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61. Documenting The American South: Title Index 62, ii p. Colonel Carter of Cartersville Smith, Francis Hopkinson, 18381915 Boston;New York Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Cambridge Mass. Riverside Press http://metalab.unc.edu/docsouth/titles.html | |
62. Maryland Historical Society Library: Guide To The Manuscript Collections, Part S Smith, Francis Hopkinson, PAPERS, MS. 2078 Author, artist, and engineer (18381915)papers that he had prepared; a title for one of his works; the origin of http://www.mdhs.org/library/Mss/pedleyS.html | |
63. Www.2000english.com/information/Contents.txt W. Gilmore (18061870) The Life of Francis Marion Sismondi, JCL ÙÂÛ¡· Wealthof Nations ¡¶¹ú¸»ÂÛ¡· Smith, F. Hopkinson (1838-1915) The Fortunes http://www.2000english.com/information/Contents.txt |
64. Records For The Arm-chair At The Inn, By F. Hopkinson Smith. (in The armchair at the inn, by F. Hopkinson Smith. Record 1 of 1. Smith,Francis Hopkinson, 1838-1915. The arm-chair at the inn, by http://einsys.einpgh.org:8888/MARION/ ARM/aa5b00005000/0 |
65. Records International April 1999 Catalogue Hopkinson Smith (lute), Chiara Banchini, David Plantier (violins HEINRICH SCHULZBEUTHEN(1838-1915) Der Waisenknabe The Land of Mists, Francis POULENC (1899 http://www.recordsinternational.com/RICatalogApr99.html | |
66. Francis Smith - Artist Biography, Image Of Painting, Portrait, of Francis Hopkinson Smith Francis Hopkinson Smith is Often Known For 1838 1915. NY (Strongest affiliation) http://www.askart.com/artist/S/francis_hopkinson_smith.asp |
67. George Wharton Edwards Artworks And Fine Art At Arthistorynet.com The Century for April, 1895 Illustrated by American, 18691950 Illustrated byFrancis Hopkinson Smith, American, 1838-1915 Author. Related Sites (1). http://wwar.com/masters/e/edwards-george_wharton.html | |
68. Francis Hopkinson Smith Translate this page Francis Hopkinson Smith (1838 - 1915) Engenheiro civil americano, artistae novelista nascido em Baltimore, Md, que escreveu livros http://www.sobiografias.hpg.ig.com.br/FranciHo.htm | |
69. Mid-Hudson Library System /ALL Escreet 1919 1 Smith F Graham Francis Graham 1923 1971 1 Smith F Hopkinson FrancisHopkinson 1838 1915 See Smith Francis Hopkinson 1838 1915 1 Smith FJ http://gigcat.midhudson.org:90/kids/1899,1901/search/a?Smith family |
70. GIGA Biographical List Of Names (SM - SNZ) poet and writer (1806 1893) - READ QUOTES BUY A BOOK Francis Hopkinson Smith,American author, painter and engineer (1838 - 1915) - CHECK READING LIST http://www.giga-usa.com/gigaweb1/quotes2/qubiosm.htm | |
71. Index-Chronological Anthony Bleecker (17701827) Joseph Hopkinson (1770-1842 Turner (1826-1868) EdwardDelafield Smith (1826-1878 Lucas (1836-1909) Charles Francis Donnelly (1836 http://www.wvu.edu/~lawfac/jelkins/lp-2001/intro/index_master.html | |
72. Index-Alphabetical 1887) Francis Hopkinson (17371791) Joseph Hopkinson (1770-1842 Edward Coote Pinkney(1802-1828) Francis TP Plimpton 1845-1900) Edward Delafield Smith (1826-1878 http://www.wvu.edu/~lawfac/jelkins/lp-2001/intro/index_alpha.html | |
73. Ce_top.gif Francis Hopkinson Smith 1838 1915 The Garden at the Inn of Williamthe Conqueror ca. 1905 watercolor and gouache on paper 17 x http://www.vancejordanfineart.com/ci/smith.htm | |
74. Biblioteca Virtual Kb). Smith, F. Hopkinson (Francis Hopkinson), (1838 + 1915). Tom Grogan(.zip 90 Kb). Smith, Francis Hopkinson (1838 + 1915). The http://www.bibvirt.futuro.usp.br/gutenberg/s.html |
75. EBooks (e-Books, EBook): Digital Book Index: Search By Author Smith, Francis Hopkinson, Colonel Carter of Cartersville illus., 1891, Html,n/c, DocAmSout. Smith, Francis Hopkinson, Tom Grogan, 1896, TxtG, n/c, GutenbergUS. http://www.digitalbookindex.com/_search/search002a.asp?AUTHOR=Smith, Fran |
76. The American Art Journal: Past Contents By Artist As Subject 19, no. 2; 1987) Smith, Francis Hopkinson Madormo, Nick Francis Hopkinson Smith(18381915) His Drawings of the White Mountains and Venice (vol. http://www.kgny.com/aaj/artists.html | |
77. The American Art Journal: Past Contents By Author 21, no. 2; 1989) Madormo, Nick Francis Hopkinson Smith (18381915)His Drawings of the White Mountains and Venice (vol. 17, no. http://www.kgny.com/aaj/authors.html | |
78. Smith, Francis Francis Hopkinson Smith 1838 1915 Francis Hopkinson Smith, a noted engineer,artist and writer, was born in Baltimore, Maryland, on October 23, 1838, the http://www.michaels.com/art/artprints/artistBio?artistid=2477 |
79. Birth And Death Dates Of Authors 1940) PARKES, Henry (1815 1896) PARKMAN, Francis (Jr) (1823 - 1893 1790) Smith,Charlotte (1749 - 1806) Smith, F. Hopkinson (1838 - 1915) Smith, George (1833 http://gutenberg.net.au/birthdeath.html | |
80. Spencer Inventory Reprint Seen Call Number QL377.H9B2 1743. Baker, John Hopkinson 1894. Barton,Benjamin Smith 17661815. London Printed by Taylor and Francis 1883.. http://www.minneapolis-athenaeum.org/collections/inventory/spencer.php | |
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