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61. BIOGRAPHY OF TOM TAYLOR Taylor, Tom. Taylor, Tom (18171880), English dramatist and editor of Punch,was born at Bishop Wearmouth, near Sunderland, on the 19th of October 1817. http://18.1911encyclopedia.org/T/TA/TAYLOR_TOM.htm | |
62. Tom Taylor @ Catharton Authors Tom Taylor and resources concerning his works. Catharton Authors T Taylor, Tom. Tom Taylor (full name Thomas Proclus Taylor). 1817 1880 http://www.catharton.com/authors/1960.htm | |
63. Taylor, Tom. The American Heritage® Dictionary Of The English Language: Fourth Fourth Edition. 2000. Taylor, Tom. DATES 18171880. British playwrightwhose works include Our American Cousin (1858). The American http://www.bartleby.com/61/71/T0067100.html | |
64. GIGA Quote Author Page For Tom Taylor Taylor, ROWLAND (d http://www.giga-usa.com/gigaweb1/quotes2/quauttaylortomx001.htm | |
65. Theatre Collections-Playbills-New Theatre Royal, Bath TICKETOF-LEAVE MAN author Taylor, Tom, Mr., 1817 - 1880 actor Rignold, William,Mr. actor Fosbrooke, Mr. actor Jones, Marion, Miss actor Hunt, Fanny http://library.ukc.ac.uk/library/special/icons/playbills/baththeatreroyal.htm |
66. GIGA Quote Authors "T" Index Page 1654) Thomas Taylor ( The Platonist ), English scholar and translator (1758 1835)Tom Taylor, English journalist and playwright (1817 - 1880) Ann Taylor and http://www.giga-usa.com/gigaweb1/quotes2/quoautt.htm | |
67. Innovative Library /All Locations Taylor Tim 1920, 2. Taylor Todd H, 1985, 1. Taylor Tom 1817 1880, 1. (PreviousPage) (Next Page) (Extended Display) (Start Over) (Another Search) http://www.iii.com:90/kids/1899,1927/search/aTaylor, Thomas, 1934-/ataylor thoma |
68. TAYLOR, ROWLAND Taylor, Tom (18171880), English dramatist and editor of Punch, was bornat Bishop Wearmouth, near Sunderland, on the 19th of October 1817. http://16.1911encyclopedia.org/T/TA/TAYLOR_ROWLAND.htm | |
69. I21714: Anderson MOORE (ABT 1809 - 1897) _Thomas Scotch Tom NELSON _ 1799) m 1761 _MaryBishop Taylor _+ (1688 Maranda PERKINS (1817 1880) _William MORGAN http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~mysouthernfamily/myff/d0080/g0000043.ht | |
70. The Political Graveyard: Index To Politicians: Henderson See also congressional biography. Henderson, James Wilson (18171880) Born August15, 1817. See also congressional biography. Henderson, Tom Democrat. http://politicalgraveyard.com/bio/henderson.html | |
71. Penn State Libraries' Birket Foster Exhibit Tom Taylor (18171880). Birket Foster's Pictures of English Landscape.London, New York Routledge, 1863. If the work of so slight http://www.libraries.psu.edu/crsweb/speccol/mannexhibit/foster1.htm |
72. Penn State Libraries' Birket Foster Exhibit Tom Taylor (18171880). Birket Foster's Pictures of English Landscape. Engravedby the brothers Dalziel, with pictures in words by Tom Taylor. http://www.libraries.psu.edu/crsweb/speccol/mannexhibit/englishlandscape.htm |
74. The Guide To World Drama Click here to buy a book Click here to buy. Tom Taylor. (1817 1880).Scottish dramatist and editor. Born in Sunderland. PLAYS- (brief http://www.4-wall.com/authors/authors_t/taylor_tom.htm | |
75. Penn Special Collections-Portraits Of Performing Artists 563 Date 1888 Subjects Sothern, Edward Askew, 18261881. Playwright TitleTaylor, Tom, 1817-1880. Our American Cousin. Printer Gebbie Co. http://www.library.upenn.edu/collections/rbm/photos/theater/563.html | |
76. Biblioteca Virtual Beauty And The Beast, And Tales Of Home (.zip 213 Kb). Taylor, Tom (1817+ 1880). Our American Cousin (.zip - 46 Kb). Teasdale, Sara (1884 + 1933). http://www.bibvirt.futuro.usp.br/gutenberg/t.html | |
77. Index To Pettit/Hall Family Pages 1930 ) Joe Tom (1931 - ) Joe Tom (1931 - ) Johann (1860 - 1933) Joseph H. (1817- 1880) Judy Julia Ann Ataway (1861 - 1925) Tammy Taylor (~1847 - ) Tazewell http://tpettit.best.vwh.net/family/pettit/FG_IDX/IDX031.htm | |
78. Ayersville Martin Listing Thomas Martin/1812=1893/1Paulina Foddrill (Saml)/1817=1880/2H. Cordelia to Tom BeanTX John Marshall Brown/1841=1900/Mary Elizabeth Taylor (Geo W)/1841=1916 http://www.campbellsville.edu/jkmartin/list.htm | |
79. My Genealogy Pages Y Z ADAMS Carolann Marie Dingee (1817 1880) Edward Hannah E Suzanna ( 1747 - ) Tamer(1829 - ) Taylor (1773 - 1853 1776 - 1841) Timothy (1688 - ) Tom C. (~1820 http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~lynnbran/WC_IDX/IDX001.htm | |
80. WebGED: Gregory Genealogy Data Page 23 DEC 1924 in Flemington, Taylor Co., WV Mart(*1865 ) spouse Dean, Charles Tom(1889 - ) - m 1812 - 1897) mother Graham, Cynthia(~1817 - 1880) spouse Given http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~gregory/LGREGORY/wga7.html | |
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