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61. Www.attrition.org/~jericho/works/security/book_review.time_based_security 0672313413.RVW 990305 Time Based Security , Winn Schwartau, 1998, 0672-31341-3,U$49.99/C$70.95/UK 46.95 %A Schwartau, Winn %C n/a %D 1999 %E n/a %G 0-9628700 http://www.attrition.org/~jericho/works/security/book_review.time_based_security |
62. Security Scene Errata Author Winn Schwartau provides the latest security tips and insights, as wellas news from Network World Fusion (http//www.nwfusion.com), the most http://www.attrition.org/errata/www/winn.003.html | |
63. Photo Downloads computer. Winn Schwartau 1 (upper body)(131k); Winn Schwartau 2 (headshot)(21k); Winn Schwartau 3 (full shot with Background)(1039k); http://www.nicekids.net/press/photos/ | |
64. Author Winn Schwartau Author. Winn Schwartau Author of Internet Computer Ethics forKids . Other Writings by Winn Schwartau. Books Pearl Harbor Dot Com (2001). http://www.nicekids.net/about/staff/ | |
65. Availability.com, Your Business Continuity Resource: Layers - Security 08/2001, How to Break Into a Network with Only Three Keystrokes Winn Schwartau.08/2001, The Worm Turns Howard Millman. Part 2 Winn Schwartau. http://www.availability.com/elements/information_technology/security.cfm?mode=ex |
66. DisLEXia - Pearl Harbor Dot Com, By Winn Schwartau (2002-03-25) Monday, 25. March 2002. Pearl Harbor Dot Com, by Winn Schwartau. PearlHarbor Dot Com A novel by Winn Schwartau Interpact Press Seminole http://md.hudora.de/blog/guids/61/53/620020325003615906.html | |
67. English Books > Computer > Internet - Security Hackers, Phreakers, Identity Thieves, Internet Terrorists And Weapons Of MassDisruption Schwartau, Winn Paperback ISBN 156025307X Cybershock Surviving http://book.netstoreusa.com/index/bkbco640.shtml | |
68. Interpact Security Awareness And Information Security Services Founded by Winn Schwartau, one of the leading Information Security professionalsin the United States, Interpact offers a range of information security http://www.misti.com/01/interiw02lg01.html |
69. ETEXT.TEXTFILES.COM: MODERN Joly (1990). tc_read.me, 13867, Terminal Comprimise by Winn Schwartau The World's First NovelOn-The-Net Shareware . termc10.txt, 1359114, http://www.textfiles.com/etext/MODERN/ | |
70. DEF CON III Archives Winn Schwartau Information Warfare, the year in review. Winn Schwartau is one ofthe country's leading experts on information security and electronic privacy. http://www.defcon.org/html/defcon-3/defcon-3.html | |
71. COSC 511 Schedule And Readings Winn Schwartau, Ch. 2, Computers Everywhere and the Global Network, pp. 7186. 8-14.Winn Schwartau, Prologue to the Second Edition, pp. 16-22. http://www.cs.georgetown.edu/~denning/cosc511/spring97/schedule.html | |
72. [FW1] Off Topic - Time-based Security From Winn Schwartau FW1 Off topic Time-based security from Winn Schwartau. I just started reading Time based security by Winn Schwartau. He has some interesting ideas. http://www.shmoo.com/mail/fw1/dec98/msg00264.html | |
73. Philosophy Of A Computer Hacker Needham Heights, MA Allyn Bacon, 1999. 122123. Schwartau, Winn. The HappyHacker. http//www.happyhacker.org . Talkback Central Comments. Lewke. http://www.llp.armstrong.edu/thomas/p3.html | |
74. Wired News: Teaching Kids About Hacking ignorance is an excuse used by too many parents and teachers in their failure toteach kids cyberethics, computer security consultant Winn Schwartau says. http://www.wired.com/news/culture/0,1284,42923,00.html | |
75. Wired 4.08: Information Warrior Winn Schwartau With the nation's wealth embedded in our electronicinfrastructure, we need to be ready to fight cyberwars. http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/4.08/schwartau.html?topic=privacy&topic_set=n |
76. Pathogen Security : News : New Book Leading Security Advice New Winn Schwartau Book The only shockingelement to Winn Schwartau's newest book, Cybershock Surviving http://www.pathogen.org.uk/news/winnbook.html | |
77. Works Cited (25) Winn Schwartau, Citibank Hacker Awaiting Trial in New York, InfoWar,http//www.infowar.com/class_2/class2_092397a.htmlssi. Schwartau, Winn. http://www.duke.edu/~kjw2/academic/banking/works.htm | |
78. Washingtonpost.com: Live Online Leslie Walker's .com Live Discussion with Winn Schwartau, author of Cybershock 1 pm EDT Thursday, May 11, 2000, Winn Schwartau The networks are bigger. http://discuss.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/zforum/00/walker0511.htm | |
79. New Page 1 27. Schwartau, Winn. Information Warfare Cyberterrorism Protecting Your PersonalSecurity in the Electronic Age, 2nd edition. 29. Schwartau, Winn. http://www.lib.iup.edu/comscisec/Macf.htm | |
80. Hacking Cyberwars Espionage on the Internet; Guisnel, Jean / Schwartau, Winn PlenumPublishing; 10/1997; Softcover; $21.55 (20% off list); 295 pages; http://kbbooks.hypermart.net/books/online_internet/hacking/hacking.htm | |
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