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81. Bright Sparcs Repository Browse List - N Frank Maryl, Archaeologist Sharp, George, Ornithologist Explorer Sutherland, George(1855 1905), Inventor and Journalist Sutherland, William (1859 - 1911 http://www.asap.unimelb.edu.au/bsparcs/bs_brn_repository.htm | |
82. Bright Sparcs Browse List - S Bruce (1925 ), Biologist; Sharp, George, Ornithologist Sutherland, George (1855- 1905), Inventor and Journalist; Sutherland, William (1859 - 1911), Physicist http://www.asap.unimelb.edu.au/bsparcs/bs_brs.htm | |
83. Entertainment Family Zone Reference In more . Sharp, William (Encyclopedia) Sharp, William, pseud. FionaMacleod , 1855 1905 , Scottish poet and man of more . http://rhyme.lycos.com/r/rd.cgi?c=enc&url=shrewdly |
84. Higbee Cemetery, Deerfield Township, Mecosta County, MI Ross Sharp 1908 1928 son, Flossie Sharp / Frazee 1888 William Spencer 1902 - 1930,Donald Stout 1905 - 1934, 1853 unreadable, Mary S. Strong 1855 - 1905 wife of http://www.camps-computer.com/Michigan/Cemeteries/Deerfield/Higbee/HigbeeS.htm | |
85. The Mediadrome - Words - Poems Of The Week: Hunting little odd. William Sharp (1855 1905) was born in Paisley, Scotland,on 12th September 1855 and left when aged 12 years. Celt in http://www.themediadrome.com/content/articles/words_articles/poems_hunting.htm | |
86. Teoma Search: Fiona Macleod fiona_litter1 More results from www.kinrossfolds.com xrefer Sharp,William ('Fiona Macleod') (1855 - 1905) adjacent entries. http://s.teoma.com/search?q=Fiona Macleod |
87. RICHBURG CEMETERY BALLARD, Frank W. . 1855, 1905, . Os, TS. DANIELS, William H. . 1851, 1929, . . NYCav. Ns, TS. GREENE, Kenneth Atheo, Myrtle I. Sharp, May 8, 1908, June 9, 1991,. . http://www.paintedhills.org/ALLEGANY/RichburgA-J.html | |
88. Biblioteca Virtual Sharp, William (1855 + 1905). Life Of Robert Browning(.zip 162 Kb).Shaw, Anna Howard (1847 + 1919). The Story of a Pioneer(.zip - 210 Kb). http://www.bibvirt.futuro.usp.br/gutenberg/s.html |
89. I795: Calista Frances CASTEEL (14 Aug 1869 - 30 Oct 1929) Shawn Brandon Sharp. m 1872 _Rebecca Ellen CASTEEL _ (1894 . m 1914 _MaryPOWELL _+ (1855 - 1905) m 1872 219 Carman and William had 9 http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~rchristo/d0002/g0000001.html | |
90. Shoemaker In-laws & Outlaws SELSER, Elizabeth. Sharp, Alford. Donald. Patricia. Julia Ann (18451904). SarahJennie (1850- ). William (1847-1869). SHEPARD, Frances (about 1760- ). SHERMAN, http://shoemaker.20m.com/Names2.htm | |
91. Macleod Fiona Macleod (William Sharp) 1855 1905. The Valley of Silence. Inthe secret Valley of Silence No breath doth fall; No wind stirs http://www.goodwords.cwc.net/yesterdays/macleod.html | |
92. Maniace Translate this page normanno. Nel cimitero del paese è sepolto il noto poeta WilliamSharp (1855-1905), sentito esponente del romanticismo inglese. http://sicilia.indettaglio.it/ita/comuni/ct/maniace/maniace.html | |
93. Joseph And Elizabeth R. Pennell Papers, Index Of Correspondents http://www.hrc.utexas.edu/research/fa/pennell.corr.html | |
94. U. Of Western Ontario /All Locations Sung in English. Libretto for 1st work by Fiona Macleod (ie WilliamSharp) ; librettos for remaining works by the composer. 1st http://alpha.lib.uwo.ca:5701/search/aBBC Concert Orchestra./abbc concert orchest | |
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