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81. Notice Complète - DRA Web2 Translate this page Notice précédente Notice suivante, Titre The chief ressource électronique Ernest Thompson Seton and the changing West / by H. Allen Anderson. http://arianeweb.ulaval.ca/web2/tramp2.exe/do_ccl_search/guest&SETTING_KEY=Frenc | |
82. Urban Neighbors This drawing of Raccoon poses details exemplifies one aspect of the many talentsof Ernest Thompson Seton (18601946), one of the bestknown and most http://urbanneighbors.nypl.org/street/ref3.html | |
83. Oliver from the famous Earnest Thompson Seton (1860 1946), historian, artist museum dedicatedto Thompson Seaton, putting the spirit of Ernest Thompson Seaton this http://www.albertabirds.com/wildwest/oliver.htm | |
84. 210ú`220ú /Copernicus,Nicolaus, 1473, 1543/5/24. /Seton Ernest Thompson, 1860, 1946/10/23. , 1867, 1930/10/30. http://www.syba.co.jp/YESON/birthday30.html | |
85. Biography.com Seton, Elizabeth Ann (Bayley), 1774 1821. Seton, Ernest Thompson, 1860 1946. Seton, St Elizabeth Ann, 1774 1821. Setton, Kenneth M. 1914 . http://search.biography.com/bio_browse.pl?letter=S&num=550 |
86. Mid-Hudson Library System /ALL 1879 1951 see Seton Watson RW Robert William 1879 1951 1 Seton Williams MV1988 1 Seton Wolf 1860 1946 see Seton Ernest Thompson 1860 1946 1 Setoun http://gigcat.midhudson.org:90/kids/1899,1927/search/aSettle, Mary Lee./asettle | |
87. Joensuun Kaupunginkirjasto - Valikoimaluettelot WSOY, 2001 Pyhimyksen hauta. WSOY, 1999. Seton, Ernest Thompson 1860 1946 Eläintarinoita; Poika- ja luontokirjoja. SHIELDS, Carol s. 1935 Kivipäiväkirjat. http://www.jns.fi/palvelut/kirjasto/VKanada.htm | |
88. Encyclopædia Britannica He led the Cree with the advantage of understanding Sioux Seton,Ernest Thompson (18601946). The US naturalist, writer, and http://www.britannica.com/search?query=manitoba&fuzzy=N&ct=ebi&start=6&show=10 |
89. May 8, 2002 - The Sackville Tribune-Post -- Columns In the same vein, Carberry can lay claim to artist, naturalist and author ErnestThompson Seton (18601946), who homesteaded there in the late 19th century. http://www.tantramar.com/trib/2002/05/08/columns.html | |
90. Innovative Library /All Locations Thompson Ernest 1949, 2. Thompson Ernest Evan 1860 1946 see SetonErnest Thompson 1860 1946, 1. Thompson Esther Katherine, 1941, 1. http://www.iii.com:90/kids/1899,2126/search/aThompson, Francesca Morosani/athomp |
91. LISWA Online Catalogue /All Locations Mark Nearby AUTHORS are Year Entries Seth Vikram 1952 2 Seton Ernest Thompson1860 1946 1990 1 Settel Joanne 2 Setyawan Dwianto 1983 1 Seuling Barbara 4 http://henrietta.liswa.wa.gov.au:90/kids/581,609/search/aSeuss, Dr./aseuss dr/-5 | |
92. Innovative Library /All Locations 1. Thompson William Robert 1924, 1978, 1. Thompson Wolf 1860 1946 see SetonErnest Thompson 1860 1946, 1. Thomsen Moritz, 1969, 1. Thomsen Robert, 1975,1. http://www.iii.com:90/kids/1899,2126/search/aThomsen, Robert/athomsen robert/-5, |
93. Chapter 4 http://www.cwrl.utexas.edu/~schacht/309k/deloria/ch4/ | |
94. àR«Ì|óÓ¯ The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.jscl.internet.ne.jp/jscl/record/regular/regular_31.html | |
95. ÑÅÒÎÍ, ÝÐÍÅÑÒ ÒÎÌÏÑÎÍ The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.krugosvet.ru/articles/38/1003839/1003839a1.htm | |
96. ? - ? VOL.19 The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.melma.com/mag/90/m00034490/a00000021.html | |
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