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21. LitSearch: An Online Literary Database Keyword Search Motif Search Custom Search Browse Authors BrowseTitles. Melanchthon, Philip (14971560) Works by this author http://daily.stanford.edu/litsearch/servlet/DescribeAuthor?name=Melanchthon, Phi |
22. LitSearch: An Online Literary Database Augsburg Confession, The by Melanchthon, Philip (14971560). Copyright2001 Keith Ito. All Rights Reserved. Admin Control Panel. http://daily.stanford.edu/litsearch/servlet/DescribeWork?work=614 |
23. The Lutheran Electronic Archive-Project Wittenberg TEXTS BY DATE. 1st to 15th Centuries. 16th Century. Nikolaus Herman, (c.1480 1561); Martin Luther, (1483 - 1546); Philip Melanchthon,(1497-1560); http://www.ctsfw.edu/etext/ | |
24. Theses On Law, Gospel & Faith, By Philip Melanchthon Theses on Law, Gospel Faith. by Philip Melanchthon (14971560). Thefollowing theses have been extraced from Philip Melanchthons's http://www.markers.com/ink/pmlgtheses.htm | |
25. ChurchRodent: Melanchthon, Philip Search Melanchthon, Philip. On Luther's death, Philip Melanchthon (14971560)took over the theological leadership of the movement he had begun. http://tatumweb.com/churchrodent/terms/melanchthon.htm | |
26. Philipp Melanchthon: Auswahlbibliographie Translate this page Felix Berner Philipp Melanchthon, 1497-1560. Sachiko Kusukawa The transformationof natural philosophy, the case of Philip Melanchthon, Cambridge 1995. http://www.lpb.bwue.de/aktuell/due/17_89/dueur17d.htm | |
27. Reformers other resources. Philip Melanchthon (14971560) Extensive collectionof Melancthon's works, online at the Project Wittenberg. The http://historymedren.about.com/cs/reformers/ | |
28. Chronology 14971543 Hans Holbein (the Younger). 1497-1560 Philip Melanchthon. 1505-1572John Knox. 1509-1547 Reign of Henry VIII. 1509-1564 John Calvin. 1512 St. http://www.history.uiuc.edu/mlove/eps312h315/chronolo.htm | |
29. Philip Melanchthon Translate this page Philip Melanchthon (1497-1560) Philip Melanchthon Philip Schwarzert Erudito y reformadorreligioso alemán Nació el 15 de febrero de 1497 en Bremen (hoy Baden http://bios.euroritmo.com/default.aspx?personaje=Philip Melanchthon |
30. (1497-1560) Translate this page (1497-1560). (1497-1560). Philip Melanchthon Philip Schwarzert Erudito y reformadorreligioso alemán Nació el 15 de febrero de 1497 en Bremen (hoy Baden). http://bios.euroritmo.com/default.aspx?letra=7769 |
31. Biographies Of Famous Lutherans Encyclopedia, 1910 edtion, detailed; from Lutherstadt Wittenberg, illustrated, 19lines, links Melanchthon, Philip (Philipp Schwarzerdt), 14971560 Promoted by http://stabi.hs-bremerhaven.de/whkmla/period/reformation/bioxrefluth.html | |
32. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg > Authors > M Walker), 18741960; Melanchthon, Philip, 1497-1560; Melville, Herman,1819-1891; Mencken, HL (Henry Louis), 1880-1956; Meredith, George http://www.archive.org/texts/textslisting-browse.php?collection=gutenberg&cat=Au |
33. Melanchthon: The Augsburg Confession Translate this page THE CONFESSION OF FAITH WHICH WAS SUBMITTED TO HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY CHARLES VAT THE DIET OF AUGSBURG IN THE YEAR 1530 by Philip Melanchthon, 1497-1560 http://www.thelatinlibrary.com/mel.conf.html | |
34. Melancthon Philip Melanchthon (AD 14971560). Historia de Vita et Actis Lutheri, ConfessioAugustana. De Laude Vitae Scholasticae Oratio, De Obitu Martini Lutheri. http://www.thelatinlibrary.com/melancthon.html | |
35. Biographies - M'ba To Mezo Melanchthon, Philip Schwarzerd (14971560) German author, theologian.Born February 16, 1497, he wrote guidelines for churches and http://www.philately.com/philately/biombme.htm | |
36. Book: Philip Melanchthon (1497-1560) And The Commentary New York eBooks. Buy Posters and Prints at AllPosters.com! PhilipMelanchthon (1497-1560) and the Commentary. See Larger Image, by http://www.travelerscompany.com/product/1850756848/AsinSearch/16/ | |
37. The Mad Cybrarian's Library: Free Online E-texts - Authors Me-Mz Melanchthon, Philip, 14971560 The Augsburg Confession LANGUAGE Latin and German(SUBJECT Lutheran Church Creeds) (Gutenberg Text Zip) Gutenberg http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/richmond/88/1libme.htm | |
38. Book: Philip Melanchthon (1497-1560) And The Commentary New York Photography Books New York Videos New York DVDs New York Software Musicfor New York New York Books. Philip Melanchthon (14971560) and the Commentary. http://www.eltunel.net/product/1850756848/AsinSearch/16/ | |
39. Classic Book Title Index, Plays, Religious Manuscripts, Historic Documents, And des Malte Laurids Brigge _ 8bit text, by Rilke, Rainer Maria, 1875-1926 AugsburgConfession, The, by Melanchthon, Philip, 1497-1560 Augsburg Confession The http://classicscopy.com/titlesindex.htm | |
40. LTSP: Faculty - History And Systematic Theology In 1997, for the 500th anniversary of Melanchthon's birth, he edited a book forSheffield Academic Press entitled Philip Melanchthon (14971560) and the http://www.ltsp.edu/faculty/history_systematics.htm | |
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