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         Rilke Rainer Maria:     more books (95)
  1. Rilke et la France : textes et poemes inedits de Rainer Maria Rilke : hommages et souvenirs de Edmond Jaloux, Paul Valery ... [et al.] / bibliographie francaise etablie par Jacques Betz by Rainer Maria (1875-1926). Paul Valery. Jacques Betz [et al] Rilke, 1943-01-01
  2. Ewald Tragy. Translated from the German by Lola Gruenthal by Rainer Maria (1875-1926) Rilke, 1958-01-01
  3. Biography - Rilke, Rainer Maria (1875-1926): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2002-01-01
  4. The roses ; & The windows / Rainer Maria Rilke ; translated from the French by A. Poulin, Jr. ; foreword by W.D. Snodgrass by Rainer Maria (1875-1926) Rilke, 1979-01-01
  5. Poems [by] Rainer Maria Rilke; tr. by Jessie Lemont. with an int by Rilke. Rainer Maria. 1875-1926., 1918-01-01
  6. Rodin by Rainer Maria, 1875-1926. Rilke, 1956
  7. Rainer Maria Rilke Poems 1912-1926 by Rainer Maria Rilke, 1982-09
  8. Poems, 1906 to 1926. by Rainer Maria, Rilke, 1968-01
  9. Letters: Summer 1926 (New York Review Books Classics) by Marina Tsvetayeva, Rainer Maria Rilke, et all 2001-09-01
  10. The Poet's Guide to Life: The Wisdom of Rilke by Rainer Maria Rilke, 2005-03-22
  11. The Beginning of Terror: A Psychological Study of Rainer Maria Rilke's Life and Work (Literature and Psychoanalysis ; 1) by David Kleinbard, 1993-02-01
  12. Pictures of God: Rilke's Religious Poetry, Including 'The Life of the Virgin Mary' by Rainer Maria Rilke, 2005-06
  13. Ahead of All Parting: The Selected Poetry and Prose of Rainer Maria Rilke (Modern Library) (English & German Edition) (English and German Edition) by Rainer Maria Rilke, 1995-08-01
  14. The Sacred Threshold: A Life of Rainer Maria Rilke by J. F. Hendry, 1985-04

1. Lettres à Un Jeune Poète Rilke Rainer Maria
Translate this page Rubriques Poche Rubriques 2 Littérature allemande Rilke Rainer Maria 1875-1926- Correspondance Ecrivains allemands - 20e siècle - Correspondance Rubriques
Lettres à un jeune poète Rilke Rainer Maria
Auteur: Rilke Rainer Maria
Titre: Lettres à un jeune poète
Rubriques: Poche
Rubriques 2: Littérature allemande Rilke Rainer Maria 1875-1926 - Correspondance Ecrivains allemands - 20e siècle - Correspondance
Rubriques 3: Littérature Poches Loisirs et Vie pratique
Hemingway Ernest, Yvinec Yan...

Uhlman Fred, Wolf Michèle Re...

Böll Heinrich Die Verlorene E...


2. Rainer Maria Rilke
Three poems in English translation by Stephen Mitchell.
Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926)
THE PANTHER His vision, from the constantly passing bars, has grown so weary that it cannot hold anything else. It seems to him there are a thousand bars; and behind the bars, no world. As he paces in cramped circles, over and over, the movement of his powerful soft strides is like a ritual dance around a center in which a mighty will stands paralyzed. Only at times, the curtain of the pupils lifts, quietly. An image enters in, rushes down through the tensed, arrested muscles, plunges into the heart and is gone. (translated by Stephen Mitchell) PORTRAIT OF MY FATHER AS A YOUNG MAN In the eyes: dream. The brow as if it could feel something far off. Around the lips, a great freshnessseductive, though there is no smile. Under the rows of ornamental braid on the slim Imperial officer's uniform: the saber's basket-hilt. Both hands stay folded upon it, going nowhere, calm and now almost invisible, as if they were the first to grasp the distance and dissolve. And all the rest so curtained within itself, so cloudy, that I cannot understand this figure as it fades into the background. Oh quickly disappearing photograph in my more slowly disappearing hand. (translated by Stephen Mitchell) LAMENT Everything is far and long gone by. I think that the star glittering above me has been dead for a million years. I think there were tears in the car I heard pass and something terrible was said. A clock has stopped striking in the house across the road... When did it start?... I would like to step out of my heart an go walking beneath the enormous sky. I would like to pray. And surely of all the stars that perished long ago, one still exists. I think that I know which one it is which one, at the end of its beam in the sky, stands like a white city...

3. Rainer Maria Rilke
Learn about this renowned poet's professional and personal history. Includes a bibliography of his work. Rainer Maria Rilke (18751926). Writer and poet, considered one of the greatest lyric poets of modern Germany. Rilke
Choose another writer in this calendar: by name:
B C D ... Z by birthday from the calendar Credits and feedback Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) Writer and poet, considered one of the greatest lyric poets of modern Germany. Rilke created the 'object poem' attempting to describe with utmost clarity physical objects, the "silence of their concentrated reality." He became famous with such works as DUINESER ELEGIEN and DIE SONETTE AN ORPHEUS. They both appeared in 1923. After these books, Rilke had published his major works, believing that he had done his best as a writer. "Works of art are indeed always products of having been in danger, of having gone to the very end in an experience, to where man can go no further." (from Letters As a poet Rilke made his debut at the age of nineteen with LEBEN UND LIEDER (1894), written in the conventional style of Heinrich Heine. He met in Munich the Russian intellectual Lou Andreas-Salome, an older woman, who influenced him deeply. He travelled with her and her husband in Russia in 1899, visiting among others Leo Tolstoy . Rilke was deeply impressed by what he learned of Russian mysticism. During this period he started to write The Book of Hours: The Book of Monastic Life , which appeared in 1905. He spent some time in Italy, Sweden and Denmark, and joined an artists' colony at Worpswede in 1903.

4. NRK - Portretter
Rilke, Rainer Maria (18751926). Publisert 16.03.2001 1643 - Oppdatert 19.07.2001 1244
OVERSIKT NYHETER SPORT MUSIKK ... UPUNKT Her er du: NRK Nyheter Bakgrunn Portretter Oppdatert 19.04.2002 15:31 NYHETER Innenriks


Dikt er erfaring Rilke, Rainer Maria (1875-1926) Publisert 16.03.2001 16:43 - Oppdatert 19.07.2001 12:44
Dikt, vakre som musikk, kling i tankane når namnet Rainer Maria Rilke blir nemnd. Rilkes dikting er eit stille rom, inst i eit syklonårhundre.
Men han skreiv også ein roman, "Malte Laurids Brigges opptegnelser", som forfattaren Ebba Haslund seier har virka inn på heile hennar forfattarskap.
Rilke blir sett på som ein av dei største tyskspråklege diktarane i det 20. hundreåret.
Han vart fødd i Praha i 1875, og døydde i Sveits i 1926. Han var ein europear på evig reise, eitt år hadde han 52 adresser.
Lykka er i bøker
Men han hadde sine haldepunkt: han reiste aldri utan bestemde bøker:
Skulle blitt offiser
Rilkes familie hadde dårleg råd, faren var revisor for eit bøhmisk jernbaneselskap, og mora kom frå øvre middelklasse og følte ho hadde gifta seg under sin stand.
Samle meining og sødme
Det er blitt sagt om ha at han på ein uventa og løyndomsfull måte får fram det moderne menneskets lodd.

5. Rilke-Website
Neue B¼cher ¼ber Rilke, RilkeBibliographie, Rilke im Internet, Zeittafel, Edition der fr¼hen Rezensionen zu Rilkes Werken.'','ptoAnrdqjs5Pw','width=488,height=50');
Suche bei mithilfe von FreeFind
Stefan Schanks Website zu Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926)
Inhalt von
Themen 2003
Zur Metapher des Bauens (Hildebrandt)

Themen 2002:
Rilke-Projekt, Teil 2

Rilke und Hermann Hesse

Auguste Rodin

Rilke und Rock'n'Roll
... Bibliographien Suchen nach: AUTOR TITEL
(Rilke an Clara Rilke-Westhoff, 22. Februar 1907)
Rilkes Biographie
Unter der Metapher des Bauens deutet Alexandra Hildebrandt Rilkes Biographie in ihrem Aufsatz "Von einem, der die Steine belauscht" . Am Ende des Aufsatzes befindet sich ein Link zum Download des Textes als PDF-Datei.
Mein besonderer Dank gilt Bernd Lehmann
23.05.2003 um 23.00 Uhr auf SWR 2 gesendet wird. Mehr...
"Nur ein Gott kann ein solches Sehfeld bestellen" lautet das Motto der Ausstellung 25. Juli bis zum 2. November 2003 im Haus de Courten in Sierre (Siders), Kanton Wallis (Schweiz) , gezeigt wird.

6. Biographie: Rainer Maria Rilke, 1875-1926
Translate this page 1875-1926. Photo Rainer Maria Rilke, 1925. Rainer Maria Rilke.Schriftsteller. 1875 4. Dezember Rainer (eigentlich René) Maria
Rainer Maria Rilke
Sein erster Gedichtband "Leben und Lieder" erscheint.
Abitur in Prag, wo er auch das Studium der Kunst- und Literaturgeschichte beginnt.
Bekanntschaft mit der Schriftstellerin
Clara Westhoff und die Malerin Paula Modersohn-Becker kennen.
Geburt der einzigen Tocher Ruth.
Reise nach Paris, wo er den Bildhauer Auguste Rodin kennenlernt.
Der "Panther", das erste der "Neuen Gedichte", entsteht.
Seine Bekanntschaft mit Rodin sowie seine Reisen nach Paris, Rom und Skandinavien verändern Rilkes poetische Produktionsweise zugunsten eines "sachlichen Sagens".
Das "Stunden-Buch" erscheint.
Wiederaufnahme des Philosophiestudiums in Berlin bei Georg Simmel
Die zur Zeit der Jahrhundertwende entstandene und durch den Jugendstil beeinflußte "Weise von Liebe und Tod des Cornets Christoph Rilke" erscheint.
Zur Erinnerung an die 1907 verstorbene Modersohn-Becker schreibt Rilke das "Requiem für eine Freundin".
Sein Tagebuchroman "Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge", an dem Rilke seit 1904 gearbeitet hat, wird veröffentlicht.

7. Rilke, Rainer Maria (1875-1926)
Rilke, Rainer Maria (18751926) lokal begrenset tilgang * usikker/gammel med egne oppslag Sonettar til Orfeus XIV ANDRE OPPSLAG
sist endret: 17. oktober 2001 Litteraturvitenskapelige hjelpemidler Rilke, Rainer Maria (1875-1926) lokal begrenset tilgang usikker/gammel

8. Rilke, Rainer Maria
Kurzbiographie, Werke, im Projekt Gutenberg als OnlineText vorhandene Werke.

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Rainer Maria Rilke
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9. Rilke, Rainer Maria (1875-1926)
oktober 2001 Litteraturvitenskapelige hjelpemidler Rilke, Rainer Maria (18751926).• lokal begrenset tilgang * usikker/gammel EGNE VEVSTEDER. Rainer

10. Rilke, Rainer Maria (1875-1926): Herbst
sist endret 29. juni 2001 Litteraturvitenskapelige hjelpemidler Rilke, RainerMaria (18751926) Herbst. • lokal begrenset tilgang * usikker/gammel.
sist endret: 29. juni 2001 Litteraturvitenskapelige hjelpemidler
  • Rilke, Rainer Maria (1875-1926) : Herbst lokal begrenset tilgang usikker/gammel
    • bakgrunn
  • 11. Rainer Maria Rilke - Kalliope
    Kalliope Digtere Rainer Maria Rilke. Rainer Maria Rilke (18751926).

    12. Lettres à Un Jeune Poète Rilke, Rainer-Maria (1875-1926)
    Translate this page Rilke, Rainer-Maria (1875-1926). Lettres à un jeune poète. Une seulechose est nécessaire la solitude. La grande solitude intérieure.
    Rilke, Rainer-Maria (1875-1926)
    Lettres à un jeune poète

    13. Biography
    is my conviction that, by any measure, the two greatest writers of the twentiethcenturyare James Joyce (1882-1914) and Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) Mood 17
    "Rose, o pure contradiction,
    desire to be no one's sleep
    beneath so many lids."
    ~Rilke's self-composed epitaph, written before leukemia took his life December 29, 1926. It was the rose, a symbol of love, beauty, and devotion in much of Rilke's writings, which ironically caused the onset of his illness that took his life so suddenly. Months before, Rilke had been gathering roses from his garden for a visitor, and while doing so, pricked his hand on a thorn. The small wound failed to heal and grew rapidly worse, leading to his tragic death at age 51. In his relatively short life, Rilke had produced a body of poetry and writings unsurpassed in its genius of emotion, insight, and sensuality. "It is my conviction that, by any measure, the two greatest writers of the twentieth-century are James Joyce (1882-1914) and Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926)"[Mood 17]. Other scholars and poetry lovers would undoubtedly agree, as Rilke's life and poetry have, especially in recent here in America, attracted the minds of many, with translations of his works and biographies abounding. Rainer Maria Rilke was born December 4, 1875 in Prague, the only child of an unhappy marriage which eventually dissolved. Rilke's childhood was an unhappy one, being placed into military school by his parents who desired that he become an officer. With the help of his Uncle, who realized that Rilke was a highly sensitive and gifted boy unfit for a military career, Rilke left the military academy and entered the German gymnasium (college prepatory school). By the time he left the gymansium and entered Charles University in Prague in 1895, he had already published his first volume of poetry. There was no doubt in Rilke's mind, that he would pursue a literary career.

    14. Sharelook: Rilke, Rainer Maria (1875-1926)
    Translate this page Rilke, Rainer Maria (1875-1926) - Schnell Suchen und Finden in über 200.000redaktionell bearbeiteten Einträgen, Rilke, Rainer Maria (1875-1926),




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  • 15. Rainer-Maria Rilke (1875-1926)
    Translate this page Rainer-Maria Rilke. (Prague 1875 - sanatorium de Val-Mont, Montreux 1926). _.
    Rainer-Maria Rilke (Prague 1875 - sanatorium de Val-Mont, Montreux 1926) NOTES BIOGRAPHIQUES 1875 - 4 décembre : naissance à Prague.
    Rilke s'attribuait volontiers une ascendance de noblesse corinthienne; il semble en fait que cette ascendance ait été purement imaginaire. Le père, ancien officier, fait une carrière médiocre et se retrouve employé dans une compagnie de chemin de fer. La mésentente règne entre le père et la mère et le couple se dissout. La mère, Phia Rilke, dévote et coquette à la fois, s'éloigne; Rainer- Maria souffre de cette absence et d'un amour maternel insuffisant : les oeuvres de sa jeunesse en portent de nombreux témoignages. 1882 - Entrée à l'école primaire 1886 - Fin septembre : entrée à l'école des cadets de Sankt-Pölten, en Autriche, puis,
    1890 à l'école militaire supérieure de Weisskirchen en Moravie. Premières publications de vers et de prose dans diverses revues. 1892 - Retour à Prague. Rilke se prépare à l'examen de maturité par des leçons particulières.
    1895 - 9 juillet : examen de maturité à Prague. Semestre d'hiver : université de Prague (littérature, histoire, philosophie, histoire de l'art).

    16. Paul Cezanne (1839-1906) Library Of Congress Citations
    by Fritz Novotny p. 721 Other authors Novotny, Fritz, 1902- Goldscheider,Ludwig, 1896- Control No. 37028404 Author Rilke, Rainer Maria, 1875-1926.

    Paul Cezanne (1839-1906)
    : Library of Congress Citations
    The Little Search Engine that Could
    Down to Name Citations LC Online Catalog Amazon Search Book Citations [First 20 Records] Author: Cezanne, Paul, 1839-1906. Title: Cezanne. Edition: 2d ed. Published: Vienna, Phaidon Press; New York, Oxford University Press [1937] Description: 20 p. plates (part col. mounted), ports. 26 cm. LC Call No.: ND553.C33 N6 1937 Dewey No.: 759.4 Notes: Includes 126 reproductions of the artist's work, selected by Fritz Novotny and Ludwig Goldscheider. "Paul Cezanne, by Fritz Novotny": p. 7-[21] Other authors: Novotny, Fritz, 1902- Goldscheider, Ludwig, 1896- Control No.: 37028404 Author: Rilke, Rainer Maria, 1875-1926. Uniform Title: Correspondence. Dutch Title: Brieven over Cezanne, vertaald en ingeleid door C. W. Sangster-Warnaars. Met een woord vooraf door dr J. G. van Gelder. Published: 's-Gravenhage, A. A. M. Stols, 1945. Description: xvi, 99 p. 20 cm. LC Call No.: PT2635.I65 Z52712 Dewey No.: 831/.912 B Subjects: Rilke, Rainer Maria, 1875-1926 Knowledge Art. Cezanne, Paul, 1839-1906. Rilke, Rainer Maria, 1875-1926 Correspondence. Authors, German 20th century Correspondence. Other authors: Sangster-Warnaars, C. W., tr. Control No.: af 47004287 //r832

    17. Rainer Maria Rilke - The Academy Of American Poets
    discussion forum (in German). Rainer Maria Rilke (18751926) Bio andlist of works at the Calendar of Authors site. Three poems in
    Error Occurred While Processing Request
    Error Diagnostic Information
    A problem was encountered trying to access the system registry. Error number 6 occurred.

    18. "Der Panther" Von Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926)
    Translate this page Der Panther (Rainer Maria Rilke) Im Jardin des Plantes, Paris Sein Blick istvom Vorübergehn der Stäbe so müd geworden, daß er nichts mehr hält.
    Der Panther (Rainer Maria Rilke)
    Im Jardin des Plantes, Paris
    Der weiche Gang geschmeidig starker Schritte,
    der sich im allerkleinsten Kreise dreht,
    ist wie ein Tanz von Kraft um eine Mitte,
    Nur manchmal schiebt der Vorhang der Pupille
    sich lautlos auf -. Dann geht ein Bild hinein,
    geht durch der Glieder angespannte Stille -
    Last modified: Fri Mar 27 13:18:21 MET

    19. "Das Karussell" Von Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926)
    Translate this page Das Karussell (Rainer Maria Rilke) Jardin du Luxembourg Mit einem Dachund seinem Schatten dreht sich eine kleine Weile der Bestand
    Das Karussell (Rainer Maria Rilke)
    Jardin du Luxembourg
    Mit einem Dach und seinem Schatten dreht
    sich eine kleine Weile der Bestand
    von bunten Pferden, alle aus dem Land,
    Zwar manche sind an Wagen angespannt,
    doch alle haben Mut in ihren Mienen;
    Sogar ein Hirsch ist da, ganz wie im Wald,
    fast schon entwachsen; mitten in dem Schwunge
    und kreist und dreht sich nur und hat kein Ziel.
    ein kleines kaum begonnenes Profil -.
    ein seliges, das blendet und verschwendet
    an dieses atemlose Spiel ...
    Last modified: Thu Mar 26 16:01:11 MET

    20. Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) Wurde In Prag Geboren
    Translate this page 7.-9. März 2003. Bad Herrenalb. Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) wurde in Praggeboren. Die kulturelle Welt seiner Heimatstadt hat ihn stark beeinflusst.

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