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Spence Catherine Helen: more detail | |||||
61. Society History By Zegion Oceania Australia Polish Yellow Pages - Polska - Polan Holdfast Catherine Helen Spence 1825 1910- Profile of the SouthAustralian writer, teacher, and social and political reformer. http://www.yellowpages.pl/ca/48928/Society/History/By_Region/Oceania/Australia/ | |
62. The GURLz Gazette - Aussie Lingo! By Tracey Grundler In South Australia, Catherine Helen Spence 1825 1910, an active feminist, writerand public speaker worked with this group to gain the vote for all women http://www.bghappy.com/gurlzgazette/aus3.html | |
63. Pavilion Cemetery Or Oatka Valley George, 18341903. Catherine (McIntyre), w/o George, 1832-1910. Phebe A. (Dutton),w/o _, d. Jul 1856, on Simeon Dutton lot. Helen C., 1892-19. Spence. http://www.rootsweb.com/~nygenese/oatkacem.htm | |
64. Names Index Page Translate this page Marie (-23 NOV 1708) Chenard, Helen D. Chenard 1600 - 1620-) Chevalier, Catherine(10 MAR 1712/13 Cichonski, Zenon Cieckiewicz, Jeannette Eleanor Spence (12 JAN http://www.mayrand.org/HTML/names5.html |
65. Blind Citizens News, February 2001 Catherine Helen Spence (1825 1910) was a journalist, social reformerand novelist, and a prominent supporter of electoral reform. http://www.bca.org.au/news0102.htm | |
66. INDEX Spence. 18851978) Beverly Denise (1967- ) Carol (1927- ) Caroline (Carrie) S. (1869-) Catherine Elizabeth (1910 Belinda (Melinda) F. (1818-1890) Helen J. (1858 http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~colby/colbyfam/fowndx20.html | |
67. OPAC - Brief Display 1 To 2 Sort Set Refine Set Search Menu Spence, Catherine Helen, 18251910Your search found 2 records. Below are records 1 to 2. Click http://arnie.ahc.sa.gov.au/cgi-bin/spydus.exe/NAV/OPAC/COMB/8032/14236,02701,1 | |
68. Www.emaildc.com Holdfast Catherine Helen Spence 1825 1910 - Profile of the SouthAustralian writer, teacher, and social and political reformer. http://www.emaildc.com/Directory/Society/History/By_Region/Oceania/Australia/ | |
69. Allzone Society/History/By Region/Oceania/Australia Holdfast Catherine Helen Spence 1825 1910 Profile of the SouthAustralian writer, teacher, and social and political reformer. http://dir.allzone.com/Society/History/By_Region/Oceania/Australia/ |
70. Bankovky Na rubu výrocní petidolarovky (?federation note) vidíme paníCatherine Helen Spence (18251910). Byla velkou bojovnicí http://www.geocities.com/klokanov/html/bankovky.htm | |
71. Histoire Pensée Géographique Nikolai Nikolaevich MiklouhoMaclay 1846-1888, page 132 JM Powell. CatherineHelen Spence 1825-1910, page 141 Sarah Lumley. Christiaan http://www.univ-pau.fr/RECHERCHE/UGIHG/Reunions/geobiovol22.htm | |
72. Project Gutenberg Souvestre, Emile, 18061854. Speke, John Hanning, 1827-1864. Spence, CatherineHelen, 1825-1910. Spinoza, Benedictus de, 1632-1677. Spooner, Lysander. http://www.surfsteve.com/gutenberg/authors.htm | |
73. Colfax County, NE - Schuyler Cemetery (2) 67 yr 3 mo 24 days John L Cushman Helen A Cushman Mar 1924 25 Mar 1840 22 Oct 1915Catherine Montgomery Margaret 1952 Clinton M, son MW AA Spence Lawrance W http://www.rootsweb.com/~necolfax/c_schuyler2.html | |
74. S DATA004 GREENFIELD Marian C. 1918 PINDER Helen A. 1920 A. 1858 CROSS Eliza CatherineFOSTER Frances SHOUTEN Peter SILVER Madeline Spence Margaret STAUNTON http://www.ogs.on.ca/ogspi/162/e162s004.htm | |
75. S DATA005 MILNE Peter MORRISON Mary Ann Spence Isabella STEPHEN LINDSAY Lillie 18661924 MALEKHelen Mercedes 1881 MALEK Marcyan (Martin) McCORMICK Catherine Bella NOSKEY http://www.ogs.on.ca/ogspi/162/e162s005.htm | |
76. ? The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.moon.sphere.ne.jp/uemura/010408.htm |
77. ?s?I?[?X?g?A?FAustralia?t The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://plaza19.mbn.or.jp/~h_satoh/ausa5.html | |
78. Î÷²ØÌâ²Ä¼ÍÄî±Ò±»¿´ºÃ The summary for this Chinese (Simplified) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.ccin.net.cn/page/2001-10-15/2335-2.htm | |
79. Uptopup The summary for this Chinese (Simplified) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.uptopup.com/A1/A1-1219.htm | |
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