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Home - Book_Author - Stendhal 1783-1842 |
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81. SWAN /All Libraries AUTHORS are Year Entries Sutainbekku Jon Ansuto 1902 1968 See Steinbeck John1902 1968 1 Sutandaru 1783 1842 See Stendhal 1783 1842 1 Sutangdal 1783 http://swan.sls.lib.il.us:90/kids/0,11,35,38/search/aSutch, Diane./asutch diane/ | |
82. SWAN /All Libraries 1921 1998 1 Roubickova Eva Mandlova 1921 Diaries 1998 1 Rouen France Musee Des BeauxArts Exhibitions 1981 1 Rouge Et Le Noir Stendhal 1783 1842 4 Rouge Et Le http://swan.sls.lib.il.us:90/kids/0,1913,1941/search/dRound dancing./dround danc | |
83. Stendhal Stendhal (17831842). A romantikát és a realizmust nem lehet éleshatárvonallal elválasztani egymástól. Természetesen vannak http://www.hmg.hu/irok/real/stendhal.htm | |
84. Stendhal The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. | |
85. NYRB Classics: The Life Of Henry Brulard Stendhal (17831842), the pen name of Henri Marie Beyle, was borninto a prosperous family in Grenoble. At sixteen he set out http://www.nybooks.com/shop/product?product_id=400 |
86. NYRB: Stendhal Stendhal. Stendhal (17831842), the pen name of Henri Marie Beyle,was born into a prosperous family in Grenoble. At sixteen he http://www.nybooks.com/nyrb/authors/8082 | |
87. Zoom Sur Un Auteur De Bibliothæca Idealis Translate this page Stendhal. § Stendhal (1783 - 1842) est classé n° 11 au palmarèsdes auteurs. § Il est l'auteur entre autres de - Le rouge http://www.biblio-idealis.com/palmpopauteur.php3?ecrivain=Stendhal&rang=11 |
88. Gene@Star - Famous Genealogy . Stendhal né Henri BEYLE ( 1783 1842 ) French novelist and essayist,who ranks among the great masters of the French analytical novel. http://www.geneastar.net/en/bio.php3?choix=sthendal |
89. Realism And Revolution (in MARION) Realism and revolution. Title Realism and revolution Balzac, Stendhal, Zola,and the performances of history / Sandy Petrey. Author Petrey, Sandy. http://vax.vmi.edu/MARION/AAI-7733 |
90. Untitled Document Translate this page Biographie de Stendhal (1783 - 1842) retour menu fiches. En savoirplus avec. 1783, Naissance de Henri Beyle, le 23 janvier, rue des http://www.voltaireonline.org/alalettre/stend1.htm | |
91. ¹®Çб³½Ç The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.france.co.kr/literature/stendhal.htm | |
92. Bibliotheca Augustana Translate this page 1768 - 1848) Jean Charles Léonard Simonde de Sismondi (1773 - 1842) Pierre JeanBéranger (1780 - 1857) Stendhal (1783 - 1842) Marceline Desbordes-Valmore http://www.fh-augsburg.de/~harsch/gallica/Chronologie/f_saec19.html | |
93. BEYLE, MARIE HENRI (STENDHAL) BEYLE, MARIE HENRI (Stendhal). (17831842), better known by his nom de plume ofStendhal, French author, was born at Grenoble on. the 23rd of January 1783. http://29.1911encyclopedia.org/B/BE/BEYLE_MARIE_HENRI_STENDHAL_.htm | |
94. Stendhal . LIBROS EN RED - LibrosEnRed - Libros Digitales Gratis - Editorial - A Translate this page 100.000 LIBROS EN PAPEL! Stendhal. 1783 - 1842. Nacionalidad francesa.Stendhal (el seudónimo de Henri Beyle) fue, además de escritor http://www.librosenred.com/stendhal.asp | |
95. Innovative Library /All Locations Bombaugh Ruth, c1990. 1. Bombeck Erma, 28. Bombet LAC 1783 1842 see Stendhal1783 1842, 1. Bommarito Barbara, 1965, 1. Bommarito James W 1922, 1971, 1. http://www.iii.com:90/kids/1899,1953,2002/search/aBombeck, Erma/abombeck erma/-5 |
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