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81. Virtual Conference Reid Michell Essay Essay by Reid Mitchell. http://www.albany.edu/history/hist_fict/Mitchell/Mitchelles.htm | |
82. Links To Literature: H.H. Munro GENERAL RESOURCES. Saki HH Munro. Biographical essay, bibliography, and linksto online texts. HH Munro Forum Frigate. Message board, with a link to a chat. http://www.linkstoliterature.com/munrohh.htm | |
83. HighScotland Website - Welcome Visit Scotland's highest points from the comfort of your own seat. Munro Bagging on the Web. Virtual Munros. http://www.highscotland.co.uk | |
84. HH Munro (Saki) - A Biography Home, Weblog, Downloads, Danger, Saki, Webcam, Fri 7 Feb 0913 in UK. HH Munro('SAKI') a Biography December 18, 1870 - November 13, 1916, Back to Saki index. http://www.jonrennie.com/saki/bio.php | |
85. David Munro Nature Photography Landscape and wildlife photography from South Australia's Fleurieu and other regions throughout Australia. Available to do commissioned work. http://www.picknowl.com.au/homepages/wdmunro/Page 2.htm | |
86. GIGA Quote Author Page For Hector Hugh (H.H.) Munro (Saki) GIGA's compilation of quotations, excerpts, proverbs, maxims and aphorismsby Hector Hugh (HH) Munro (Saki). Home Page Biographical http://www.giga-usa.com/gigaweb1/quotes2/quautmunrohectorhx001.htm | |
87. Alice Munro Interview with the author, as well as discussion topics and questions for 'Open Secrets' and 'The Love of a Good Woman'. http://www.randomhouse.com/vintage/read/secrets/munro.html | |
88. Selections From H.H. Munro At Conservativeforum.org HH Munro 1870 1916. Scottish author, aka Saki, best known for hisshort stories. We all know that Prime Ministers are wedded to http://www.conservativeforum.org/authquot.asp?ID=646 |
89. Scotland 's Munros & Walks - Scottish Sport.co.uk Practical information for walking in Scotland from Munro routes to low level family walks. http://www.scottishsport.co.uk/walking/ | |
90. Saki (HH Munro) Biography Saki (HH Munro) Writer England Born 18 Dec 1870 Died 14 Nov 1916 HectorHugh Munro was born in Burma in 1870 and brought up under the strict tutelage http://www.artsworld.com/books-film/biographies/s-u/saki-%28hh-munro%29.html |
91. Munro Promotions: Easy Fundraising Ideas And Activities In The UK, Fund-raising Offers a selection of fudge and biscuits for fundraisers. Product details and advice. http://www.fundraisinguk.co.uk | |
92. The Short Stories Of Saki, By H. H. Munro The Short Stories of Saki, by Saki (HH Munro). Viking Press/The Modern Library,New York, 1930. Fiction Contents. Saki, Reginald (1904) Reginald, 1904. http://www.hycyber.com/HF/collected_saki.html | |
93. CNN - Canada´s Alice Munro Wins Critics' Award - March 8, 1999 Announcement of the winners of the National Book Critics Circle awards. http://www.cnn.co.uk/books/news/9903/08/critics.awards.top/ | |
94. M Listing Of Horror And Fantasy Writers Ralph Robert Moore Morlan, AR Morrow, James Morrow, William Chambers Muddock, JamesEdward Preston Mulock, Dinah Maria Munro, Alice Munro, HH Murdoch, Iris http://www.hycyber.com/HF/m_list.html | |
95. - LLibrary - Saki (H. H. Munro) ../Llibrary Saki (HH Munro). . The Chronicles of Clovis; The Mouse; Mrs.Packletide's Tiger; The Open Window; Reginald; Reginald in Russia. . back. http://www.vet.bg.ac.yu/~vana/Library/s/saki.htm | |
96. UNU MPS - Masters Of Scottish Mountaineering Homepage A mountaineering club who make regular trips up to Scotland, usually bagging lots of Munros. http://www.unu.nottingham.ac.uk/~pineapple/ | |
97. The Collected Short Stories Of H. H. Munro The Collected Short Stories Of HH Munro Madhuram Nagarajan. Hector Hugh Munro isbetter known as Saki, the pseudonym that he wrote his brilliant satires under. http://www.freshlimesoda.com/reviews/madhuram.htm | |
98. Women's Stories Alice Munro Biography. http://writetools.com/women/stories/munro_alice.html |
99. The Mouse By Saki (HH Munro) The Mouse. by Saki (HH Munro) THEODORIC VOLER HAD been brought up, frominfancy to the confines of middle age, by a fond mother whose http://btflatt.tripod.com/stories/saki3.htm |
100. The Open Window By Saki (HH Munro) The Open Window. by Saki (HH Munro) My aunt will be down presently,Mr. Nuttel, said a very selfpossessed young lady of fifteen http://btflatt.tripod.com/stories/saki2.htm |
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