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Miller Marion Mills: more detail | ||||||
41. Part 3 By Generations Edward Mills Lamb(18631940) and Flora Belle Averell(1863-1952 and Ada S Miller(1866-)a. Irene Miller Lamb(1889 a. Harry James Lamb(1895-) b. Marion Idelle Lamb http://www.lambsite.com/lambgen/mbc/MBCgen3.htm | |
42. Part 2 By Generations 183719110 and Harriet Oldfield c. Francis Marion Lamb(1839 Adelia Lamb(1846-1892)and Joseph Mills f. Harry Rudd Lamb(1848-1913) and Alwida Miller DDDAG. http://www.lambsite.com/lambgen/mbc/mbcgen2.htm | |
43. Preferred Artists 1981 KILGOUR Robert W 19thC KING Jessie Marion 18751941 Miller Nina 20thC MillerWat 20thC Miller William HRSA F 19thC MILLONS Thomas 19/20thC Mills Charles S http://www.scottishfineart.net/preferred artists.htm | |
44. INDEX Mills. Fred T. ( ) Hannah Elizabeth (1846- ) William H ( - ) Milner. Munday.Marion ( - ) Munro. Murdock. Elizabeth Miller ( - ) Muriel ( - ) Murphy. http://www.go.ednet.ns.ca/~neil/revisedDB/fowndx7.htm |
46. INDEX Miller. Mills. Betty Jo (1933 ) PHILLIPS. Frances Loraine (1924- ) Jamie ( - ) John( - ) John Muncie (1900-1983) Marion Evelyn (1922- ) Norma Kathleen (1925- ) http://www.familyorigins.com/users/s/w/i/Charles-H-Swindle/FAMO5-0001/fowndx3.ht | |
47. INDEX Miller. (Husband of DETWILER, Gladys) ( ) (Second husband of Barbara Ellen BAKER)( - ) Abraham ( - ) Abraham ( - ) Abraham Sr. Mills. Lucy Marion ( - ) NEGLEY. http://www.familyorigins.com/users/d/a/v/Jesse-Franklin-Davis/FAMO2-0001/fowndx1 | |
48. Traces Genealogical Indexes, Alberta, Canada, Collection 1, M Surnames Cemetery, Alberta, Full text, CA015; Mills, Harry W Full text, CA017; MONTGOMERY,Richard Marion 18921965 MORLAND, William Miller 1877-1954, Cemetery, Alberta http://www.myalberta.com/traces/canada/abrefs/01m.htm | |
49. Cemeteries Of Ontario, Canada - Cemetery Transcriptions - Page 6 Dearly loved husband of. Sidney Marion Fraser Rorabeck 1933 -. His wife, MarthaAnn Jackson - 1877 - 1955. Gerald L. Miller - 1914 - ? Wife of, Bert Mills. http://members.rogers.com/gsennott/cemeteries6.html |
50. St. Thomas Cemetery - West Avenue - Section B, St. Thomas, 21, 1906 / in her 74th year / William / Mills / died / buried at J Ida M. / Miller/ died Jan. aged 37 years / George G. / 18721895 / / Marion L. / DEVLIN http://home.ican.net/~bedmonds/ElginOGS/cemeteries/stthomas/westaveB.htm |
51. New Zealand Biographies Index Miller, Harold Gladstone (18981989). Miller, Joseph Holmes (1919-1986). Mitchell,Marion (1876-1955). Platts-Mills, Daisy Elizabeth (1868-1956). http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/dnzb/ | |
52. Records Added To The Library Catalog : February 24 - March 2, 2003 1 The sociological imagination / C. Wright Mills ; with a new to the New harp ofColumbia / Marion J. Hatchett 1926 Lydia wife of Hugh Miller of Cromarty http://www.lib.utk.edu/utkcats/recentadds/030224.html | |
53. Boerne Cemetery, Kendall Co. Cemeteries Of Tx Marie 1901 1983 Marchak, Louis Ladis 1902 1971 Marion, Bertha Lee Herman A. 18961952 Miller, Jack 1906 1983 Miller, Mary Eva 1908 1978 Mills, Lucy Mae http://www.usgennet.org/usa/tx/topic/cemeteries/Etx/Kendall/cemetery/boerne.htm | |
54. 6th Part I* Francis Marion YATES (18391911), m HORNEY (1848-1930), m.1874 DavidS. Mills (1852-1925 5* William Ramsey BLUE (1865-1906), m. Elizabeth Miller. http://members.tripod.com/blue_family/6th gen part 1.htm |
55. WebGED: Family Tree in CHESTER COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA child Mills, Keziah (1761 b. 25 OCT 1882in Marion Co, KS d father Bichan, Peter(*1865 - ) spouse Miller, Jean Skea http://www.knowitnow.com/genealogy/names/main3.html | |
56. Index To Biographical Clippings Thru 1975 NAME Harper, Frank Marion (18651944) CALL NO. CRBo NAME Harper, George Mills CALLNO. CRBo N87 REEL NO NAME Harris, Arthur Miller CALL NO. CRBo N87 REEL http://www.lib.unc.edu/ncc/b75/Ha.html | |
57. New Harris Creek Cemetery 1948 Bertha L. 18871961 s/s Miller, Samuel 1847 s/s APPLE, Flara M. 1885-1959 RABENSTEIN,Marion Eleanor July 23 FLORY, Emanuel 1858-1950 Susan B. 1864-1949 s/s http://www.tdn-net.com/genealogy/cemetery/n-harris.htm | |
58. INDEX Miller. Mills. S. (18531915) Rosa Janette Nettie (1876-1971) Rosi Rosan A (1844-1859)Stephen Pike (1840-1917) William S. (1839- ) William Zeely (1864-1949) http://www.parvin-associates.com/genealogy/wilndx.htm | |
59. TNGenWeb Warren County Tennessee, Obituaries From The Southern Standard Pirtle, Walling, and three sisters, Mrs. Marion Simrell, Fla was the daughter Virginia(Virgie) Miller of Campaign worker at the Father George Mills at Sanford. http://www.tngenweb.org/warren/obit-r.htm | |
60. ReadingProgrammes 1950-51 Devereaux, W. Thorpe, Mr. actor Ross, Marion, Miss actor Ray Webb, SF, Mr. stagedirector Miller, Jack, Mr Tyrone, Sir, 19001971 actor Mills, John, Sir http://library.ukc.ac.uk/library/special/Programmes/PRG1950.HTM | |
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