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Nelson Alice Ruth Moore Dunbar: more detail | ||||||
21. A Celebration Of Women Writers: N Listings Kathryn Rusch (1960); Nelson, Alice Ruth Moore Dunbar aka Alice Dunbar;Alice Ruth Moore (1875-1935) The Goodness of St. Roque, and http://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/_generate/authors-N.html | |
22. A Celebration Of Women Writers: AFRICAN AMERICAN WRITERS Press) Nelson, Alice Ruth Moore Dunbar aka Alice Dunbar; Alice RuthMoore (18751935) The Goodness of St. Roque, and Other Stories http://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/_generate/AFRICAN AMERICAN.html | |
23. Authors M-O Carrie Amelia, 18461911 Naunton, Robert, Sir, 1563-1635 Nelson, Alice Ruth MooreDunbar, 1875-1935 AKA Dunbar, Alice Ruth Moore, 1875-1935 Nemiroff, Robert http://www.worldwide-library.co.uk/Authors/m-o.htm | |
24. Index Translate this page fils 1824-1895 Gutenberg Dumont, Theron Q. Gutenberg Dunbar, Alice Ruth Moore, 1875-1935AKA Nelson, Alice Ruth Moore Dunbar, 1875-1935 Gutenberg Duncan, Sara http://www.elbooks.sk/angautD.html | |
25. Classic Book Author Index, Plays, Religious Manuscripts, Historic Documents, And 18021870 Dumas, Alexandre, fils 1824-1895 Dumont, Theron Q. Dunbar, Alice RuthMoore, 1875-1935 AKA Nelson, Alice Ruth Moore Dunbar, 1875-1935 Duncan, Sara http://classicscopy.com/authorindex.htm | |
27. Chronological List, Part 4 1989); DUMONTE, ED; DunbarNelson, Alice (Ruth Moore) (1875-1935);DUNCAN, PAUL; DUNCAN, RONALD (Frederick Henry) (1914-1982); DUNCAN http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/msf/e4.htm | |
28. Index Stories, Listed By Author, Part 3 Browning (19071989); DUMONTE, ED; Dunbar-Nelson, Alice (Ruth Moore)(1875-1935); DUNCAN, RONALD (Frederick Henry) (1914-1982); DUNCAN, W http://contento.best.vwh.net/mags/q3.html | |
29. Stories, Listed By Author DunbarNelson, Alice (Ruth Moore) (1875-1935) Summer Session, (ss)Spooks, Spies, and Private Eyes, ed. Paula L. Woods, Doubleday, 1995. http://contento.best.vwh.net/mags/s32.html | |
30. Information - Www.ezboard.com We acknowledge and proudly continue the tradition of Alice Ruth Moore DunbarNelson(1875-1935), Jessie Redmon Fauset (1882-1961), Angelina Weld Grimke (1880 http://pub17.ezboard.com/ftheartshackfrm13.showMessage?topicID=11.topic |
31. DIGITAL BOOK INDEX: Indexed EBook Authors (e-Book, E-Books, EBooks) Abraham Nabokov, Vladimir, 18991977 b. Russia Nasmyth, James, 1808-1890 Nation,Carrie Amelia, 1846-1911 Nelson, Alice Ruth Moore Dunbar, 1875-1935 (ie, Alice http://www.digitalbookindex.com/_help/helpauthorsa.htm | |
32. Berømte Lesbiske Eller Biseksuelle Kvinder Alice Dunbar (Alice Ruth Moore DunbarNelson), Amerikansk forfatter og redaktør,1875-1935. Isadora Duncan, Amerikansk danser og koreograf, 1877-1927. http://www.geocities.com/lesinfodk/beromte.html | |
33. Records For African Americans -- Literary Collections -- Juvenile Literature. (i DunbarNelson, Alice Moore, 1875-1935. The works of Alice Dunbar-Nelson / editedby Gloria T. Hull 1950 / edited by Lorraine Elena Roses, Ruth Elizabeth Randolph http://www.ccpl.org/MARION/@AFRICAN AMERICANS LITERARY COLLECTIONS/683e60007200/ | |
34. Project Gutenberg: Authors List Dunbar, Alice Ruth Moore, 18751935 AKA Nelson, Alice Ruth Moore Dunbar, 1875-1935.Duncan, Sara Jeannette, 1861-1922 AKA Cotes, Everard, Mrs., 1861-1922. http://www.gwd50.k12.sc.us/PG-Authors.htm | |
35. Pauline Hopkins Hopkins shares threads of feminist issues with other black women writers suchas Alice Ruth Moore Dunbar Nelson (18751935), her near contemporary. http://www.africanpubs.com/Apps/bios/1136HopkinsPauline.asp?pic=none |
36. Brooklyn Public Library /All Locations b. 1871 1 Moore, Alice, 18611915 See Hubbard, Alice, 1861-1915 1 Moore,Alice Ruth, 1875-1935 See Dunbar-Nelson, Alice Moore, 1875-1935 1 Moore http://catalog.brooklynpubliclibrary.org:90/kids/10,340,356/search/aMoore, Aliso | |
37. 200 Famous Women Dec 2_ Draper, Ruth (18841956) US actress; Dec 3_ Dec 29_ Moore, Mary Tyler (1936-)US actress _ Dunbar-Nelson, Alice (1875-1935) US poet, essayist; _ Duncan http://www.famouscreativewomen.com/women-dob.html | |
38. Longman Anthology Of Women's Literature - Allyn & Bacon / Longman Catalog sarah's promise. naomi watches as Ruth sleeps. Bessie Head (19371986). Alice Dunbar-Nelson(1875-1935). I Sit and Sew. Trifles. Marianne Moore (1887-1972). http://www.ablongman.com/catalog/academic/product/1,4096,032101006X,00.html?type |
39. NALW Contents Picasso Ada Miss Furr and Miss Skeene Alice DunbarNelson (1875-1935) Mr. BaptisteI Roosters The Fish Invitation to Miss Marianne Moore In the Ruth Stone (1915 http://www.wwnorton.com/college/english/nalwtoc.htm |
40. OUP USA: ToC: Anthology Of Modern American Poetry Be The Same The Gift Outright Alice DunbarNelson (1875-1935) I Sit and Vulture Birdsand Fishes MARIANNE Moore (1887-1972 1915-1998) For My People Ruth STONE (b http://www.oup-usa.org/toc/tc_0195122712.html | |
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