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         Melanchthon Philip:     more detail
  1. Philip Melanchthon, 1497-1560 by George Wilson, 2010-08-28
  2. Philip Melanchthon (1497-1560) and the Commentary by Timothy Wengert, M. Patrick Graham, 1997-10-01
  3. The Augsburg Confession InLatin And In German- Philip Melanchthon, 1497-1560 by 1497-1560 Philip Melanchthon, 2010-02-20
  4. Philip Melanchthon, the Protestant Preceptor of Germany, 1497-1560 by James William Richard, 2010-10-14
  5. Philip Melanchthon: The Protestant Preceptor of Germany (1497-1560) by James William Richard, 2010-01-10
  7. Philip Melanchthon, the Protestant Preceptor of Germany, 1497-1560 by Anonymous, 2009-10-27
  8. Philip Melanchthon the Protestant Preceptor of Germany 1497-1560 by D.D. James William Richard,
  9. Philip Melanchthon: THe Protestant Preceptor of Germany, 1497-1560
  10. Philip Melanchthon: THe Protestant Preceptor of Germany, 1497-1560 by James William (D.D.) Richard, 1898-01-01
  11. The Transformation of Natural Philosophy: The Case of Philip Melanchthon (Ideas in Context) by Sachiko Kusukawa, 2006-11-02
  12. Rhetoric and Ritual in the Theology of Philip Melanchthon by Michael B. Aune, 1995-01-01
  13. Philip Melanchthon's Rhetorical Construal of Biblical Authority: Oratio Sacra (Texts and Studies in Religion) by John R. Schneider, 1990-10
  14. Law and Gospel: Philip Melanchthon's Debate With John Agricola of Eisleben over Poenitentia (Texts and Studies in Reformation and Post-Reformation Thought) by Timothy J. Wengert, 1997-12

41. Philip
Philip Roth (1933) American novelist. Philip Glass (1937-) Americancomposer. Philipp Melanchthon (1497-1560) German theologian.
For many more names, please Return to Edgar's Main Page. Philip
Gender : Masculine
Language : English
Philip is the English form of the Greek name Philippos
Philip , the name of one of the lesser apostles, was common in England during the Middle Ages, but it became far less popular after Queen Mary I made an highly unpopular marriage with her cousin, King Philip II of Spain.
Pronunciation : fill-up.
English Phil Pip
Alternates Phillip Philipe Catalan Felip Czech Filip Dutch Filips Finnish Vilppu French Philippe German Philipp Hawaiian Pilipo Hungarian Latin Philippus Irish Gaelic Pilib Italian Filippo Fillipo Filipo Polish Filip Russian Filipp Scandinavian Filip Scottish Gaelic Filib Spanish Felipe Filipe Surnames Catalan Phillips Phelps Feminine Philippa Famous Bearers Artists and Authors Filippo Brunelleschi Italian architect. Fra Filippo Lippi Italian painter. Philippe de Monte French composer. Philippe Desportes French poet. Philip Massinger English playwright. Philippe de Champaigne French painter. Filippo Juvarra Italian architect.

42. HMML Authority List
Melanchthon, Philipp, 14971560. Schwarzerd; Didymus Faventinus; Filippo Melantone;Philip Melancton; Philip Melancthon; Philip Melanchthon; Philippus Melanthon
AUTHORITY FILES The Library is currently addressing the issue of variant spellings of author's names as they appear in the HMML database. The goal is to make the names conform to the Library of Congress authority files. As a service to scholars, HMML will maintain a list of the previous forms of the entries which can be searched to find the current form of the name. Searching the names below under the "Authority Entry" should create a complete listing (according to the HMML records) for the Library's holdings for that author. To search the lists below, type Ctrl+F ("Find") and type in the shortest unique part of the name you are seeking. The name in the left column is the form used in the HMML database. AUTHORITY ENTRY
(dates omitted; direct order only) Bartolo, of Sassoferrato, 1313-1357.

43. Theologische Hilfsmittel
Philip Melanchthon 1497-1560;Augustine, Confessions; Bibliographies on the Net. Deutsche Datenquellen.
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  • 44. Commemoration Biographies
    February 16 (birth date) Philip Melanchthon, Confessor. Philip Melanchthon (14971560)was a brilliant student of the classics and a humanist scholar.
    Home Articles Resources Lutheran Musician Enrichment ... Contact Us Note: The following commemoration biographies thus far are from January through June of the calendar year. More biographies will be added as the year progresses. January 2
    J. K. Wilhelm Loehe, Pastor
    Although he never left Germany, Johann Konrad Wilhelm Loehe, born in Fuerth in 1808, had a profound impact on the development of Lutheranism in North America. Serving as pastor in the Bavarian village of Neuendettelsau, he recognized the need for workers in developing lands and assisted in training emergency helpers to be sent as missionary pastors to North America, Brazil, and Australia. A number of the men he sent to the United States became founders of The Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod. Through his financial support, a theological school was established in Fort Wayne, Ind., and a teachers' institute in Saginaw, Mich. Loehe was known for his confessional integrity and his interest in liturgy and catechetics. His devotion to works of Christian charity led to the establishment of a deaconess training house and homes for the aged. January 10
    Basil the Great of Caesarea, Gregory of Nazianzus, Gregory of Nyssa

    45. Historical Manuscripts Commission | National Register Of Archives | List Of Pers
    Lise (18781968) German nuclear physicist (1) Mel'Gunov, Sergei Petrovich (1880-1956)Russian Historian (1) Melanchthon, Philip (1497-1560) Reformer (1) Meldola

    MC ME MG ... MY List of Persons with surname beginning ME
    Meachem, Frederick (fl 1890-1920) Mining Engineer

    Mead, Clement Alfred (1899-1986) Colonel

    Mead, Geoffrey John de Cusance (fl 1939-1979) historian

    Mead, Joseph (1586-1638) Biblical Scholar and Scientist
    Mellish, William (d 1791) MP Receiver General of Customs

    Mellon, Harriot (1777-1837) see Beauclerk (
    Mellor, James Eric Moulsdale (1890-1984) Entomologist

    Mellor, William (1888-1942) Socialist Journalist and Editor

    Mellors, Harold (fl 1943-1945) Despatch Rider
    Mellors, Robert (d 1996) Gay Writer ... Melville, James (c 1899-1983) Local Historian Melville, Jenni (b 1922) see Butler, Gwendoline Williams ( Melville, Richard Valentine (1914-1993) Naturalist Melville, Robert (1723-1809) General and Antiquary Melville, Ronald (1903-1985) Botanist Melville, Thomas Alexander (d 1960) Local Historian ... Merewether, Sir William Lockyer (1825-1880) Knight Indian Military Officer and Administrator Merian, Maria Sibilla (1647-1717) see Graf ( Merian, Maria Sibylla (1647-1717) afterwards Graff, Naturalist and Artist Merivale, Charles (1808-1893) Dean of Ely Merivale, Herman (1806-1874) Civil Servant Merivale, John Herman (1779-1844) Barrister and Poet ... Meyrick, Sir Thomas Charlton- (1837-1921) 1st Baronet Colonel MP Persons listed: back Search the NRA Browse Personal Names A B ... Archives in Focus Design by Reading Room Ltd Technology by Sherwood Government

    46. Reformationsdenkmal
    Translate this page Es wurde beschlossen, dass Martin Luther (1483-1546) und Philipp Melanchthon(1497-1560) gemeinsam im Kontext ihres Philip Melanchthon und Leipzig.
    Das Reformationsdenkmal vor der Johanniskirche in Leipzig
    Im Jahre 1839, wo man sich an die Einführung der Reformation vor 300 Jahren erinnerte, gab es in Leipzig erstmals den Gedanken zur Errichtung eines Reformationsdenkmals. Es wurde ein Aufruf erlassen und ein Denkmalkomitee gegründet. Es sollte ein Denkmal von hohem künstlerischen Niveau geschaffen werden. Es wurde neben Luther auch an andere Helden gedacht, die an der Einführung der Reformation in Leipzig beteiligt waren. Die Realisierung gestaltete sich jedoch in den folgenden Jahren schwierig, da nicht genügend Mittel zusammenkamen. Ab 1869 betrieb der Rat der Stadt verstärkt neben der Errichtung des Leibnizdenkmals auch die des Reformationsdenkmals. Der Dresdner Bildhauer Johannes Schilling (1828-1910) konnte 1880 endlich dafür gewonnen werden, nachdem er das Niederwalddenkmal vollendet hatte.
    Die Stadt und Schilling waren bestrebt, dem Aufruf von 1839 gerecht zu werden. Es wurde beschlossen, dass Martin Luther (1483-1546) und Philipp Melanchthon (1497-1560) gemeinsam im Kontext ihres Reformationswerkes geehrt werden sollten. Bei der Platzierung der beiden Figuren wurde der Vorrang Luthers beachtet. In einem Vortrag auf einer Plenarsitzung sagte Otto Georgi: "Wenn nun aber eine von beiden Figuren sitzen muss, so kann es nur die von Luther sein, der doch immer als die Hauptperson erscheinen muss, während Melanchthon als die helfende darzustellen ist..."


    Die Einweihung erfolgte mit großer Feierlichkeit am 10.11.1883, dem 400. Geburtstag Luthers. Das Denkmal zeigt Martin Luther, den älteren von beiden, auf einem Sessel sitzend, seinen Freund und Helfer Philipp Melanchthon neben ihm stehend, zu ihm herabgebeugt. Luther hält eine aufgeschlagene Bibel auf den Knien und blickt sinnend in die Ferne. An den vier Seiten des Sockels, der aus rotem Granit besteht, sind Reliefs und Inschriften angebracht. An der Westseite "Einführung der Reformation in Leipzig", Nordseite "Die Ausspendung des Abendmahls unter beiderlei Gestalt", Südseite "Kirchengesang, Taufe, Konfirmation" und Ostseite "Hausandacht, Predigt, Trauung". Das Eisenwerk Lauchhammer führte den Bronzeguß aus, den Sockel der Leipziger Steinhauermeister F.G. Damm.

    47. Portraits /Shaping Of The Modern World/Brooklyn College
    Philip Melanchthon (14971560) Lutheran theologian. Frederick of Saxony Luther'spatron; Ulrich Zwingli (1484-1531) Protestant reformer in Zurich.
    Portraits Contents Readings Caucus Search ... Glossary Portraits Movies Brooklyn College Core Curriculum:
    The Shaping of the Modern World Portraits Who were the people we talk about in history? What did they look like? Although images of peopel are scattered throughout the various section pages, here they all come together. Based on drawings, paintings, contemporary photos, a gallery of the rogues, heroes, and characters of the past few centuries of Western culture. Contents The Reformation The Protestants

    48. Project BookRead - FREE Online Book: The Augsburg Confession (Latin/German) By P
    The Augsburg Confession (Latin/German) Philip Melanchthon 14971560 LatinText 1 Invictissime Imperator, Caesar Auguste, domine clementissime.
    The Augsburg Confession (Latin/German)
    Philip Melanchthon The Augsburg Confession (Latin/German)
    Philip Melanchthon
    Latin Text
    1] Invictissime Imperator, Caesar Auguste, domine clementissime.
    Quum Vestra Caesarea Maiestas indixerit conventum Imperii
    Augustae, ut deliberetur de auxiliis contra Turcam, atroccissimum,
    haereditaium atque veterem Christiani nominis ac religionis
    hostem, quomodo illiuis scilicet furori et conatbisu durabili et
    perpetuo belli apparaturesisite possit,
    2] deinde et de dissensionibus in causa nostrae sanctae religionis et Christianae fidei, et ut in hac causa religionis partium opiniones ac sententiae inter sese in caritate, lenitate et mansuetudine mutua audiantur coram, intelligantur et ponderentur, ut illis, 3] quae utrimque in Scripturis secus tractata aut intellecta sunt, sepositis et correctis, re illae ad unam simplicem veritatem et Christianam concordiam componantur et reducantur; 4] ut de cetero a nobis una, sincera et vera religio colatur et servetur, ut, quemadmodum sub uno Christo sumus et militamus, ita in una etiam ecclesia Christiana in unitate et concordia vivere possimus;

    49. Kessler
    1/1 12. Melanchthon, PhilipP (14971560). Paulus spricht zu den Colossern,1551, MSS 115. 3/2 13. SPAIN. SOVEREIGN (1527-1598 Philip).
    Manuscript Collection Number 001
    Scope Note
    The Richard C. Kessler Reformation Collection was established in October 1987 at Pitts Theology Library, Emory University. James T. Laney, President of Emory University, and Richard C. Kessler, an active Lutheran layman and Atlanta businessman, signed a formal agreement by which Kessler and his wife, Martha, donated their private collection of Reformation imprints and manuscripts to Emory. A committee of representatives from Emory University and the Lutheran church was established to oversee the development, conservation, use, and programmatic dimensions of the collection. The Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century remains the pivotal religious movement in Western culture since the introduction of Christianity. The life and works of Martin Luther (1483-1546) are central to the understanding of the Reformation and its consequent movements. The Richard C. Kessler Reformation Collection focuses on the sixteenth century German Reformation as expressed in the writings of Luther, his friends, and his opponents. The core of the collection is the corpus of original impressions of Luther's writings, encompassing works from 1517 to 1546. The collection also includes materials from the pre-Reformation era (pre-1517). These holdings can help us understand the religious and ecclesiastical setting of the times, especially in Germany. They include the early written attempts to reform the church and writings of the humanists who contributed to the development of critical historical research and linguistic studies.

    50. Journal Of The History Of Ideas, Volume 57 - Table Of Contents
    Articles. Methuen, Charlotte. The Role of the Heavens in the Thought of Philip MelanchthonSubjects Melanchthon, Philipp, 14971560 Knowledge Astronomy.
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    E-ISSN: 1086-3222
    Print ISSN: 0022-5037
    Journal of the History of Ideas 57.3, July 1996

    51. TLW's 1530s (1530-1539) Timeline
    (hoping to bring them back into the Catholic fold), Philip Melancthon (Melanchthon)(14971560) prepares the Augsburg Confession in June, codifying Lutheran
    T.L. Winslow's World History Timeline 1530-1539 C.E.
    TLW's Great Track of Time Homepage
    On Mar. 23 Charles V gives Malta, Tripoli and Gozo to the Hospitallers (Knights of Rhodes), who change their name to the Knights of Malta. The Holy Roman Empire begins to split apart on religious lines: After Emperor Charles, egged on by the pope, tries to be diplomatic and asks the Lutherans to present their beliefs at the Diet of Augsburg in Apr. (hoping to bring them back into the Catholic fold), Philip Melancthon (Melanchthon) (1497-1560) prepares the Augsburg Confession in June, codifying Lutheran doctrines; the Catholics (Johann Maier von Eck et al.) prepare the Confutation of Augsburg , rejecting the doctrines as heretical; the Diet recesses on Sept. 2, and Charles gives the Lutherans a limited period of time to convert or face the consequences: they have until Apr. 15 of next year to conform or face the dreaded Imperial Cameral Court (created by the Diet of Worms in 1495 C.E.); in Dec. eight princes and eleven cities of the Holy Roman Empire agree to form the Schmalkaldic League to defend against any possible Roman Catholic-inspired attacks and tell the court to shove it. Cardinal Thomas Wolsey is arrested on a charge of high treason in Nov. and dies on the way to the Tower; Thomas Cromwell is sworn into the King's Council. Moldavian troops, in the name of the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman invade the Polish side of the Pokutia. African slaves arrive in America; a significant percentage are

    52. Lifespans Of Famous Christians
    4. Miles Coverdale (AD 14881568) 80 5. Thomas Cranmer (AD 1489-1556) 67 6. IgnatiusLoyola (AD 1491-1556) 65 7. Philip Melanchthon (AD 1497-1560) 63 8. Menno

    53. Theology Today - Vol 25, No. 1 - April 1968 - BOOK REVIEW - A Fellowship Of Disc
    for German History in Leipzig, has published Philip Melanchthon über ThomasMüntzer und Nikolaus Storch, in Philip Melanchthon 14971560 (Berlin, 1963
    125 - A Fellowship of Discontent A Fellowship of Discontent
    By Hans J. Hillerbrand
    176 pp. New York, Harper and Row, 1967. $6.00. Historians should do more biographies! It is often in biography that history really comes alive, especially for the casual reader. Biography recreates the past more nearly so wie es gewesen ist 126 - A Fellowship of Discontent Philip Melanchthon 1497-1560 (Berlin, 1963), for example, and Gerhard Brendler, Reformer Without a Church (Philadelphia, 1967). Author Hillerbrand has also published a chapter on him in B. A. Gerrish (ed.), Reformers in Profile Sebastian Franck (d. 1542) is portrayed as the defender of true inner spirituality rather than of external ceremony and tradition. This is not new, but has never been told more convincingly nor supported better with just the right quotation at the right time. His struggle with Martin Frecht, the leading minister at Ulm, and with the city fathers is told with real understanding. The man himself actually emerges in all his human strength and weakness. Given the continuing significance of Franck for our own time one might ask why he needs to be understood as standing "in the middle of the Reformation" (p. 63) rather than as a pioneer on the frontier of the modern age, particularly also since he seems to have been a forerunner of Ranke (p. 59) in historical method, a favorite of Dilthey (pp. 45, 53), and " the great herald of the future" (p. 53).

    54. Orations On Philosophy And Education -- Philip Melanchton Sachiko Kusukawa Karl
    Philip Melanchthon (14971560), humanist and colleague of Martin Luther, is bestknown for his educational reforms, for which he earned the title Praeceptor
    Search for Author/Title Keyword Title Author Publisher ISBN Featured Books in All Scholarly Subjects African American Studies African Studies American Studies Anthologies Anthropology Architecture Asian Studies Books on Books Chicago Cinema studies Media Studies Classical studies Critical Theory/Marxism Cultural Studies Geography Performance Studies Science studies Drama Economics Education Environmental studies Feminist theory/Women's study Fiction Folktales French Stuff General Interest Highlights History African African American American East Asia Eastern European European Latin American Medieval Middle East Russian South asian Southeast Asian Historiography Misc. History Humor International relations Journals Just for Fun Latin American/Caribbean St. Law Linguistics Literary Studies Literary Criticism Referenc Literary MOSTLY Theory Literary NOT Theory Mathematics Medicine/Health/AIDS Native American Studies Philosophy Photography Poetry Political Science/Sociology (Post)colonial studies Psychology Reference Foreign language reference General Reference Religious studies Black Theology Buddhist studies Islamic studies Biblical studies - New Test Biblical studies Old Test.

    55. Hosanna! Lutheran Church -- Reformation History Websites, By John Sturz providesinformation on Philip Melanchthon (1497-1560). Melanchthon
    Hosanna!'s Home Page
    Links to the following Reformation history web sites have been placed on the Hosanna! web page in partial fulfillment of the course requirement for Reformation and Modern Church History taught by Professor Kurt Hendel at the Lutheran School of Theology. All research and site abstracts were prepared by Hosanna!’s LSTC Seminary student John Sturz. Please send feedback regarding this site to the Hosanna! Webmaster provides information on the early reformer John Wycliffe. He was responsible for translating the bible into the English language. John defined the church as a “community of the faithful” (Luther concept). He claimed that persons were saved solely by the grace of God. John also rejected the Doctrine of Transubstantiation regarding the Eucharist. The Council of Constance, 1415, addressed John’s heretical teachings. John (Jan) Hus was another 14th century heretic. John believed in the Doctrine of Transubstantiation but felt that parishioners should fully participate in the Eucharist and be given both elements. Like Wycliffe he felt parishioners should read the bible in the common language. He attacked the immorality of the priesthood, and criticized the selling of indulgences by the Pope. Hus was summoned before the Council of Constance. When John arrived he was arrested and later burned at the stake.

    56. Reformation Church History Bibliography
    Philip Melanchthon (14971560) and the Commentary. Continuum International PublishingGroup - Sheffield Academic, 1997. Hbk. ISBN 1850756848. pp.320.
    Books on Reformation Church History
    Click on any of the active links below for further details about the book title, reviews, availability and current price.
    Pre-Reformation History
    R.H. Bainton, The Reformation of the Sixteenth Century . Beacon Press, 1985. Pbk. ISBN: 0807013013.
    Jean Calvin, Jacopo Sadoleto, John C. Olin, editor. ... Vol. 2. London: SCM Press Ltd., 1989. Pbk. ISBN: 0334020360. pp.195.
    A.G. Dickens, Reformation and Society in Sixteenth Century Europe
    G.R. Elton, Reformation Europe 1517-1559 . Blackwell, 1999. ISBN: 0631213848. pp.352.
    William R. Estep, ... . Grand Rapids: W.B. Eerdman's Pub. Co., 1986. Pbk. ISBN: 0802800505. pp.331.
    A. Fischer-Galati, Ottaman Imperialism and German Protestantism . Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1959. Out of Print.
    V.H.H. Green, Renaissance and Reformation: A Survey of European History Between 1450 and 1660 . Arnold, 1964. ISBN: 0713156171.
    H.J. Grimm, The Reformation Era (1550-1650) . New York MacMillan, 1973. Out of Print.
    H.J. Hilderbrand

    7, to Walter Grossman. 3. Philip Melanchthon (14971560), letter, 1558 Jan 16,to Johannes Brenz (1499-1570). 4. Chadwick, John White, letter, 1886 Sept.

    Back to bMS Index
    How to Use the Manuscript Registers
    bMS 800/1 1. Stevenson, Adlai, E., letter, 1958 Dec. 24, to Vic Bovee 2. Adams, James Luther, letter, 1984 June 7, to Library staff 3. Wright, Frank Lloyd, letter, 1956 Jan. 25, to Melvin C. Van de Workeen 4. Wright, Frank Lloyd, letter, 1956 March 28, to Philip R. Giles 5. Gomes, Peter J., letter, 1984 April 9, to Alan Seaburg 6. Stevenson, Adlai E., letter, 1958 March 5, to Maurine Newberger 7. Tagore, Rabin Jranath, 2 photographs, early 1930's 8. Roosevelt, Franklin D., letter, 1941 Nov. 18, to Clarence R. Skinner 9. John H. Dietrich, Thoughts on God (An unfinished ms.) 10. Unitarian Pacifist Fellowship; papers, 1941-1945 11. Carfora, Carmel Henry (subject), letter, 1914 Nov. 5, from Frederick M. Bennett to Frank B. Crandall 12. Barr, Margaret, letters (1951-1972) to Helen Leckeminant 13. West Amesbury Universalist Church, Mass. Records, 1861-1902 14. Roosevelt, Franklin D., letter, 1941 Nov. 18, to Louise A. Ames 15. Aspland, Robert, letter, 1837, Feb. 16, to Mr. Briggs

    58. Brooklyn Public Library /All Locations
    Central Library 1975 B M5171 R Philip Melanchthon, the Protestant preceptor ofGermany, 14971560.; Central Library 1974 Philip Melanchthon, the Protestant,376,433/search/cB M5172 W/cb
    Melanchthon, the quiet reformer / Clyde Leonard Manschreck.; none Sketches of the life of Philip Melancthon : with brief notices of Pascal and Luther.; Central Library B M5171 M
    Melanchthon, the quiet reformer / Clyde Leonard Manschreck.; Central Library B M5171 R
    Philip Melanchthon, the Protestant preceptor of Germany, 1497-1560.; Central Library Philip Melanchthon, the Protestant preceptor of Germany, 1497-1560.; none B M5172 A
    none Melodies and memories.; Central Library B M5172 H
    Central Library B M5172 M
    none B M5172 W
    Red plush and black velvet : the story of Melba and her times / by Joseph Wechsberg.; Central Library B M5173 A
    In Whig society, 1775-1818 : compiled from the hitherto unpublished correspondence of Elizabeth, Viscountess Melbourne, and Emily Lamb, Countess Cowper, afterwards Viscountess Palmerston / by Mabell, Countess of Airlie.; Central Library B M518 M
    Raphael Meldola ... Reminiscences of his worth and work by those who knew him together with a chronological list of his publications MDCCCLXIX-MDCCCCXV: edited by James Marchant. Pref. by the Right Hon. Lord Moulton.; none B M5181 B
    Alfred Mond, first lord Melchett / by Hector Bolitho.;

    59. Dr. Timothy Wengert
    A third book, coedited with M. Patrick Graham and titled Philip Melanchthon (14971560)and the Commentary (Sheffield Academic Press), focuses on Melanchthon
    The Book of Concord Small Catechism One, Human Freedom, Christian Righteousness Law and Gospel (Baker Book House), examines his relation to John Agricola and debates over the meaning of repentance and the law. A third book, coedited with M. Patrick Graham and titled Philip Melanchthon (1497-1560) and the Commentary

    60. Martin Lutter
    Melanchthon, Philip. Melanchthon, Philip, 14971560, tysk humanist og teolog,Luthers venn og medhjelper, prof. i Wittenberg 21 år gammel. Pga.
    Martin Luther
    - nevnt i FOKUS leksikon, Kunnskapsforlaget Index


    Zwingli, Huldreich

    Adoptere Adoptere , v., ta til seg et barn som sitt eget; oppta forbindelse med et skipsmannskap, en institusjon el. lign. for korrespondanse og velferdstiltak; anta, begynne med. Aleander,
    Aleander, Hieronymus , 1480-1542, it. humanist, pavelig statsmann, krevde under riksdagen i Worms at Luther Allehelgensdag Allehelgensdag Anarki Anarki (av gr.), uten styre, lovløshet, forvirring. Apokryfer apokryfer Luther erklærte for "gode og nyttige å lese", satt inn som tillegg i GT: Judits bok, Salomos visdom, Tobias', Siraks, Baruks bøker, 2 Makkabeerbøker, tillegg til Esters og Daniels bøker og Manasses bønn. Noen er også knyttet til NT (apokryfe evangelier, apostelhistorier). Augsburg Augsburg , by i Tyskland, Bayern, ved elven Lech; 263 800 innb. (1994). Tekstil- og maskinindustri. Blant eldre bygninger merkes Fuggerpalasset (i ruiner 1944), Maximilian-museet (1540), (1600-tallet) og domkirken (995, ombygd 1321-1431). Augsburg ble anlagt av keiser Augustus 15 f.Kr. og var 1276-1806 fri riksstad.

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