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         Nadin Mihai:     more books (24)
  1. Anticipation-The End Is Where We Start From by Mihai Nadin, 2003-02-28
  2. Mind: Anticipation and chaos = Antizipation und Chaos (Milestones in thought and research) by Mihai Nadin, 1991
  3. Creating Effective Advertising: Using Semiotics by Mihai Nadin, Richard D. Zakia, 1994-05
  4. Mallorca: The Nature of Things by Mihai Nadin, 2009-10
  5. The Civilization of Illiteracy by Mihai Nadin, 1998-02
  6. University of Texas at Dallas Faculty: Alan MacDiarmid, Mihai Nadin, Murray Leaf, Frederick Turner, Luc Anselin, Russell Alan Hulse, Frank Bass
  7. Romanian Computer Scientists: Fabian Pascal, Andrei Alexandrescu, Grigore Moisil, Mihai Nadin, Ion Filotti, George Necula, Eugen Pavel
  8. Rhode Island School of Design Faculty: Dale Chihuly, Dan Dailey, Jhumpa Lahiri, David Macaulay, Mihai Nadin, Chris Van Allsburg
  9. Mihai Nadin: Hacia Una Nueva Cultura De Multiples Expresiones Y Lenguajes (Spanish Edition)
  10. Kodikas/Code: 1981 Number Three
  11. Jenseits der Schriftkultur by Mihai Nadin, 1999-02
  12. Mut fur den Alltag by Mihai Nadin, 1978
  13. Courage for every day: (a translation of Mut fur den Alltag by Mihai Nadin, 1978
  14. Exit by Mihai Nadin, 2004-12

41. Nadin, M.
One Cannot Not Interact. Mihai Nadin Computational Design, Universityof Wuppertal, Monsieur Jourdain And this, the way I speak.
One Cannot Not Interact
Mihai Nadin Computational Design, University of Wuppertal
Monsieur Jourdain: And this, the way I speak. What name would be applied to...? Philosophy Master: The way you speak? Monsieur Jourdain: Yes. Philosophy Master: Prose Monsieur Jourdain: It's prose. Well, what do you know about that!? these forty years now, I've been speaking in prose without knowing it. The Bourgeois Gentleman A position paper for a workshop on human-computer interaction, beginning with a quote from literature is unusual. But here you have the essence of my position: All those involved in human-computer interaction (HCI) "speak" semiotics, whether they are aware of it or not. In paraphrasing Paul Watzslawick's famous axiom-One cannot not communicate-I submit (again) to the HCI community that one cannot not interact ; and because interaction is based on signs, one cannot not "semiotize." That is, one cannot avoid semiotics. Indeed, we express ourselves through various signs; we interpret them, and thus become part of the infinite sign process. Our practical experiences (work, learning, various transaction, etc.) are more and more semiotic in nature, i.e., more and more mediated by signs, visual or of other types. As a semiotic engine, the computer accelerated the semiotization of human life, including the semiotization of the interaction between humans and machines. As is the case with every broad statement, it means close to nothing unless it is substantiated. Here are the arguments for my axiom:

42. Nadin
Translate this page Mihai Nadin. Mihai Nadin. http// personnelle en allemand. CV, bibliographie, séminaires et articles online.
Mihai Nadin Mihai Nadin Page personnelle en allemand. CV, bibliographie, séminaires et articles online. Homepage in German. CV, bibliography, seminars, and articles online.

43. Bibliographie_N
Nadin, Mihai,. 1978 Sign and Aesthetical Systems, With an Applicationto Brancusi's Semiotic Aesthetics, in Arbeitsgruppe Semiotik
Nadin, Mihai, 1978: Sign and Aesthetical Systems, With an Application to Brancusi's Semiotic Aesthetics , in Arbeitsgruppe Semiotik, ed., Die Einheit der Semiotischen Dimensionen, Narr, Tübingen 1978; pp. 337ff La production du sens de l'image dans l'art moderne in Degrés , pp. el-el6. Introduction, in Semiotica , pp. 165-171. On the Meaning of the Visual. 12 Theses Regarding the Visual and its Interpretation in Semiotica 52:3/4, pp. 335-377. Nanni, L. 1980: Per una nuova semiologia dell'arte. Garzanti, Milan. Naville, P., Recherches pour une sémiologie de l'image optique, in Epistémologie sociologique , n° 9. Nerlich, Michael, Qu'est-ce qu'un iconotexte? Réflexions sur le rapport texte-image photographique dans "La Femme se découvre", in Montandon, ed., Iconotextes. Actes du Colloque des 17-18 mars, 1988 à l'Université Blaise Pascal, CRCD/ORPHYS, Clermont-Ferrand 1990; pp. 255-302. Nordbladh, Jarl, Om bilderna som meddelanden i samhället, Konstvetenskapliga studier , Göteborg pp. 71-85 [Strn/Prt; E/Pg/FrStr; Sugg]

11 No. 2. Ich Bin Ein Illiterati An Interview with Mihai Nadin. To read the longversion of this article, click here http//
TECHNOS QUARTERLY Summer 2002 Vol. 11 No. 2 Ich Bin Ein Illiterati: An Interview with Mihai Nadin To read the long version of this article, click here: By Thom Gillespie, Maitre d' Igital At the same time, I had been looking at Alan Kay's Squeak project, imagining a world where Squeak was the pencil children used, starting in kindergarten. I was imagining a learning environment where even kindergartners were expected to draw, write, animate, program, and make music as matter of fact. I was imagining an education which could have helped my 19-year-old student get where he wanted to go. The Civilization of Illiteracy Civilization of Illiteracy The Interview Mihai, your book proclaims the end of literacy, but in book form. Isn't this a bit of an oxymoron? Humankind is entering an era in the pragmatic progress of its activity and is discovering that language, the so-called natural language we use to speak and write, cannot function as efficiently as it did before this period. The overhead represented by everything involved in the use of one dominant language is such that it negatively affects human efficiency. The Civilization of Illiteracy is published by Dresden University Press (ISBN 3931828387) and is most readily available through independent Publishers Group

45. TechTV Store Powered By - Books Jewish Does It Make A
Click for larger image Author Elvira Nadin Joint Author Mihai Nadin Format HardcoverISBN 0824604202 Pages 284 Publish Date 5/1/2000 Publisher Jonathan

46. Educom Subscription Info And Honorary Subscribers For 9th Oct 1997
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Subscription Info and Honorary Subscribers
for 9th Oct
  • Technical support is provided by Information Technology Services at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
  • Edupage ... is what you've just finished reading. To subscribe to Edupage: send mail to: with the message: subscribe edupage Mihai Nadin (if your name is Mihai Nadin; otherwise, substitute your own name). To unsubscribe send a message to: with the message: unsubscribe edupage. (If you have subscription problems, send mail to
  • Educom Review ... is our bimonthly print magazine on information technology and education ... Subscriptions are $18 a year in the U.S.; send mail to When you do, we'll ring a little bell, because we'll be so happy! Choice of bell is yours: a small dome with a button, like the one on the counter at the dry cleaners with the sign "Ring bell for service"; or a small hand bell; or a cathedral bell; or a door bell; or a chime; or a glockenspiel. Your choice. But ring it!
  • Educom Update ... is our twice-a-month electronic summary of organizational news and events. To subscribe, send mail to: with the message: subscribe update Mihai Nadin (if your name is Mihai Nadin; otherwise, substitute your own name).

47. [rohrpost] Trust - The 21 Century And Beyond
Translate this page FCGR, Providence, USA Kersten, Heinrich, Dr., Bonn, Germany Ludwig, Volker, Dipl.-Ing.,Bonn, Germany Mann, Erika, Brüssel, Belgium Nadin, Mihai, Prof.
stator on 28 Nov 2000 16:20:57 -0000
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Date Next Thread Prev Thread Next ... Thread Index [rohrpost] Trust - the 21 century and beyond Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren Wir möchten Sie auf folgende Veranstaltung aufmerksam machen: "Trust - the 21 century and beyond" snailmail: University Wuppertal Computational Design; FB 5 Torsten Stapelkamp c/o Prof. Dr. Dr. Mihai Nadin Hofaue 35-39 D-42103 Wuppertal, Germany # rohrpost deutschsprachige Mailingliste fuer Medien- und Netzkultur # Info:; msg: info rohrpost # kommerzielle Verwertung nur mit Erlaubnis der AutorInnen # Entsubskribieren:, msg: unsubscribe rohrpost # Kontakt:

48. Author Names Starting With NA
Nadeau, Marie; Nadel, Lynn; Nadin, Mihai; Naeser, Margaret A. Naeshammar,S. Naeve, Susan L. Naeve Velguth, Susan; Näf, Beat; Naffin

49. Books By Mihai Nadin
Similar pages Willkommen in der Internet Community der Professionals Translate this page Dr. Dr. Mihai Nadin und sind Internet Community,Wissensmaschine und Portal zugleich. (**) Prof. Dr. Dr. Mihai Nadin., Mihai
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Books by Mihai Nadin
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3 titles
(showing 1-3) The Civilization of Illiteracy
by Mihai Nadin
Hardcover - February 1998
List price: $79.00
Creating Effective Advertising : Using Semiotics

by Mihai Nadin Richard D. Zakia Hardcover - May 1994 List price: $39.95 Lowest price on 04/01/2003: $39.95 Jewish : Does It Make a Difference? by Elvita Nadin Mihai Nadin Hardcover - May 2000 List price: $23.00 Creating Effective Advertising : Using ... The Civilization of Illiteracy Jewish : Does It Make a Difference? See All Titles Search By: Keyword Title Author ISBN Browse: Choose a subject: Art Children's Books Christian Books History Gardening Horror Mystery Oprah Book Club® Photography Reference Romance Science Science Fiction Sports Technology Travel About Us Affiliate Program Contact Us Help ... Webmasters

50. Professor Nadin
Professor Dr.-Ing. Dr. MIHAI NADIN gibt wissenschaftliche Reihe "Digitale Horizonte" heraus
Professor Dr.-Ing. Dr. MIHAI NADIN, der im Fachbereich Design-Kunst-Musik-Druck das Fachgebiet Computational Design vertritt, ist Herausgeber einer im Synchron Wissenschaftsverlag der Autoren erscheinenden Reihe "Digitale Horizonte", die sich thematisch auf die Interaktion zwischen Benutzen und die neuen Maschinen konzentrieren soll. Kommunikationsaspekte menschlicher Tätigkeiten sollen besprochen werden, die Netzwerke in Anspruch nehmen, die auf Visualisierung basieren, die multimedial sind. Prof. Dr. Nadin: "Das Digitale ist Teil unseres Lebens geworden. Das soll aber nicht heißen, dass jeder Benutzer die Technologie bis in alle Einzelheiten beherrschen muss. Eigentlich sollte es so sein, dass der Umgang mit digitalen Maschinen so natürlich wie möglich stattfinden soll. Um das zu ermöglichen, müssen wir uns von der Technologie befreien und natürliche Formen der Interaktion zwischen Benutzer und Technologie ermöglichen." "Eine Maschine wird nützlich, sobald sie unabhängig geworden ist vom Wissen, das zu ihrer Erfindung geführt hat" (Friedrich Dürrenmatt). Heutzutage sind wir sehr gut in der Gestaltung immer schnellerer und kleinerer Maschinen, d.h. also im Hardware-Bereich, aber wir sind sehr weit davon entfernt, die Kommunikation zwischen Mensch und Maschine zu verbessern.

51. IZKS - Personen
Prof. Dr. Mihai Nadin Universität Wuppertal eMail Nadin@code.uni-wuppertal.deInternet Mihai Nadin
Prof. Dr. Mihai Nadin
Mihai Nadin, Head, Program in Computational Design, University of Wuppertal, Germany;
President, MINDesign, USA/Germany. Pioneer in computer graphics, Mihai Nadin introduced computers in art and design education at several colleges and universities in the USA and abroad. Involved in computer applications in art and design since 1960, he has also worked as consultant in the area of digital technology development for leading companies around the world. As head of the Computational Design Program, he emphasizes the new skills and cognitive condition that designing with and for digital technology entails. His 18th book, The Civilization of Illiteracy, which deals with the liberating effect that the digital paradigm has on work and life, was published in 1997.

52. IZKS - Personen
Persons, Prof. Dr. Mihai Nadin Universität Wuppertal eMail Nadin@code.uni-wuppertal.deInternet Mihai
Prof. Dr. Mihai Nadin

Mihai Nadin, Head, Program in Computational Design, University of Wuppertal, Germany;
President, MINDesign, USA/Germany. Pioneer in computer graphics, Mihai Nadin introduced computers in art and design education at several colleges and universities in the USA and abroad. Involved in computer applications in art and design since 1960, he has also worked as consultant in the area of digital technology development for leading companies around the world. As head of the Computational Design Program, he emphasizes the new skills and cognitive condition that designing with and for digital technology entails. His 18th book, The Civilization of Illiteracy, which deals with the liberating effect that the digital paradigm has on work and life, was published in 1997.

53. Text Nadin Deutsch
Translate this page Start. PARADOX Start. Mihai Nadin. WIR SIND WAS WIR TUN. von MihaiNadin. Wir sind was wir tun. Designer designen. Im Akt der Design
Start PARADOX Start Mihai Nadin WIR SIND WAS WIR TUN von Mihai Nadin Das Wort "Design" hat einen lateinischen Ursprung und bedeutet "von dem Zei-chen", "aus dem Zeichen", "in Anbetracht des Zeichen", "gemäß des Zeichen", "durch das Medium des Zeichen". Ich zitiere aus den Literaturhinweisen meines Buches Jenseits der Schriftkultur [1] und das geschieht nicht zufällig (oder aus Mangel an Ideen). Das Kapitel mit dem Titel "Der Sinn von Design" beschäftigt sich mit der Definition und Gründung von Design in jenem neuen Stadium der Menschheit, das ich "Jenseits der Schriftkultur" nenne. Es platziert Design als eine gute definierte, praktische Erfahrung menschlicher Selbstkonstituierung in die breite Perspektive eines neuen pragmatischen Rahmen. Mit anderen Worten, es setzt die Aktivität, die wir "Design" nennen, in Beziehung zu anderen Aktivitäten ­ Programmierung, Kommunikation, Arbeiten im Netzwerk, Sport, Unterhaltung, Kochen, Ausbildung, Militär, Politik ­ welche das postindustrielle Zeitalter definieren. Dies passiert, indem alle Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen diesen Aktivitäten, wie Dezentralisation, Non-Hierarchie, Parallelismus, Verteilung , Heterogenität zu definieren versucht werden. Das Thema des Buches ist die Dynamik der Veränderung, das heißt die Zukunft. (Tatsächlich ist jede menschliche Aktivität zukunftsorientiert). Die Position, die in mei-nem Buch vertreten wird, ist in Bezug auf eine Diskussion über Design-Grundlagen in einer schwierigen Lage. Grundlagen implizieren Permanenz. Eine meiner wichtigsten Thesen lautet, dass in unserer neuen Zivilisation, die auf der Integration von Mitteln und Methoden wie das Digitale, Genetik, Arbeiten im Netzwerk, Interaktion, etc. basiert, Permanenz der Vergänglichkeit weicht. Mit anderen Worten ich behaupte indirekt, dass man bei der Diskussion der Grundlagen die Dynamik der Veränderung ignoriert, durch welche heute jeder Versuch in Richtung Permanenz unmöglich wird. Um die Dinge auf die Spitze zu treiben entwarf ich ein Verständnis von "Grundlage", welches das

54. Text Nadin English
Start. PARADOX Start. Mihai Nadin. WE ARE WHAT WE DO. by Mihai Nadin.We are what we do. Designers design. In the act of designing
Start PARADOX Start Mihai Nadin WE ARE WHAT WE DO by Mihai Nadin On the semiotic condition of design The word "design," of Latin origin, means "from the sign," "out of the sign," "on account of the sign," "considering the sign," according to the sign," through the medium of the sign." I quote from the reference section of my book, The Civilization of Illiteracy [1], and I do so not by accident (or lack of ideas). The chapter entitled "The Sense of Design" is dedicated to the definition and foundation of design in this new stage of humankind that I call "the civilization of illiteracy." It places design, as a well defined practical experience of human self-constitution in the broad perspective of a new pragmatic framework. In other words, it relates the activity we call "design" to other activities-programming, communication, networking, sports, entertainment, cooking education, military, politics-that define the post-industrial age. And it does so by trying to define commonalities among these activities-such as decentralization, non-hierarchy, parallelism, distribution, heterogeneity. The subject of the book is the dynamics of change, that is, the future. (Actually, any human activity is future oriented.) The position expressed in my book places this contribution to a discussion on design foundations in a difficult perspective. Foundations imply permanence. One of my major theses is that in our new civilization based on integrating means and methods, such as digital, genetic, networking, interaction, etc., permanence gives way to transitoriness. In other words, I indirectly claim that to discuss Foundations (

55. Wuppertal-Navigator: Das Adressbuch » U «
Translate this page Uni Wuppertal - Jensen, Per - Prof. - FB Chemie Uni Wuppertal - Nadin,Mihai - Prof. Dr. Dr. - Computational Design Uni Wuppertal
Liste aller Einträge
, Daniel
Ubia - Technisch-wissenschaftliche Studentenverbindung
Uchmann , Thomas
Uchrin , Stefan - EDV-TIPs
Ucke , Michael
, Bernd + Michaela
Uderhardt , Felicitas
Uderhardt , Felix
Ueberholz , Nico - Ueberholz Messebau GmbH Ueberholz Messebau GmbH - Ueberholz, Nico Ueberlacker , Walter UELFER electronic Uelwer , M. - Fussbodentechnik Ufermann Ufermann , Erhard - Musiker UfP GmbH UfP GmbH - Hanau, Anke UfP GmbH - Hanau, Stephan Uhl , Azrah uhl , roswitha Uhlenbrock , Stefan Ulaga , Peter - UL-RENT - Autovermietung Ulbrich , Fritz-Helmut , Fikret Ulli , Putsch Ullius , Hans-W. - Fesseldrachenclub SchwebeWahn Ullrich , Volker - Impulse e.V. - Heilpraktikerschule UL-RENT - Ulaga, Peter - Autovermietung Ulrich , Markus Umbruch GmbH - Îndustriebuchbinderei Ummelmann , Anke Umstandsmoden Exquisit Umweltschutztelefon - Stadt Wuppertal una Underline - Gomm, Karl-Heinz Unibibliothek - Uni Wuppertal Uni Dojo - Karateverein unifydesign - DTP/Satz/Mediengestaltung/Webdesign Uni Halle - Verwaltung und Vermietung unikat - Werbeagentur UNIKUM-Keramik - Tonwaren der besonderen Art Unikum-Keramik Unitas Hildburghausen zu Wuppertal im TCV - Chr. Studentenverbindung

EDMEDIA/ED-TELECOM 98 Accepted Presentations Listed by Contact Authors’ LastNames NS Nadin, Mihai Poster/Demo Session 1226 Interactive multimedia

57. Diplomarbeit Marco Brunzel (gegliedert)
Translate this page http//, Mihai. Cognitive aspects of visualization. http
1.2 Komplexität managen - Wandel der Institutionen, Instrumente und Methoden Deutsche Bibliothek Die unendliche Bibliothek - Digitale Information in Wissenschaft, Verlag und Bibliothek (Symposium) Klostermann, Vittorio E. Verlegen im Netz - Zur Diskussion um die Zukunft des wissenschaftlichen Buches Moser, Heinz Neue mediale, "virtuelle" Realitäten - ein pädagogisches Manifest Nadin, Mihai Cognitive aspects of visualization Young, Jeffrey R. TEXTUALITY IN CYBERSPACE:MUDS AND WRITTEN EXPERIENCE 1.3 GIS, FIS, KIS ... - Technikeinsatz in der Stadt- und Regionalplanung Dollinger, Franz Vom Spiel- zum Werkzeug. Über die Bedeutung des Computers in der Raumplanung am Beispiel der Salzburger Landesplanung Dressel, Jürgen Zusammenwirken von ArcView und Fachanwendungen am Beispiel eines Landinformationssystems CD-ROM (siehe ESRI) ESRI Gesellschaft für Systemforschung und Umweltplanung GmbH 6. Deutsche Anwenderkonferenz (diverse Beiträge)

58. Literacy Lost
Mihai Nadin. The Civilization of Illiteracy. Some people may be put off by thesheer size of Mihai Nadin’s book, The Civilization of Illiteracy.
Radical Pedagogy (2000)
ISSN: 1524-6345
Literacy Lost
Steven Bleicher
Graphic Design Department
Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale
Mihai Nadin. The Civilization of Illiteracy . Dresden: Dresden University Press, 1997. 880 pp.; $ 75.00 The Civilization of Illiteracy . For those already comfortable in the civilization he describes, the book is too big and too heavy. And it has no pictures. The loss is theirs. While it is not light reading by any stretch of the imagination, it may be one of the most important volumes of the decade. The Civilization of Illiteracy When Nadin speaks of The Civilization of Illiteracy Netizens , citizens of the Internet and the World Wide Web. As we move deeper into the age of sound bites and surfing the Net, we become overwhelmed by technological hype. Nadin breaks through the confusion. We have moved into an age where everything is pared down to its lowest common dominator, the lowest point that a mass audience can deal with. Our pragmatics demands this! As with a good mystery, the ending should not be revealed. This much can be told: the adaptations and solutions that Nadin proposes provide for a happy end. The volume not only defines the problem but also gives a sense of hope, suggesting some positive methods for addressing our current predicament. He lays out a blueprint for new systems of non-linear education and exchange of ideas. In his vision of new literacies, Nadin feels that education has to become a living process and that we must adapt our pedagogy accordingly.

59. From Bauhaus To Thinkhouse.
If you want to know where the road leads to, come to our colloquium.Mihai Nadin, Computational Design, Order Mihai Nadin). Please
Design, not unlike football or politics, looks so easy to do. However, only few succeed at it, as only few players score goals on the football field and very few individuals bring about meaningful political action.
Quality is the real goal of design. Bauhaus was the design of a glorious era - the Industrial Age. Thinkhouse is now under way: it is the design of and for the Digital Age.
If you want to know where the road leads to, come to our colloquium.
Mihai Nadin
Computational Design Order CD-ROM:
You can order a CD-ROM of the webcast by sending a check for DM 29,90 to the order of Head of Design e.V. (or a check for US$ 20,00 to order of Prof. Mihai Nadin). Please mail your order to: BUGH Wuppertal Hofaue 35-39 D-42103 Wuppertal, Germany Fon: +49 (0)202 439 4724 Fax: +49 (0)202 439 4724 email: Registration by E-mail:

Registration by Mail:
Computational Design
Hofaue 35-39, 42103 Wuppertal
Project coordinator: Prof.Dr. Mihai Nadin

60. Mihai
an interviw with Mihai Nadin by Thom Gillespie The original impetusfor this article came when a very smart talented 19 yearold
an interviw with Mihai Nadin by Thom Gillespie T: Mihai, your book is a book which proclaims the end of literacy. Isn't this a bit of an oxymoron? So, while you are definitely right in noticing that I am writing that writing is no longer the medium through which we acquire and disseminate knowledge. At the same time I report about the technological difficulties of reaching the same levels of efficiencies we have reached with traditional literacy. So, using writing to report this change was a necessary decision on my part. T: I noticed when I downloaded your book in pdf format that a hypertext format would have made more sense but your limitation in this instance at this point in time is that you are a literate person? M: Absolutely. I am reporting in my book that I am the product of the civilization of literacy. I am captive to this civilization and that the struggle between that which I belong and that which is challenging me is not an easy challenge. T: When you talk about literacy you use the word 'efficiency' and you suggest that it was once more efficient than it is now. M: Correct. Efficiency is the measure of the output in what ever we do. In our dialog. In taking care of the field or in producing computers in a factory. That output is related to what ever effort it takes to reach the output. At this moment due to the so called digital means our level of efficiency that is no longer comparable to anything we know from the history of mankind. That level of efficiency reached during the industrial age was a perfect reflection of the efficiency of literacy. That potential is now exhausted.

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