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Robinson A Mary F: more books (31) | ||
41. Bethel See Lorena Bailey Son of William Susan (Robinson) Curless 161886 03-24-1887Daughter of James Mary Honard MILLER, Henry F. 1817 1867 07-03-1817 04-20-1867 http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~richlandwi/Bethel/Bethel.html | |
42. INDEX (17891858) Thomas Robinson Jr. (1691-1741) Mary ( - ) Warrington. Waters. George(1846-1873) George ( - ) Unknown ( - ) William C. ( - ) William F. (1853- ) http://www.espl.org/mearscol/pagendxj/joynes/fowndx.htm | |
43. Ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/id/canyon/cemeteries/parmalr.txt 6 1948 ROBINS Dee Anne 11May-52 23-May-52 Incank ROBINS Donald F. 1918 1994 ROBINSJudy Darlene 1947 Infant ROBINS Mary Ellen 2/16/1925 Robinson Elie M http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/id/canyon/cemeteries/parmalr.txt |
44. Ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/id/canyon/cemeteries/mtcalkr.txt A. 1979 1936 PAPE REGINA 1890 1978 PASCAA F. None Oct. 18, 1987 RAMIREZ Larry I. 1928RAMIREZ Mary Ann 1929 Linda 1974 1974 ROBERTO Luna 1964 Robinson FRANCES A http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/id/canyon/cemeteries/mtcalkr.txt |
45. Blair And Lee Family Papers Mary L. Squires. 9. and ACS, 1879, by Ellen A. Lee; and ALS, 1871, by John F. Lee. ALSby Frances Lee Robinson; 3 ALsS, 18941905; and telegram by Alexander Galt http://libweb.princeton.edu/libraries/firestone/rbsc/aids/blairlee/blairlee14.ht | |
46. John Haun Family Translate this page Haun (1880 - 1961) ½ ½ ½ ½ ëRosella Pearl Robinson (1885 - 1968 Moody (1856 -1926) ½ ½ î4 Sarah F. Moody (1862 King (1879 - dec.) ½ î3 Mary Ann King http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~stevew/haun.htm | |
47. WebGED: Parker Family Data Page 1875 child Miller, Harry F. (1886 - ) -child 1978) childZemp, William Robinson Jr._Robin 1872 - ) spouse Adkins, Mary Ann (1876 http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~twparker/Javatree/wga116.html | |
48. INDEX 18571948) Marvin Thomas (1903- ) Mary (1855- ) Mary (1856- ) Mary A. (1867-1886)Mary Adaline (1859-1859) Mary F. (1840- ) Mary Mrs. Mary E. ( -1887) Robinson. http://home.mchsi.com/~spbarber/wsb/html/BARBER/fowndx.htm | |
50. MONTEFIORE Families And Relatives MONTEFIORE (1887 1917) Victoria Violet F. MONTEFIORE (1853 1865) Justina Lydia GOMPERTZ(1811 - 1883) Mary GREENLAND Carlton Robinson GREGORY Ivy A http://www.apex.net.au/~tmj/montefiore.htm | |
51. Archives Of The Gray Herbarium Plant lists box I and BL Robinson inventory (folders 10, 11 Popowsky, Mary, Pennell,Francis Whittier, SH 3, Folder 4 Potter, William F., Mrs. nd, 1, 1 letter re sale http://www.huh.harvard.edu/libraries/sp.htm | |
52. Eponyms F ~. Top. Heath Robinson, William Heath Robinson (18721944), English artist.hector, Hector, Greek legendary character. marigold, Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus. http://users.tinyonline.co.uk/gswithenbank/eponyms.htm | |
53. Family Units, Immigrant Ancestor Unknown - Part I: #35-62 Mary S., (1853);; Charity, (1855-); and,; Jane, (1870 George F., (Pennsylvania 1865-),may have mard several 3rd Edith Robson, and 4th Agnes Iola Robinson;. http://www.aros.net/~drwaff/huls/famunit/fu2.htm | |
54. Zion U. M. Church Cemetery Page 05/1910 07/29/1961; Jones, Anna M. 1857 - 1944; Jones, Briana 09/10/1909 - 05/01/1946;Quinton, Noah F. s/o Helen S. 02/06/1896 - 03/11/1975; Robinson, Mary E. 03 http://www.shoreweb.com/cindy/zion.htm | |
55. MAPLEGROVE CEMETERY Son of Robinson, TS. Robinson, Sarah, . . Son of SCHULTZ, TS. SCHULTZ, John F. .1853, 1908, . Son of SCHULTZ, TS. Son of SEAMON, TS. SEAMON, Mary, . 1841, 1911,. . TS. http://www.paintedhills.org/CATTARAUGUS/MaplegroveM-Z.html | |
56. Luzerne Co PA ME Black Creek Cemetery. 1883 1949. Robinson Sallie. 1883 1949. COLE Robert C. 1871 1959 nee ANDREAS. TURNBAUGHOscar F 1863 1940. s/o Stephen Mary A (NAUSE). ZEHNER Harriet M 1905 1970. http://www.stonecabin.com/bensinger/rest/bcmeth.html | |
57. Oakhill Cemetery (Saline Central Burial Ground) Reading For Saline, Saline Towns first 1 acre was given to the township by Duncan Robinson for a yrs s/o CC CM LambPeterson, Nancy F. Dec 4 S Jul 28, 1851 age 63 yrs Newcomb, Mary L. Apr http://members.tripod.com/~deemamafred/cemoh.html | |
58. Name List Index 1801) PROTZ, John (18861968) PULTOR, Julius F. Q. 1661-1725) RING, Dorothy (1813-1900)Robinson, Sarah (1861 aft 1790) ROWE, Mehetable ROYER, Mary (1821-1903 http://members.tripod.com/maxfield5/list.html | |
59. HOLEs In Darke Co., OH 1903) spHannah E. KLINE (1850-1898) 5 Robinson B. REED 1849-1855) 5 Lucinda HOLE5 Isaiah F. HOLE (1854 Ann HOLE sp-Milton E. STOVER 5 Mary Isabel HOLE http://www.calweb.com/~wally/darke/w-hole1.htm | |
60. KI2A-003 CARDWELL PARISH - East Of Penobsquis Clifford S. 1900 1950. w Bessie F. Ferguson 1903 - .28. 134. William H. Stuart1863 - 1940. w Bessie A. Robinson 1877 - 1967. w Mary Ad Jan 1903 age 87. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/5285/Ki2a-003.html | |
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