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Rice Alice Caldwell Hegan: more detail | |||||
21. Book People: Additions To The IPL Online Texts Collection 1-13-03 www.sacredtexts.com/mor/tboa/ Dewey Subjects 289.32 Sources (Sacred Books) ofMormons LC Subjects Book of Abraham Rice, Alice Caldwell Hegan, 1870-1942. http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/bplist/archive/2003/2003-01-13,1.html | |
22. 1900 416 Hegan, Alice Caldwell (Alice Caldwell (Hegan) Rice), 18701942.MRS. WIGGS OF THE/CABBAGE PATCH/BY/Alice Caldwell Hegan/ pict. http://www.library.ubc.ca/edlib/egoffbib/1900.html | |
23. Rice (Alice Caldwell Hegan) Miscellaneous Papers Title Alice Caldwell Hegan Rice Miscellaneous Papers, 19021941 Creator Rice, AliceCaldwell Hegan, 1870-1942 Extent 16 items Repository The Filson Historical http://digilib.kyvl.org/dynaweb/oak/kntead/knt000987/@Generic__BookTextView/99 | |
24. Allison (Young Ewing) Papers, 1840-1932 Quick, Herbert, 18611925. Rice, Alice Caldwell Hegan, 1870-1942. Rice, Cale Young,1872-1943. Rothert, Otto Arthur, 1871-1956. Sampson, Flem D., 1875-1967. http://digilib.kyvl.org/dynaweb/oak/kntead/knt000096/@Generic__BookTextView/129 | |
25. FIRST BOOKS EXHIBIT Alice Caldwell Hegan Rice (18701942) Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch.New York Century, 1901. This copy of the popular children's http://www.lib.udel.edu/ud/spec/exhibits/firstbks.html | |
26. PROJECT GUTENBERG ETEXTS AUTHORS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BC Rice, Alice Caldwell Hegan, 1870-1942 Richardson, Dorothy Miller, 1873-1957 Richardson,Henry Handel, pseud Ridge, Lola, 1883-1941 Ridpath, John Clark, 1840 http://www.sign-lang.uni-hamburg.de/fb07/GermS/Project-Gutenberg-Authors.html | |
27. Henderson Library - Acquisitions Report 10/14/00- 10/20/00 c2000. PS3535.I2145 M57 1902 Mrs. Wiggs of the cabbage patch, Rice,Alice Caldwell Hegan, 18701942. New York, Century, 1902. PS3537 http://www2.gasou.edu/library/acq/10-20-00.html | |
28. GIGA Quote Author Page For Alice Caldwell Rice (nee Hegan) GIGA's compilation of quotations, excerpts, proverbs, maxims and aphorisms by Alice Caldwell Rice (nee Hegan). BY AUTHOR. Alice Caldwell Rice (NEE Hegan). American humorist and writer (1870 1942). BUY BOOK RELATED TO. Alice http://www.giga-usa.com/gigaweb1/quotes2/quautricealicecx001.htm | |
29. Innovative Library /All Locations Hefzallah Ibrahim M Ibrahim Michail, c1987, 1. Hegan Alice Caldwell 1870 1942 see Rice Alice Caldwell Hegan 1870 1942, 1. Hegarty Carol Larsen, p1988,1. http://www.iii.com:90/kids/10,33,81/search/aHefter, Richard./ahefter richard/-5, |
30. Waukegan Public Library /All Locations Ricciuti Edward R 1 Ricciuti Edward R 28 Ricciuti Edward Raphael See RicciutiEdward R 1 Ricciutu Wanda 1997 1 Rice Alice Caldwell Hegan 1870 1942 1928 1 http://catalog.waukeganpl.org:90/kids/0,1899,1953,2112/search/aRicciuti, Edward | |
31. Mid-Hudson Library System /ALL Edward R 48 Ricciuti Edward Raphael See Ricciuti Edward R 1 Ricco Roger 19881 Rice AL 2 Rice Alex 2002 1 Rice Alice Caldwell Hegan 1870 1942 1928 1 Rice http://gigcat.midhudson.org:90/kids/1899,2126/search/aRice, Berkeley, 1937-/aric | |
32. Lancaster County Library System /All Locations Hefting Victorine 1 Hefting Victorine Bakker See Hefting Victorine 1 Hegan AliceCaldwell 1870 1942 See Rice Alice Caldwell Hegan 1870 1942 1 Hegarty http://catalog.lancasterlibraries.org:90/kids/1899,1927/search/aHefting, Victori | |
33. Aurora Public Library /KidsOnline see Ricciuti Edward R 1 Ricciuti Edward R 18 Ricciuti Edward Raphael see RicciutiEdward R 1 Rice AL 1991 1 Rice Alice Caldwell Hegan 1870 1942 1903 1 http://odyssey.aurora.lib.co.us:90/kids/1761,1815,1964/search/aRicciuti, Edward | |
Ricci DinoRicci Regolo Ricciardi Andrea Ricciardi Di Gaudesi Andrea see Ricciardi Andrea Riccio Frank Ricciuti Edward see Ricciuti Edward R Ricciuti Edward R Ricciuti Edward Raphael see Ricciuti Edward R Rice A LRice Alice Caldwell Hegan 1870 1942 Rice Alice Hegan 1870 1942 see Rice Alice Caldwell Hegan 1870 1942 Rice Anthony Leonard see Rice A L Aurora Public Library
34. Aurora Public Library /KidsOnline Mark Nearby AUTHORS are Year Entries Rice AL 1991 1 Rice Alice Caldwell Hegan 18701942 1903 1 Rice Alice Hegan 1870 1942 see Rice Alice Caldwell Hegan http://odyssey.aurora.lib.co.us:90/kids/1761,1763/search/aRicciardi, Andrea./ari | |
Rice A LRice Alice Caldwell Hegan 1870 1942 Rice Alice Hegan 1870 1942 see Rice Alice Caldwell Hegan 1870 1942 Rice Anthony Leonard see Rice A L Rice Bebe Faas Rice Chris 1953 see Rice Christopher Rice Chris 1962Rice Christopher Rice Earle ... Rice Karen Aurora Public Library
35. Birth And Death Dates Of Authors 1679) REYNOLDS, Joshua (1723 1792) RHODIUS, Apollonius (cf.250bc - ) RICARDO, David(1772 - 1823) Rice, Alice (Caldwell) Hegan (1870 - 1942) RICHARD, Edward http://gutenberg.net.au/birthdeath.html | |
36. Pulaski County Special School District /All Locations Harris Elem. Rice Alice Caldwell Hegan 1870 1942 Mrs. Wiggs Of The CabbagePatch /Alice Hegan Rice. / Jacksonville High 1928. Rice http://pcssdmedia.k12.ar.us:90/kids/10,146/search/arice berkeley 1937/arice berk | |
37. Pulaski County Special School District /All Locations Mark Nearby AUTHORS are Year Rice Alice Caldwell Hegan 1870 1942 Mrs. WiggsOf The Cabbage Patch /Alice Hegan Rice. / Jacksonville High 1928. http://pcssdmedia.k12.ar.us:90/kids/10,146/search/arice betty/arice betty/-5,-1, | |
38. Ocean City Public R 1 Ricciuti Edward R 7 Ricciuti Edward Raphael See Ricciuti Edward R 1 Rice See also Cookery Rice 1 Rice Alice Caldwell Hegan 1870 1942 1928 1 Rice http://catalog.oceancitylibrary.org:90/kids/0,10,376,433/search/aRice, Anne, 194 | |
39. Poudre School District Libraries /All Locations Edward R 33 Ricciuti Edward Raphael See Ricciuti Edward R 1 Rice AL 2 Rice AliceHegan 1870 1942 See Rice Alice Caldwell Hegan 1870 1942 1 Rice Anne http://library.psd.k12.co.us:90/kids/1899,2126/search/aRicci, A. James./aricci a |
40. Briney (Melville Otter) Photograph Collection Otter family Pictorial works. Rice, Alice Caldwell Hegan, 18701942Pictorial works. Women authors, American Kentucky Photographs. http://digilib.kcvl.org/dynaweb/oak/kntead/knt000206/@Generic__BookTextView/129 | |
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