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1. Samuel Pepys, 1633-1703 Samuel Pepys, 16331703. The first great modern bureaucrat, a founderof the professional navy, a famous `accidental' historian. http://www.montaguemillennium.com/Research/h_1703_pepys.htm | |
2. Samuel Pepys 1633-1703 Samuel Pepys 16331703. His Diary 1660-1669 http://www.rspu.ryazan.ru/~rogatin/pepyjour.htm | |
3. Creative Quotations From Samuel Pepys (1633-1703) The Samuel Pepys page of Creative Quotations has moved from bemorecreative.comto CreativeQuotations.com. You should be automatically http://www.bemorecreative.com/one/991.htm | |
4. Psychotraumatologie Pepys Samuel (1633-1703 Translate this page v. v. Home. m. v. m. Samuel Pepys (1633 - 1703) Pepys war einerseits Beamter seinerenglischen Majestät, andererseits ein peinlich genauer Tagebuchschreiber. http://www.psychotraumatologie.ch/pepys.htm |
5. WIEM: Pepys Samuel Pepys Samuel (16331703), pisarz i polityk angielski. Ukoczy studia na uniwersytecie w Cambridge. Peni róne funkcje w marynarce wojennej http://www.encyklopedia.pl/wiem/006586.html | |
6. Project Gutenberg Author Record Project Gutenberg Author record. Pepys, Samuel, 16331703. Titles. http://www.ibiblio.org/gutenberg/authors/pepys__samuel__1633-1703.html | |
7. Creative Quotations From Samuel Pepys (1633-1703) Quotes from Samuel Pepys to inspire your creative thinking http://creativequotations.com/one/991.htm |
8. Project Gutenberg Author Index Penrose, Margaret. Pepwell, Henry, d.1540. Pepys, Samuel, 16331703.Perdue, Mitzi. Perkins, Lucy Fitch, 1865-1937. Perry, Bliss, 1860-1954. http://www.ibiblio.org/gutenberg/authors/author_index_P.html | |
9. Samuel Pepys (1633-1703) BYRON William DOCKWRA Edmund DUMMER (1713) Benjamin FRANKLIN (1706-1790) Lafayette Thomas PAINE (1736-1809) Samuel Pepys (1633-1703) Sir William http://www.falmouth.packet.archives.dial.pipex.com/id146.htm | |
10. Untitled William LORY, RN (17941868) LOVELL Captain Edward 'Ned' PELLEW Richard THOMAS,CE (1779-1858) Samuel KELLY Samuel Pepys (1633-1703) Timeline TREASURY http://www.falmouth.packet.archives.dial.pipex.com/id146_m.htm | |
11. Creative Quotations From Samuel Pepys (1633-1703) Creative Quotations from . . . Samuel Pepys (16331703) born on Feb23 English diarist, naval administrator. He is noted for his http://www.creativequotations.com/one/991.htm |
12. Local Ancestors - Introduction Famous People from Cambridge University. Pepys, Samuel (16331703).Diarist, naval administrator, and MP. He is best known for his http://www.localancestors.com/FamousPeople/University/PepysSamuel.html | |
13. Local Ancestors - Introduction Famous People from Cambridge University. Pepys, Samuel (16331703), *Diarist,naval administrator, and MP. About Famous People Cambridgeshire http://www.localancestors.com/FamousPeople/University/universitypage.html | |
14. Mackenzie King - Samuel Pepys (1633-1703) Samuel Pepys (16331703) The diary that British civil servant and diaristSamuel Pepys kept from 1659 to 1669 is a detailed account http://www.archives.ca/05/0532/053201/05320113060102_e.html | |
15. Mackenzie King - Samuel Pepys (1633-1703), Fonctionnaire Translate this page Samuel Pepys (1633-1703), fonctionnaire britannique et auteur de journalLe journal que Samuel Pepys rédige de 1659 à 1669 est http://www.archives.ca/05/0532/053201/05320113060102_f.html | |
16. Samuel Peyps And The Pepys Library Samuel Pepys 16331703 - Life, Library Legacy Samuel Pepys made his mark on ournational history with his work for the navy, but it is his diaries that have http://www.magd.cam.ac.uk/pepys/contents.html | |
17. Samuel Pepys - Britannia Biographies Samuel Pepys (16331703) Pepys career in government began as secretary to Sir EdwardMontagu under Charles II after which he was named clerk of the kings ships http://www.britannia.com/bios/pepys.html | |
18. WIEM: Pepys Samuel Literatura, Wielka Brytania Pepys Samuel (16331703), widok strony znajdz podobnepokaz powiazane. Pepys Samuel (1633-1703), pisarz i polityk angielski. http://wiem.onet.pl/wiem/006586.html | |
19. Samuel Pepys Samuel Pepys (16331703). Memoirs of Samuel Pepys. . . Comprising HisDiary from 1659 to 1669, deciphered by the Reverend John Smith . . . http://www.lib.udel.edu/ud/spec/exhibits/treasures/english/pepys.html | |
20. Britannia | Britain Translate this page Pepys, Samuel (1633-1703). Englischer Schriftsteller und Staatsbeamter,dessen Tagebücher eine äußerst informative und objektive http://www.robert-morten.de/baseportal/Redaktionssytem/britannia_mini_detail&Id= | |
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