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Norton William Harmon: more detail |
1. Cornell College Geology Department Home Pages periodicals. Niel A. Miner Charles R. Keyes William Harmon Norton,18561944, Iowa Academy of Science periodicalpp. 53-57. Norton http://www.cornellcollege.edu/geology/geointro.shtml | |
2. 600000 People Connected With European Royalty 18391910) 1 Mother Elizabeth Alice Norton (1848-1929) 1 1 Mother Sarah A Clardy(1856-1941) 1 Born Christened Died Buried William Harmon Rochester Eva http://www.e-familytree.net/f3204.htm | |
3. 600000 People Connected With European Royalty 6 F Allene Norton (details suppressed for this living Father James P Hughes (18561910)2 Mother Father William Harmon Rochester (1874-1942) 2 Mother Eva http://www.e-familytree.net/f4914.htm | |
4. Project Gutenberg Author Record Project Gutenberg Author record. Norton, William Harmon, 1856. Titles.Elements Of Geology, The. To the main listings page. Main Project http://www.ibiblio.org/gutenberg/authors/norton__william_harmon__1.html | |
5. Project Gutenberg Author Index Northam, Henry C. Norton, William Harmon, 1856. Noyes, Alfred, 1880-1958. Nukariya,Kaiten. To the main listings page. Main Project Gutenberg Web page (online). http://www.ibiblio.org/gutenberg/authors/author_index_N.html | |
6. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg > Titles > E There is no description available for this text. Author Norton, William Harmon,1856 Keywords Authors N Norton, William Harmon, 1856-; Titles E. http://www.archive.org/texts/textslisting-browse.php?collection=gutenberg&cat=Ti |
7. Cornell EReport: Winter 2003 Daughter Mina (184975) and son William (1856-1944) both earned Cornell degrees. WilliamHarmon Norton was 7 years old when his father began teaching him Latin http://cornellcollege.edu/cornell_report/issues/current/cornelliana.shtml | |
8. I75448: Lottie (d.o Joe) Beth (____ - ____) Ann Hale m 1898 William Alan Emberton 1970) m 1906 _ Martha Harmon (1918 . _Vincent James Doyle Norton. http://www.gendex.com/users/bobspu/spurgeon/d0000/g0000081.html | |
9. Genealogy Data Gender Male Norton, Steve Gender Male Norton, Emma Female Family Spouse Vinson,Elijah Harmon Gender Male Co., GA Spouse Broadwell, William Norman Birth http://www.doodlesdoodles.com/genealogy/dat21.html | |
10. MARRBASIC SARAH M Harmon, Norton, AARON H Norton, VAN BUREN, Harmon, SILAS F Harmon, DAILAY,MADILTHA D DAILAY, VAN HARPER, CLARA HARPER, ATWELL, JAMES William ATWELL, VANBUREN, http://www.rootsweb.com/~mivanbur/MarrH2.htm | |
11. Calhoun County Marriages "N" CHARLOTTE JONES 02 MAR 1855 + NEAL_H Harmon P NEAL 26 OCT 1884 1 NOELON_S SAMANTHA- Norton~NOELON BROWNELL 07 NOV 1867 1 NORRIS_W William - NORRIS WOLF http://www.rootsweb.com/~micalhou/marriages_n.htm | |
12. Land Deeds, Vol. 1- M NEAL, Jeremiah; Harmon, Henry (by Attorney); 13; 405; 31 BROOM, Edward; 17; 49; 11Mar 1856; NORRIS, David Norton, Alfred L.; Norton, William; 19; 30; 7 Oct 1858; http://members.aol.com/lawrohio/Lawrence/deedg1n.htm | |
13. LAWRENCE COUNTY MARRIAGES May 07 1868 HARBIN, BENJAMIN M Norton, ADITHA C Sep SALLY W Sep 20 1819 HARDWICK,William FOLLIS, ANN BURGESS, REBECCA Aug 28 1826 Harmon, CARDELIAN DUKEMANIER http://members.aol.com/rpennin975/lawmar-h.htm | |
14. Genealogy Data Family Harmon Carter, Marriage 05 November 1848. Davis, William, GenderM From TN Ancestors, Dec. 1996, Vol 12, No. Family Davis - Norton, http://www.kinser.org/html/dat18.htm | |
15. Genealogy Data Page 47 (Family Pages) Gender Female Parents Father Hayes, William Ernest Mother Gudde KS d. 2 MAY 1892Norton, Norton County, KS Male Parents Father Hayes, Harmon Mother Barnes http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~schayes/f_2e.html | |
16. I2346: Charles BARBER (3 Aug 1847 - 19 Feb 1848) Elias Harmon. _Sarah SAVAGE _ (1699 . m 1726 Lucy Norton (1772- 1837 COWLES + (1645 - 1690) m 1665 William STANLEY (1711 http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~stanfam/html/g0000221.htm | |
17. Genealogy Data ny Gender Male Children Norton, Alanson WY, USA Gender Male Family Marriage2 MAR 1856 in North Cache, UT, USA Gender Male Harmon, William Ammon Birth http://www.jinman.org/inman/dat762.html | |
18. East4 Harmon/ son of / Smith Mary A. NICKERSON / died / Nov William Norton / born / March25, 1811 / died May 25 of / Clarissa / wife of / Ambrose Norton / who died http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/9188/East5.html | |
19. BOWER Descendants: Third Generation William died 14 Nov 1932 in Norton, KS, at 84 years of age. 72 iv. Jay died 24 Dec1926 in Norton, KS, at 78 years of age. + 73 v. Harmon Francis BOWER was http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/4826/Bower/i0000286.htm | |
20. Josiah (Stover) Stafford & Allied Families Children were Thomas Norton. Parents Elisha Harmon and Ruth Haywood ROGERS Childrenwere John Hart, Hannah Hart, William Hart, Phobe Hart, Philip Hart, Mary http://pages.prodigy.net/mike-sta4d/josiahst/d51.htm | |
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