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81. Melanchthon: The Safety Of The Virtuous Melanchthon 14971560. The Safety of the Virtuous. Biographical Note.Philip Melanchthon (Schwarzerd) was born at Bretten, in Baden, in 1497. http://hippocampusextensions.com/gs/melanchthon/ | |
82. Project BookRead - FREE Online Book: The Augsburg Confession: The Confession Of The Augsburg Confession The Confession of Faith (English) Philip Melanchthon 14971560Translated by F. Bente and WHT Dau This text was converted to ascii http://tanaya.net/Books/augsb10/ | |
83. OUTLINE DISCUSSION CLASS 7 15161556, Charles I (V), as above. 15561598, Philip II, son of the above (SpanishHapsburgs). Melanchthon, Philipp Schwarzerd called, 14971560. http://icg.harvard.edu/~med119/lectures/outd07.html | |
84. Philipp Melanchthon: Luther's Right Hand Man - Suite101.com John L. Hoh, Jr. Published on July 2, 1999. Related Subject(s)Melanchthon, Philipp, 14971560 , Lutheran Church , Reformation. http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/lutheranism/22112 | |
85. Phillip Melanchthon Phillip Melanchthon. (1497 1560). Melanchthon distinguished himself Phillip Melanchthon Year 1997 Homepage. Melanchthon's Childhood http://www.educ.msu.edu/homepages/laurence/reformation/Melanchthon/Melanchthon.h | |
86. Philipp Melanchthon Informationen zu Leben und Zeitgeschichte von Melanchthon sowie seiner Rolle in der Reformation.Category World Deutsch Theologie Personen Melanchthon, Philipp...... http://www.melanchthon.de/ | |
87. The Life Of Philippus Melanchthon - Links Sites op het WorldWideWeb. van belang voor de kennis van de persoon enhet werk van Philippus Melanchthon. Op deze pagina wordt geprobeerd http://www.meetingpoint.org/pm/pmlinks.htm | |
88. Wer Lebte Von 1497 - 1560? (Zeus) Philipp Melanchthon Huldreich Translate this page 42%, 58%. Quizbereich Allgemeinbildung Wer lebte von 1497 - 1560? (Zeus) MartinBucer Martin Luther Huldreich Zwingli Philipp Melanchthon Lassen Sie sich die http://www.jenskleemann.de/fragen/Wer%20lebte%20von%201497%20%201560%20ZeusPhili |
89. Die Predigtdatenbank Translate this page Dieses Bekenntnis wurde 1530 Seiner Majestät Karl V. in Augsburg von PhilipMelanchthon (1497-1560) überreicht. ARTIKEL DES GLAUBENS UND DER LEHRE. http://www.predigten.de/nachgefragt/augsburg.html | |
90. Copernicus's Book This partial acceptance of Copernicus' work was disseminated widely through PhilipMelanchthon (14971560) and his students at University of Wittenberg (thus http://www.hps.cam.ac.uk/starry/coperbooks.html | |
91. Template (b) The period of Symbolism, represented, by the Lutheran theology of PhilipMelanchthon (1497-1560), and the Reformed theology of John Calvin (1509-1564 http://christianbeliefs.org/articles/systematictheology.html | |
92. MIASTO WWW EVANGELICALLUTHERAN TRINITY PARISH IN LUBLIN/POLAND. No.1. http://lutherans.w.interia.pl/library.htm | |
93. Ä«À¼¶ÙÓë×ڽ̸ĸï The summary for this Chinese (Simplified) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.godoor.net/text/HISTORY/zhuanji28.htm | |
94. Rechercheportal.de - Christentum - Recherche Für Journalisten, Kostenlose Daten Translate this page Predigten gesammelte christliche Predigten http://www.repor.de/dc/christ.html | |
95. Busca Biografías Miles De Biografias http://buscabiografias.com/ | |
96. ¾¥Äõ¹y»P©v±Ð§ï² The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.ces.org.tw/CES News/0207-d.htm | |
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