G.B. Shaw Collection Index of Correspondents Q-S A-B C-D E-F G-H ... N-P Q-S T-V W-Z Index entries followed by the notation (from Shaw) indicate people to whom Shaw wrote. Box and folder numbers followed by a number in parenthesis indicate the number of items by (or to) that person. The absence of a parenthetical notation indicates there is just one item. So in the example - Jones, Henry Arthur, 1851-192938.10 (35 from Shaw, 1), 40.5 (filed with Magny, Jules), 50.7 (2)
there are thirty-five items from Shaw and one other letter included with these in box 38, folder 10; a letter from Jones filed with letters from Jules Magny in box 40, folder 5; and 2 letters from Jones in Box 50, folder 7. Entries followed by the ± symbol are not from the Hanley Collection. Names in bold appear in the RLIN record. The Queen's Players, Clapton52.9 (2) The Quinlar International Musical Agency52.9 43.6-7 (165 from Shaw), 53.2 (16), 56.4 (88), 67.6 (3) R.W. Limbert and Ad-Visers, Ltd.56.3 Radford, G.H. (George Heynes), Sir, 1851-193756.3 Radhakrishnan, S. Sarvepalli, 1888- 53.1 | |