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41. Stephensen, P. R. (Percy Reginald) / Papers (U. Of Queensland) HAMILTON, Jack,, Nights Ashore. O'FERRALL, Ernest, 18811925, Stories by'Kodak'. Paterson, AB (Andrew Barton), 1864-1941, The Animals Noah Forgot. http://findaid.library.uwa.edu.au/dynaweb/findaid/stephensen2/@Generic__BookText | |
42. Franklin, Miles / Papers (State Library Of New South Wales) Moore, T. Inglis (Tom Inglis), 19011978 Mudie, Ian, 1911-1976 Palmer,Nettie, 1885-1964 Paterson, AB (Andrew Barton), 1864-1941 Scott, Rose http://findaid.library.uwa.edu.au/dynaweb/findaid/franklin1/@Generic__BookTextVi | |
43. Tom Waits Supplement EXTRAS Waltzing Matilda Waltzing Matilda 'Banjo' (AB) Paterson, c. 1890 There are differing versions,but this one seems to be the most Andrew Barton Banjo Paterson 18641941. http://www.keeslau.com/TomWaitsSupplement/Extras/waltzingmatilda.htm |
44. Brooklyn Public Library /All Locations Author, Paterson, AB (Andrew Barton), 18641941. Title, The man from Snowy Riverand other verses computer file / by Andrew Barton Banjo Paterson. http://catalog.brooklynpubliclibrary.org:90/kids/10,173,197,325/search/dcowboys/ | |
45. Brooklyn Public Library /All Locations EC (Mary Elizabeth Cecelia) See Paterra, M. Elizabeth 1 Paterra, Mary Elizabeth See Paterra, M. Elizabeth 1 Paterson, AB (Andrew Barton), 18641941. http://catalog.brooklynpubliclibrary.org:90/kids/10,173,197,325/search/aPaterson |
46. Sailor.gutenberg.org/etext95/snowy11.txt 2 ed.) by Andrew Barton `Banjo' Paterson Australian Poet, Reporter 18641941.Note on THE MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER AND OTHER VERSES by AB Paterson ( The Banjo http://sailor.gutenberg.org/etext95/snowy11.txt | |
47. Classic Book Author Index, Plays, Religious Manuscripts, Historic Documents, And PAGE Palmer, Alice Freeman, 18551902 Parkman, Francis, 1823-1893 Parlette, Ralph,1870-1930 Patanjali Paterson, AB (Andrew Barton), 1864-1941 AKA Paterson http://classicscopy.com/authorindex.htm | |
48. Senior D Paterson, AB (Andrew Barton) (Banjo) , (18641941). http//dargo.vicnet.net.au/ozlit/writers.cfm?id=154.Lawson, Henry , (1867-1922). http://www.kurwongbss.qld.edu.au/themes/gonebush/gonebush.htm | |
49. Gd.tuwien.ac.at/soc/gutenberg/etext98/biljp10.txt Ver.04.29.93*END* Saltbush Bill, JP, and Other Verses By AB Paterson Andrew Barton( Banjo ) Paterson, Australian poet journalist. 18641941. Note on text http://gd.tuwien.ac.at/soc/gutenberg/etext98/biljp10.txt |
50. Australia Now - The Australian Currency philanthropist. The $10 note features the poets AB (Banjo) Paterson*(18641941) and Dame Mary Gilmore (1865-1962). This note http://www.dfat.gov.au/facts/currency.html | |
51. Www2.cddc.vt.edu/gutenberg/etext95/3elph10.txt by Andrew Barton `Banjo' Paterson Australian Poet, Reporter 18641941. Noteon Sydney. Three Elephant Power and Other Stories By AB Paterson, Author of http://www2.cddc.vt.edu/gutenberg/etext95/3elph10.txt | |
52. Www2.cddc.vt.edu/gutenberg/etext95/rlast10.txt Verses by Andrew Barton `Banjo' Paterson Australian Poet, Reporter 18641941.Note on Rio Grande's Last Race and Other Verses by AB Paterson The verses http://www2.cddc.vt.edu/gutenberg/etext95/rlast10.txt | |
53. Mryna's Photo Album Page 2 The Australian ten dollar bill displays one of Australias most famedwriters, AB Banjo Paterson (18641941). The horses portray http://www.hoxie.org/goglobalgirl/picpg02.htm | |
54. Genealogy Poetry If there's a skeleton in your family's closet ..you may as wellmake him dance! ComeBy-Chance AB Banjo Paterson 1864-1941. http://users.ap.net/~chenae/genpoem2.html | |
55. NEW ACCESSIONS The Banjo's best loved poems chosen by his granddaughters and illustrated byoutback artist Hugh Sawrey. Paterson, AB (Andrew Barton), 1864-1941. 127 p. http://www.cqit.qld.edu.au/library/archives/ch021102.htm |
56. Sydney-Australien.de : Circular Quay: Writers Walk Writer's Walk. AB Banjo Paterson (18641941). It's grand to be an unemployedAnd lie in the Domain, And wake up every second day - And go to sleep again. http://www.sydney-australien.de/sehenswuerdigkeiten/sydney/writers_walk/paterson | |
57. Poetry Robert Browning (18121889) Walt Whitman (1819-1892) Matthew Arnold (1822-1888)Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) AB Banjo Paterson (1864-1941) William Butler http://prtybrd.tripod.com/poetry.html | |
58. HL 1809 Palmer, Alice Freeman, 18551902 Parkman, Francis, 1823-1893 Parlette, Ralph,1870-1930 Paterson, AB (Andrew Barton), 1864-1941 Paterson, AB (Andrew Barton http://digilander.libero.it/lazzi/cur.html | |
59. The Man From Snowy River (in MARION) Author Douglas, Kirk, 1916; Burlinson, Tom, 1956-; Thornton, Sigrid.Paterson, AB (Andrew Barton), 1864-1941. Man from Snowy River. http://vax1.memphis.lib.tn.us/MARION/ABW-8839 | |
60. Gopher.quux.org70/Archives/gutenberg/authors.txt 1809 Palmer, Alice Freeman, 18551902 Parkman, Francis, 1823-1893 Parlette, Ralph,1870-1930 Patanjali Paterson, AB (Andrew Barton), 1864-1941 AKA Paterson http://gopher.quux.org:70/Archives/gutenberg/authors.txt |
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