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61. UNF Core I: Section 23: Protestant Reformation Lutherans Philip Melanchthon (14971560). Other German ReformationsZurich - Ulrich Zwingli (1484-1531). IV. John Calvin (1509-64). http://www.unf.edu/classes/freshmancore/halsall/core1-23.htm | |
62. Index John Charles (18741907) Songs, Merry and Sad Melanchthon, Philip(1497-1560) The Augsburg Confession Melville, Herman (1819-1891) http://www.changanyouth.xahu.edu.cn/pages/novel/M/ | |
63. A Cloud Of Witnesses... The Power Of The Gospel as evangelion. Philip Melanchthon (14971560) was one of the most importantfirst-generation German Reformers. ©1992 - 2002 Alliance http://www.modernreformation.org/mr97/julaug/mr9704powergospel.html | |
64. Santuary Windows Philip Melanchthon(14971560), professor of Greek at Wittenberg University, assistedLuther in his composition of teaching documents about Luther's theology http://www.kmlchurch.org/santuarywindows.htm | |
65. Martin Luther - Who's Who Philip Melanchthon (14971560 ) He was a gifted Greek scholar, who in 1521 systematizedLuthers disorganised thoughts in the first book for many centuries http://www.thehistorychannel.co.uk/classroom/alevel/luther3.htm | |
66. Theologie Im Internet (International Bible And Theology Gateways Translate this page vom Institut für Theologie und Frieden) Selected Works of Martin Luther 1483-1546 of Paul Gerhardt 1607-1676 of Philip Melanchthon 1497-1560 The Divinity http://www.uni-passau.de/ktf/gateways.html | |
67. History, Historical Theology, Redemptive History, Chuch History, Christian Histo Part 1 Part 2 (Project Wittenberg) Philip Melanchthon, Of the Power and Primacy ofthe Pope (Project Wittenberg) Philip Melanchthon (14971560) The German Mass http://www.monergism.com/thethreshold/articles/topic/history.html | |
68. EKD: Protestant Church In Germany - Faith of Augsburg The Confession of Faith Submitted to His Imperial Majesty CharlesV At the Diet of Augsburg in the Year 1530 by Philip Melanchthon (14971560). http://www.ekd.de/english/3833.html | |
69. Melanchthon, Philip. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 Melanchthon, Philip. (m l ngk´th n) (KEY) Confession (see creed). Melanchthon was more conciliatory than Luther, great confidence in Melanchthon as his successor, but Melanchthon http://www.bartelby.com/65/me/Melancht.html | |
70. Melanchthon, Philip Melanchthon, Philip , 14971560, German scholar and humanist. He was secondonly to Martin Luther as a figure in the Lutheran Reformation. http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0832559.html | |
71. Melanchthon, Philip. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. Melanchthon, Philip.(m l ngk´th n) (KEY) , 14971560, German scholar and humanist. http://www.bartleby.com/65/me/Melancht.html | |
72. Philip Melanchthon, 1497 - 1560 Project Wittenberg Philip Melanchthon, 1497 1560. http://www.ctsfw.edu/etext/mel/ | |
73. Philip Melanchthon Era of Reform, Philip Melanchthon (1497 1560). Era of Reform, German Lutheranhumanist, author of the Augsburg Confession, and Lutheran reformer. http://www.lutherproductions.com/historytutor/basic/basic/reformation/people/phi | |
74. Frühe Neuzeit Digital Philip Melanchthon (1497- 1560) (in English). Möller, Arnold (1581-1655) Arnold Möller http://www.hab.de/kataloge/de/fnd/person.htm | |
75. MELANCHTHON Translate this page (1497-1560) Nascido Phillipp Schwarzerdt em Bretten, na Saxônia, eo mais PhilipMelanchthon tornou-se conhecido como organizador e reformador das escolas http://www.cobra.pages.nom.br/fm-melanchthon.html | |
76. Biographies Of Famous Calvinists Translate this page 1587 Matthijs, Jan (Jan Matthys), c.1500-1534 Maurice (Moritz), Duke of Saxony, 1521-1553Melanchthon, Philip (Philipp Schwarzerdt), 1497-1560 Müller, Johann http://stabi.hs-bremerhaven.de/whkmla/period/reformation/bioxrefabc.html | |
77. The Power Of The Gospel - Phillip Melanchthon Phillip Melanchthon (14971560) ©1997 Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. PhilipMelanchthon was one of the most important first-generation German Reformers. http://www.alliancenet.org/pub/classics/melanchthon.gospel.html | |
78. Melanchthon: Orations On Philosophy And Education - Cambridge University Press Philip Melanchthon (14971560), humanist and colleague of Martin Luther, is bestknown for his educational reforms, for which he earned the title Praeceptor http://books.cambridge.org/0521586771.htm | |
79. GENEALOGY: John Rogers served a Protestant congregation in Wittenberg, and published a translation of theGerman Reformer Philip Melanchthon's Considerations of the Augsburg Interim. http://members.aol.com/dcurtin1/gene/rog_john.htm | |
80. Links | Early Modern Period | Confessionalisation and engravings. Philipp Melanchthon, Confessio Augustana Variata PhilipMelanchthon (14971560) (From Project Wittemberg); 500 Jahre http://www.geocities.com/spletnia/hist_Early_Modern/confessionalisation/links.ht | |
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