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Macdonald George: more books (73) | ||
61. A. P. Watt & Company: General Abstract Lucas, EV (Edward Verrall), 18681938. Macaulay, Rose, Dame. MacDonald, George,1824-1905. Mackail, Denis George, 1892- . MacManus, Seumas, 1869-1960. http://www.lib.unc.edu/mss/inv/a/A.P.Watt_and_Company/genab.htm | |
62. J. M. Dent And Sons: Author Files Abstract Long, Gabrielle MV MacCarthy, Desmond, Sir, 18781952. MacDonald, George,1824-1905. Macready, WA Marsh, Edward Howard, Sir, 1872-1953. http://www.lib.unc.edu/mss/inv/j/J.M.Dent_and_Sons/authab.htm | |
64. The Broadview Anthology Of Victorian Poetry And Poetic Theory 18221888); Patmore, Coventry (1823-1896); Allingham, William (1824-1889); Dobell,Sydney (1824-1874); MacDonald, George (1824-1905); Procter, Adelaide Anne http://www.usc.edu/dept/LAS/english/19c/books/book-1-55111-100-4.html | |
65. George MacDonald George MacDonald. 1824 1905. "I know hardly any other writer who seems to be closer, or more continually close, to http://www.victorshepherd.on.ca/Heritage/george.htm | |
66. Offline Seznam Personálních Autorit - MacDonald, George 1824 - 1905 MacDonald, George 1824 1905. Záhlaví. Název. Signatura http://www.mlp.cz/cz/offline/perlie/m/2094968.htm | |
67. George MacDonald 365 An Anthology@ Christianbook.com Your Source Christianbooks.com is dedicated to offering their customers the widest selection of Christian Books at the best prices and with the best service available, including popular items like George MacDonald 365 An Anthology and many other items. http://redirect-west.inktomi.com/click?u=http://web.christianbook.com/products_i |
68. MACDONALD, George Translate this page MacDonald, George, Schriftsteller, * 10.12. 1824 in Huntly, Aberdeenshire,Schottland, + 18.9. 1905 in Ashtead, Surrey. Stammte http://www.bautz.de/bbkl/m/MacDonald.shtml | |
69. Browse Nineteenth Century Fiction MacDonald, George, 18241905 At the Back of the North Wind By George MacDonald c=ncf idno=NCF24601 table of contents c=ncf cc=ncf bbidno=NCF24601 bbc http://www.dlxs.org/products/archive-by-CDROM/8/TextClass/src/web/n/ncf/browsem. | |
70. George MacDonald Bibliography Fantastic Fiction, Click here to visit our sponsor. Home Awards Etexts New releasesTop 250 Authors Series Years. George MacDonald UK (1824 1905). Search Authors. http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/authors/George_MacDonald.htm | |
71. George MacDonald George MacDonald. go to books by this author. George MacDonald (18241905)was a Scottish author, poet, and Christian minister. http://www.abacci.com/books/authorDetails.asp?authorID=117 |
72. George Mac Donald Note at Abacci the primary listing for George Mac Donald is George MacDonald.George Mac Donald (18241905) was a Scottish author, poet, and Christian http://www.abacci.com/books/authorDetails2.asp?authorID=117&misspellID=292 |
73. IPL Online Literary Criticism Collection To the lobby of the Internet Public Library. Online Literary CriticismCollection. George MacDonald (1824 1905). Nationality Scottish, http://www.ipl.org.ar/cgi-bin/ref/litcrit/litcrit.out.pl?au=mac-185 |
74. Howe Library /Children's Rob See Maass Robert 1 3 Maass Robert 7 4 Mabie Hamilton Wright 1846 1916 19551 5 Mac Donald George 1824 1905 See MacDonald George 1824 1905 1 6 Mac http://howe.valley.net:90/kids/1898,1900/search~S1/a?m |
75. BrothersJudd.com - Review Of George MacDonald's The Princess And The Goblin Page The Enchanted Worlds of George MacDonald -George MacDonald An Overview -RWS/Fables/GeorgeMacDonald -George MacDonald 1824 1905 (Heritage Portraits http://www.brothersjudd.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/reviews.detail/book_id/208/Prin | |
76. GIGA Chronological Author List "1820 To 1824" general and writer (1824 1893) Charles Godfrey Leland , American litterateur (1824- 1903) George MacDonald , Scottish novelist (1824 - 1905) Francis Turner http://www.giga-usa.com/gigaweb1/quotes2/quay1820.htm | |
77. GIGA Quote Author Page For George MacDonald GIGA QUOTES BY AUTHOR George MacDonald Scottish novelist (1824 1905), http://www.giga-usa.com/gigaweb1/quotes2/quautmacdonaldgeorgex001.htm | |
78. Macdonald, George encyclopediaEncyclopedia MacDonald, George. MacDonald, George, 18241905,Scottish author. Ordained a Congregational minister, he http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0830871.html | |
79. Literary Encyclopedia MacDonald, Dwight (MacDonald, Dwight ). 1906 Present. MacDonald, George (MacDonald,George ). 1824 - 1905. MacDonald, John D. (MacDonald, John Dann ). 1916 - 1986. http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?golist=true&init=M |
80. Literary Encyclopedia MacDonald, George. (1824 1905), www.LitEncyc.com. Domain Literature.Status Major. Poet, Religious Writer, Novelist. Active 1844 http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=2846 |
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