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Nelson Alice Ruth Moore Dunbar: more detail | ||||||
61. 200 Famous Women DunbarNelson, Alice (1875-1935) US poet, essayist; Erdrich ) US singer, actress;Childress, Alice (1920-1994 opera singer, politician; Draper, Ruth (1884-1956 http://www.famouscreativewomen.com/women-profession.htm | |
62. October 2002 Book List marriage of Paul Laurence Dunbar and Alice Ruth Moore a history of Paul Laurence18721906Marriage/Dunbar-Nelson,Alice Moore1875-1935Marriage/ Authors http://library.calumet.purdue.edu/bloct02.htm |
63. AXE - Special Collections - Eva Jessye Laurence (18721906) f. 52 Dunbar-Nelson, Alice (1875-1935) f. 127 Ghost Ship f. 15 Gibbs, Ruth f. 107 Marsh, Frances f. 128 Marshall, Alice f. 26 http://library.pittstate.edu/spcoll/ndxjessye.html | |
64. Ocean City Public AUTHORS are Year Entries Moore Adrienne 1945 See Kennaway Adrienne 1945 1 MooreAlice Ruth 1875 1935 See Dunbar Nelson Alice Moore 1875 1935 1 Moore http://catalog.oceancitylibrary.org:90/kids/0,10,862,864/search/aMoore, C. J./am | |
65. Alice Dunbar-Nelson Alice DunbarNelson (1875-1935) About Alice Dunbar-Nelson On "I Sit and I Sew" A Dunbar-Nelson Chronology Essays by Dunbar-Nelson About World War I Prepared and Compiled by Cary Nelson Return to Modern American Poetry Home Return to http://www.english.uiuc.edu/maps/poets/a_f/dunbar-nelson/dunbar-nelson.htm | |
66. Her Stories: Womens Voices In American Literature, One Half Unit: Lessons Nelson Page 4 Literary Terms. Commentary, Page 3. Alice Ruth MooreDunbarNelson (1875-1935). Unfortunately, the rights sought by http://cdis.missouri.edu/studentinfo/coursedata/6341/lesson01/commentary3.asp | |
67. African American Literature The colored patriots of the American Revolution. E269 N3 N4 1968. Nelson, AliceRuth Moore Dunbar, 18751935. The goodness of St. Rocque, and other stories. http://www.bluefield.wvnet.edu/library/afamn.htm | |
68. Lyrics Of Sunshine And Shadow (in MARION) Title Lyrics of sunshine and shadow the tragic courtship and marriage of PaulLaurence Dunbar and Alice Ruth Moore a history of love and violence among http://www.ccpl.org/MARION/ACE-5444 | |
69. Soule Cemetery, Pine Ridge Section 1950 EFFIE C. 1879 1957 Moore, PRISCILLA 1860 Nelson HELEN C. RICHARDS see RETALLACKRICHARDSON see WEESE, GEORGE SILAS 1889 - 1897 Alice Ruth 1893 - 1897 http://www.rootsweb.com/~nycayuga/cem/cem195_pine.htm | |
70. Female Celebrity Baby Names Faye (01/14/1941) actress Dunbar-Nelson, Alice (1875 16/1931-) singer Grable, BettyElizabeth Ruth Grasle (12 03/1882-1950) author, poet Miller, Alice Duer (07 http://www.kabalarians.com/female/celebs-f.htm | |
71. EVERGREEN CEMETERY Est. 1818 MERCHANT, Leroy, Esther Ruth CHAMPLIN, 1855, 1932, . . 460. 168. Moore, Philena Burnell,. 2/23/1823, 4/25/1904, . 128. Nelson, Alice E. Charles A. Nelson, 1877, 1967, . . http://www.paintedhills.org/CHAUTAUQUA/EvergreenL-P.html | |
72. BEARDSTOWN CITY CEMETERY 9 Inf 2 Div WW I HILES, Raymond Moore Aug 6 HOWARD, Baby - 1928 HOWARD, George -1903-1981 Ruth - 1906-1989 18, 1859-Oct 11, 1920 MILLER, Alice Nelson - Jul 9 http://www.iltrails.org/cass/cem-beaO.htm | |
73. G. F. Richings. Evidences Of Progress Among Colored People. South. GF Richings. Evidences of Progress among Colored People. PhiladelphiaGS Ferguson, 1902. MISS Alice Ruth Moore. (Page 419). http://docsouth.unc.edu/church/richings/ill131.html | |
74. Matt & Andrej Koymasky - Famous GLTB D-2 AIDS activist. Dunbar, Alice, * 1875 + 1935 USA, (Né Alice RuthMoore Dunbar-Nelson) Editor, writer, and activist. Duncan, Isadora, http://andrejkoymasky.com/liv/fam/famd2.html | |
75. Fredericton Rural Cemetery, Part 2 Elwood G. Crandall 18931959 h/w Ruth H. Bird 1942-1961 - Alfred Horsnell 1895-1973h/w Alice E. Horsnell Nelson, - Roy M. Nelson 1897- h/w Maudie A. Palmer 1903 http://www.rootsweb.com/~nbyork/cem/rural2.html | |
76. Authors sculptor James Michener Jari Mielonen Alice Miller Henry 1911) US social reformerKelly Nelson Pablo Neruda Reinhold Ernest Renan Jules Renard Ruth E. Renkei http://aragorn.pb.bialystok.pl/~radev/authors.htm | |
77. SDGENWEB: Minnehaha Co. Queries (Sonnie Everett Nelson, SNe1651087@aol children's names were Hannah, Joseph, Robert,Alice, Ruth, Gladys and Also seeking information about Alice January, b. 18 http://members.aol.com/sparrow1/minnehaha/mnhaque.html | |
78. Name-AZ Macedonian ruler; William R. Alger (); Nelson Algren (1901 Ruth Benedict (18871948)US anthropologist; Stephen Alice Childress (1920-1994) US playwright, actress http://www.creativequotations.com/name-az.html | |
79. Ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/or/multnoma/cemetery/greenwood.txt 1954 Casteel, Edith M. 1903 1962 Cate, Nelson B. 1856 Kennell, Raymond W. 1895 1939Kennell, Ruth E. 1893 Michel, Alice 1879 1953 W/Fred Michel Michel, Anna http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/or/multnoma/cemetery/greenwood.txt |
80. Ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/tx/dallas/cemeteries/whiterock.txt 1957 Dec 1961 4 yrs old JOHNSON, Willie Age 87 JONES, Ruth 1913 1943 PARKER(Nelson), Deborah L w/o BF TURNER, Mary w/o Ted TURNER, Mary Alice 23 Jun http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/tx/dallas/cemeteries/whiterock.txt | |
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