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81. A. B. Paterson Note at Abacci the primary listing for AB Paterson is AB Paterson. Andrew Barton Banjo Patterson (1864 1941) was a famous Australian 'bush poet'. http://www.abacci.com/books/authorDetails2.asp?authorID=640&misspellID=504 |
82. Australian Racing Hall Of Fame AB Banjo Paterson 1864 1941 Few wrote with such passion forthe sport of racing as Banjo Paterson. From an early career http://www.racinghalloffame.com.au/induction2001/patba.htm |
83. THE GEEBUNG POLO CLUB By A. B. 'Banjo' Paterson THE GEEBUNG POLO CLUB. by AB Banjo Paterson (1864 1941). It wassomewhere up the country in a land of rock and scrub,. That they http://www.smedg.org.au/geebung.htm | |
84. Tucson Pima Public Library /All Locations Mark Nearby AUTHORS are Year Entries Paterra M Elizabeth 2000 1 Paterson AB AndrewBarton 1864 1941 2000 1 Paterson Bettina 2 Paterson Diane 1995 1 Paterson http://infolynx.ci.tucson.az.us:90/kids/10,340,342/search/aPaterson, Katherine./ | |
85. Poets' Corner - Index Of Poets - Letters O,P AB (Alan Barton) Banjo Paterson. (1864 1941) Australian Editor, Journalist andpoet; Australian National Poet from The Man from Snowy River 1895 The Man http://www.geocities.com/~spanoudi/poems/poem-op.html |
86. Aurora Public Library /KidsOnline Mark Nearby AUTHORS are Year Entries Paterson AB 1974 1 Paterson AB Andrew Barton1864 1941 1970 1 Paterson Allen 3 Paterson Andrew Barton 1864 1941 see http://odyssey.aurora.lib.co.us:90/kids/12,328/search/aPaterson, Diane, 1946-/ap | |
87. Australian Prints: Search Results 497 Records Found, Query Time: 451ms Worked Australia (QLD). Screenprints. Paterson, AB 1864 1941. Paterson, EstherGILL, Mrs George Hermon 5 February 1892 - 1971 Culture Australian. http://www.australianprints.gov.au/Ausprints/Action1.cfm?ArtistBrws=P |
88. Waltzing Maltilda By Donkerman 1864 1941. but the bigger picture of Waltzing Matilda, Andrew Barton Banjo Paterson,along with possible to do justice to the life and time of AB in the http://www.donkerman.com/matilda.html | |
89. Dial A Book Newport Beach Sydney Australia Paterson, AB (Andrew Barton) Drawings by Robert Ingpen Clancy of d/w. KeywordsIngpen Robert 1936 Paterson A B (Andrew Barton) 1864 1941 Pictorial works http://dialabook.com.au/local/11/46 | |
90. The Man From Snowy River (in MARION) Based on the poem 'The man from Snowy River' by AB ('Banjo') Paterson . Filmedon location at Merrijig Victoria, Australia and the Melbourne Film Studios . http://js-catalog.cpl.org:60100/MARION/AHT-9332 | |
91. The Man From Snowy River The Man form Snowy River. AB Banjo Paterson (1864 1941). Therewas movement at the station, for the word had passed around That http://www.eurekatimes.net/banjo-paterson.htm | |
92. David Arditti: News And Forthcoming Performances of friendship of the Commonwealth, and the Commonwealth Games, based on the workof the Father of Australian Literature , AB ( Banjo ) Paterson (1864 1941). http://www.darditti.dircon.co.uk/concerts.html | |
93. Biographies Media Figures South African War Virtual Library Paterson, Andrew Barton Banjo (17th February 1864 1941) Australian writer Paterson,AB Happy Dispatches Journalistic Pieces from Banjo Paterson's Days as a http://www.bowlerhat.com.au/sawvl/bio_media.html |
94. Westwold Paterson. Joan Edith nee Whiting. Stanley Josiah. 1864 1941 next grave Pearse,Margaret Jane Leslie. AB. 1863 - 1912, beside Smith, LB (Lydia Boa, daughter). http://members.shaw.ca/verfamhist/westwold.htm | |
95. Banjo Patterson - Wikipedia Andrew Barton Banjo Patterson (1864 1941) was a famous Australian 'bush poet'. ExternalLinks. e-texts of some of AB (Andrew Barton) Paterson's works http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banjo_Patterson | |
96. RBA: Australian Currency Notes Fact Sheet and feminist. $10. Front, AB 'Banjo' Paterson (18641941) Poet,ballad writer, journalist horseman. Max Robinson. Back, Dame Mary http://www.rba.gov.au/CurrencyNotes/KeyFacts/fact_sheet_notes.html | |
97. Www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~willu/poetry/geebung.txt THE GEEBUNG POLO CLUB AB Banjo Paterson (1864 - 1941) It was somewhere up thecountry in a land of rock and scrub, That they formed an institution called http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~willu/poetry/geebung.txt | |
98. Australian Literature: The Nineteenth Century The bush ballad, begun by Adam Lindsay Gordon, flowered in the work of Henry Lawson(18671922) and AB (Banjo) Paterson (18641941), whose Man from http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/ent/A0856775.html | |
99. HBI Weltweit, 3.06. Zum Informationswesen Australiens 1864 - 1941 The man from 1900. The LibraryAssociation of Australasia hält ihre erste Tagung in Adelaide ab. http://www.payer.de/hbiweltweit/weltw306.html | |
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