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41. Literature On The Web - R Robinson, Edwin Arlington 18691935. Roethke, Theodore 1908-1963Author information only. Rohmer, Sax 1883-1959. Rolfe, Edwin http://www.nku.edu/~gregoryj/lit/r/r.htm | |
42. Literature On The Web - Rohmer Home. Literature on the Web. Sax Rohmer. 18831959. Last updated on December 5,2002. Texts. For more information about the author or his work, click here. Books. http://www.nku.edu/~gregoryj/lit/r/rohmers.htm | |
43. Ghost Finders & Co.:John Silence-Denis Smith Translate this page maschera di Fu Manchu). L'autore Sax Rohmer (1883-1959) è lo pseudonimodi Arthur Ward, nato a Birmingham. E' diventato famoso per http://www.gianfrancomanfredi.com/sism.html | |
44. WebGuest - Open Directory : Arts : Literature : Authors : R : Rohmer, Sax Sax Rohmer (18831959) - Profile, works, e-texts, background. Lastupdate 655 PT, Friday, April 19, 2002 Help build the largest http://directory.webguest.com/index.cgi/Arts/Literature/Authors/R/Rohmer,_Sax/ | |
45. Book People: Additions To The IPL Online Texts Collection 05-17-01 Pt 3/3 http//digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=3464 Dewey Subjects 813.085American and Canadian Love and Romance Fiction Rohmer, Sax, 18831959. http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/bplist/archive/2001/2001-05-21$3.html | |
46. Book People: Additions To The IPL Online Texts Collection 1-13-03 upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=5970 Dewey Subjects 813.083 American and CanadianSociological, Psychological, Realistic Fiction Rohmer, Sax, 18831959. http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/bplist/archive/2003/2003-01-13,1.html | |
47. Would That It Were of such famous writers as Talbot Mundy (Wm Gribbon 18791940), Edgar Wallace (1875-1932),A. Merritt (1884-1943) and Sax Rohmer (Arthur Henry Ward 1883-1959). http://www.wouldthatitwere.com/janmar2002/articles.html | |
49. Kosminen Colosseum #0 98) on kunniateko Sax Rohmerin (18831959) kirjoittamille seikkailukirjoille viheriäisinäleimuavat silmänsä Sax Rohmeriin loistava' herra Rohmer, mutta nyt http://koti.mbnet.fi/pasenka/kirjallisuus/k-colos00.htm | |
50. Index Translate this page Gutenberg Ward, Artemus, 1834-1867 AKA Browne, Charles Farrar, 1834-1867 GutenbergWard, Arthur Sarsfield, 1883-1959 AKA Rohmer, Sax, 1883-1959 Gutenberg Ward http://www.elbooks.sk/angautW.html | |
51. Index Translate this page Roe, Edward Payson, 1838-1888 Gutenberg Roget, Peter Mark, 1779-1869 Gutenberg Rohmer,Sax, 1883-1959 AKA Ward, Arthur Sarsfield, 1883-1959 Gutenberg Rohner http://www.elbooks.sk/angautR.html | |
52. Authors V-Z Sir, 18371924 Ward, Artemus, 1834-1867 AKA Browne, Charles Farrar, 1834-1867 Ward,Arthur Sarsfield, 1883-1959 AKA Rohmer, Sax, 1883-1959 Ward, Elizabeth http://www.worldwide-library.co.uk/Authors/v-z.htm | |
53. Second Quarter Like Moriarty, a literary villain, the creation of a Birmingham born journalist andof Irish parentage Sax Rohmer (1883-1959) - who claimed to have found the http://www.dreamwater.net/davequayle/Names E to K.htm | |
54. HL 1871 Roberts, Morley, 18571942 Robinson, Edwin Arlington, 1869-1935 Roe, EdwardPayson, 1838-1888 Roget, Peter Mark, 1779-1869 Rohmer, Sax, 1883-1959 AKA Ward http://digilander.libero.it/lazzi/cur.html | |
55. Shadowplay Pagan And Magick Webzine - HERMETIC HORRORS Sax Rohmer (18831959). Mike Ashley mentions in Whos Who in Horror and FantasyFiction that Rohmer became a member of the Order of the Golden Dawn . http://www.shadowplayzine.com/Articles/hermetic_horrors.htm | |
56. Gopher.quux.org70/Archives/gutenberg/authors.txt Agnes Mary Frances), 18571944 Robinson, Edwin Arlington, 1869-1935 Roe, Edward Payson,1838-1888 Roget, Peter Mark, 1779-1869 Rohmer, Sax, 1883-1959 AKA Ward http://gopher.quux.org:70/Archives/gutenberg/authors.txt |
57. Literature/Authors/R/Rohmer, Sax - Fractured Atlas Links Directory Sax Rohmer (18831959) Profile, works, e-texts, background. ADVERTISEMENTHelp build the largest human-edited directory on the web. http://www.fracturedatlas.org/site/links/Literature/Authors/R/Rohmer__Sax/ | |
58. Sax Rohmer Sax Rohmer 18831959 Pseudonym for Arthur Henry Ward. He was born in Birminghambut shortly after his birth, his parents moved to London. http://www.casema.net/~nvembden/Engels/rohmer.htm |
59. Records For Celts -- Great Britain -- Jewelry. (in MARION) Romantic suspense fiction 1935. Record 1 of 1. Rohmer, Sax, 18831959.The bat flies low / by Sax Rohmer. Garden City, NY PF Collier, c1935. http://js-catalog.cpl.org:60100/MARION/@ROMANTIC SUSPENSE FICTION/bf5071002000/0 | |
60. Author Pseudonyms Leach Charles Grant Blairfindie Allen Ward, Artemus Charles Farrar Browne Ward, Arthur(Henry) Sarsfield (18831959) Michael Furey, Sax Rohmer Ward, Charles http://www.trussel.com/books/pseud_w.htm | |
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