Man, 1895, 1923. Wolfe, Thomas, (1900-1938)Chickamuaga, 1937. © Copyright 1996-2000 CyberSpace Spinner ®. http://www.hycyber.com/HF/golden_argosy.html | |
48. V The race of men, while sheep in credulity, are wolves for conformity. Why Iam an Unbeliever Henry Van Dyke. (18521933) American clergyman and writer. http://www.wist.info/authors/v.html | |
49. Www.pdmusic.org/hymns/Joyful,_Joyful,_We_Adore_Thee.txt Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee Words by Henry Van Dyke, 18521933 Music (1824) byLudwig Van Beethoven, 1770-1827 from his Ninth Symphony (Chorale Hymn to Joy http://www.pdmusic.org/hymns/Joyful,_Joyful,_We_Adore_Thee.txt | |
50. Common 2book stars. Henry Van Dyke (18521933). Some people are so afraid to diethat they never begin to live. Henry Van Dyke (1852-1933). Doubt http://users.erols.com/cshuman/common1.htm | |
51. Letters And Documents Collection - V Van Dyke, Henry, 18521933 TLS, 1923 July 17, to Katharine Clay Buckout withAMS A Wayfaring Song Gift of the Class of 1912, 1991 ALS, 1899 Nov. http://www.brynmawr.edu/Library/SpecColl/Guides/letterboxV.html | |
52. Chronological List, Part 67 DUYN, MONA; Van DUYNE, MELVIN E. Van Dyke, CATHERINE; Van Dyke, EF; VanDyke, Henry; Van Dyke, Henry (Jackson) (18521933); Van Dyke, TINTORETTO; http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/fictionmag/e67.htm | |
53. Index Stories, Listed By Author, Part 13 Van Dyke, Henry; Van Dyke, Henry (Jackson) (18521933); VanECH, TIM;Van HEERDEN, ETIENNE (1954- ); Van HERK, ARITHA; Van ITALLIE, JEAN http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/anth/q13.htm | |
54. Portraits De Personnages Celebres : VAN Van Dyke (Henry)(1852-1933) Photo 1/2 (en1961); VanE (l'Ancien, Sir Henry)(1589-1655) Peinture 1; VanE le http://www.onlipix.com/personnages/van.htm | |
55. ONLIPIX - Great Names Pictures : VAN Van Dyke (Dick) Photo 1; Van Dyke (Henry)(18521933) Photo 1/2 (in1961); VanE THE OLDER (Sir Henry)(1589-1655) Painting 1; VanE le http://www.onlipix.com/personages/van.htm | |
56. RI_authors_U-Z Caldecott Awards. Van Dyke, Henry (18521933) RILN / AGf,nf,p / SN4A minister; wrote poems, essays, and short stories. Van Zandt. RI http://www.ncteamericancollection.org/litmap/ri_authors_u-z.htm | |
57. The June 2-5, 2002 Pre-Long Beach Sale - Chapter 10 Lot 1503 Click on photo for enlarged version Click on photo for enlargedversion Van Dyke, Henry (18521933). American writer and poet. http://www.goldbergcoins.net/catalogarchive/20020602/chap010.shtml | |
58. Larry Marietta's Music Notes From Sunday Morning Services November 9, 1997 At FC While he was a guest preacher at Williams College in 1907, Henry Van Dyke (18521933)penned the text for Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee. His son, Tertius http://www.fccb.org/music/m971109.html | |
59. Sea Services - Burial At Sea Prayers are other eyes watching her coming and other voices ready to take up the glad shout,There she comes! Henry Jackson Van Dyke (18521933) Sea Services http://www.cburial.com/prayers.htm | |
60. Christian Quotation Of The Day Index 11/16/02 Dryden, John (16311700) bio quotes 2/15/97 Dunstan, GR 3/22/99Dürer, Albrecht (1471-1528) 4/6/00 Dyke, Henry Van (1852-1933) bio bio http://www.gospelcom.net/cqod/cqodndac.htm | |
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