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         Loti Pierre:     more books (32)
  1. Madame Chrysantheme / by Pierre Loti ; with a preface by Albert Sorel by Pierre (1850-1923) Loti, 1910-01-01
  2. War, by Pierre Loti [pseud.] tr. from the French by Marjorie Laurie by Pierre (1850-1923) Loti, 1917-01-01
  3. An Iceland fisherman / tr. from the French by Pierre Loti [pseud] by Helen B. Dole by Pierre (1850-1923) Loti, 1896-01-01
  4. An Iceland fisherman, by Pierre Loti [pseud.] Tr. from the French by Anna Farwell de Koven by Pierre (1850-1923) [ pseud. of Louis Marie-Julien Viaud]. Anna Farwell de Loti, 1908-01-01
  5. Pêcheur d'Islande by Pierre (1850-1923) Loti, 1923-01-01
  6. Au Maroc [par] Pierre Loti (French Edition) by Loti Pierre 1850-1923, 2010-09-27
  7. Les Alliés Qu'il Nous Faudrait [par] Pierre Loti (French Edition) by Loti Pierre 1850-1923, 2010-09-28
  8. La Grande Barbarie (fragments) [par] Pierre Loti (French Edition) by Loti Pierre 1850-1923, 2010-09-28
  9. La Galilée (French Edition) by Loti Pierre 1850-1923, 2010-09-28
  10. Pecheur D'islande (French Edition) by Loti Pierre 1850-1923, 2010-10-14
  11. Au Maroc (French Edition) by Loti Pierre 1850-1923, 2010-09-30
  12. Egypt = (la Mort De Philae) by Loti Pierre 1850-1923, 2010-10-14
  13. La maison de Pierre Loti a Rochefort, 1850-1923: Texte et photographies (French Edition) by Thierry Liot, 1999
  14. The last days of Pekin translated from the French of Pierre Loti by Loti. Pierre. 1850-1923., 1902-01-01

81. Eliade, Mircea
Translate this page Loti, Pierre Pseudònim de Julián Viaud (1850 - 1923). Escriptor iperiodista. Biografia Obres *1879 - Aziyadé. Extrait des notes
Loti, Pierre
Escriptor i periodista Biografia:
Obres: *1881 - Le roman de un Spahi
(Fantasmas de Oriente)
1893 - Matelot (Marinero) 1897 - Ramuntcho (Ramuncho) 1904 - Vers Ispahan (Las desencantadas) 1913 - Turquia agonizante Altres Obres: - Ramuntcho (obra de teatro)
- Japoneries d'Automne
- Le Mariage de Loti
con ilustraciones originales de A.Robaudi (El casamiento de Loti)
- Peregrino de Angkor
- Fleurs d'Ennui
- Pascuala Ivanovitch
- * El castillo de la Hermosa del Bosque Durmiente
(Galilea) - Supremas visiones de Oriente - Reflets sur la sombre route (Reflejos en la senda obscura) - Figures et Choses qui passaient (Figuras y cosas que pasaron) (El desierto) - * Au Maroc - * L'Inde (sans les Anglais) (La india) (Mi hermano Yves) - Les Trois Dames de la Kasbah con ilustraciones originales de Gervais-Courtellemont. - Le Roman d'un enfant - Propos d'exil - Pages Choisies - La Fille du Ciel - La Mort de Philae - * La Hiena Rabiosa. Volver

82. KALÝD-KÜLTÜR TURU 20 Ekim Pazar Günü Eyüp-Balat Kültür
Pierre Loti Yasadigi sürede belki hiçbir yazar Pierre Loti (1850 1923) kadarövülüp göklere çikarilmamistir; asil adi Julien Viaud olan Loti

83. Paul's Gay Stamps: "Out Of The Closet" The Victorian Age,  Page 1
Pierre Loti. (1850 1923). NOVELIST. Octagonal ship cancel. Postedaboard the Isle de France,. Lehavre to New York, 15 February 1939. Victorian Age/The_Victorian_Age_Page_1.htm
Out of the Closet The Victorian age page 1 PIERRE LOTI NOVELIST Octagonal ship cancel. Posted aboard the Isle de France, Lehavre to New York, 15 February 1939. Loti was a 19th century French writer, immensely popular in his day. His exotic lifestyle and torrid love affairs with both sexes were romanticized in his novels. Master Chapter Index Chapter Index The Victorian Age Next Page Back To Start Page

84. About France: Lod - Loz
Translate this page Mehr Info. Loti, Pierre frz. Schriftsteller (1850 - 1923). Mehr Info.Loudun Gemeinde im Departement Vienne (Poitou-Charentes). Mehr Info.
L Lab - Lan Lao - Leg Leh - Loc Lod - Loz ... Luc - Lyo Lod - Loz
Loire (42):
Mehr Info Loire-Atlantique (44): Departement im Westen der Region Pays de la Loire. Mehr Info Loiret (45): Departement im Osten der Region Centre-Val-de-Loire. Mehr Info Loir-et-Cher (41): Departement im Zentrum der Region Centre-Val-de-Loire. Mehr Info Lons-le-Saunier: Mehr Info Lorient: Mehr Info Lorrain, Claude Mehr Info Lorraine: Mehr Info Lot (46): Mehr Info
Lot-et-Garonne (47): Departement im Osten der Region Aquitanien. Mehr Info Lothar IV.: Mehr Info Lothringen: Verwaltungsregion zwischen Vogesen, Champagne und Ardennen. Mehr Info Loti, Pierre: frz. Schriftsteller (1850 - 1923). Mehr Info Loudun: Gemeinde im Departement Vienne (Poitou-Charentes). Mehr Info Louhans: Louis-Philipp, Lourdes: Mehr Info Lourmarin: Mehr Info Louvre: Baudenkmal und Museum in Paris. Mehr Info Louys, Pierre: frz. Schriftsteller (1870 - 1925). Mehr Info Departement im Norden der Region Languedoc-Roussillon. Mehr Info A B C ... Form INform

85. The 19th Century - Page 12
Act IV. Pierre Loti 1850 1923. Art, literature and music in the secondhalf of the 19th. century were much influenced by Eastern exoticism.
Georges Bizet 1838 - 1875
Georges Bizet will forever be known for the success of his last work, Carmen . The irony in this is that the opera was initially not a success, and Bizet died before it became one of the most performed works in opera history. Bizet wrote other operas before Carmen - his first important work is , another is La jollie fille de Perth - but Carmen is his masterpiece.
Elena Teodorini as Carmen Carmen in its original version had spoken dialogue, making it
Jean Madeira as Carmen
and Rudolph Schock
as Don Jose in
Carmen At the premiere audience reception was cool as it became apparent Carmen was not a typical opera. The press condemned the plot as too immoral to be staged, and found the work over-long. Bizet died three months after the premiere, just before Carmen came to be accepted as one of the greatest operas written.
Georges Bizet 1838 - 1875
In the square in front of the cigarette factory Carmen catches Don Jose's eye ...
Prelude, Act I

86. 2xenkel
De wandeling naar het café is een zalige klim doorheen een fascinerende islamitischebegraafplaats. Pierre Loti (1850 1923) was een succesvol schrijver.
Haghia Sophia
Dit is één van de opmerkelijkste kerken ter wereld. Het is een prachtig voorbeeld van de vroegbyzantijnse cultuur. De vertaling van Haghia Sophia is "kerk van de heilige wijsheid."
De Haghia is meer dan 1400 jaar oud en oefende een grote invloed uit op de latere architectuur.
Beneden in de Aya Sophia is er in een grote zuil een steen met een gaatje in. Je moet je duim in dat gat steken, je hand dan helemaal ronddraaien en een wens doen. Naar horen zeggen, zouden die wensen uitkomen! Aya Sofia
Ayasofya Meydani
Open Di-Zo 9.30-16.30u
Tel 00 90 212 5221750 Topkapipaleis
Het Topkapipaleis werd omgebouwd tot een museum toen Turkije in 1923 een republiek werd. Het sultanaat zelf werd afgeschaft op 1 november 1922. Sultan Mehmet de 6de kon nog net op tijd, op pantoffels, zijn biezen pakken naar het buitenland aan boord van een Engels schip.
Topkapipaleis Open 9.30-17u

87. IUB Libraries: French Contemporary Authors Approval Plan - Author List - Born Be
Translate this page LITTRE, Emile, 1801, 1881. LORRAIN, Jean, 1855, 1906. Loti, Pierre, 1850, 1923.LOUYS, Pierre, 1870, 1925. LUBAC, le P. Henri Sonier de, 1896, 1989. LUNEL, Armand,1892, 1977.
French Contemporary Authors Approval Plan
Author List - Born Before 1900
Covered by Form Selections
A B C D ... Born After 1900 AUTHORS Birth Death ABOUT, Edmond ACHARD, Marcel ALAIN. ALAIN-FOURNIER. ALLAIS, Alphonse APOLLINAIRE, Guillaume ARAGON, Louis ARLAND, Marcel ARNOUX, Alexandre ARON, Robert ARTAUD, Antonin AUBRY, Octave AUDIBERTI, Jacques AUGIER, Emile A B C D ... T BACHELARD, Gaston BAINVILLE, Jacques BANVILLE, Théodore de BARBEY D'AUREVILLY, Jules BARBUSSE, Henri BARRES, Maurice BATAILLE, Georges BATAILLE, Henry BAUDELAIRE, Charles BAZIN, René BECQUE, Henry BENDA, Julien BENOIT, Pierre BERAUD, Henri BERDIAEV, Nikolaï BERGER, Gaston BERGSON, Henri BERL, Emmanuel BERNANOS, Georges BERNARD, Paul BERNSTEIN, Henry BERR, Henri BILLY, André BLOCH, Jean-Richard BLOCH, Marc BLONDEL, Maurice BLOY, Léon BORDEAUX, Henry BORNIER, Henri BOSCO, Henri BOURGET, Paul BOUTROUX, Emile BREMOND, Henri BRETON, André BRION, Marcel A B C D ... T CAHUET, Albéric CAPUS, Alfred CARCO, Francis CARCOPINO, Jérôme CARREL, Alexis CASSOU, Jean CELINE. CENDRARS, Vlaise CHACK, Paul CHADOURNE, Marc

88. Untitled Document
Deniz subayi ve yazar… Ünlü Fransiz romanci Pierre Loti, 18501923yillari arasinda yasadi. Gerçek adi Louis Marie
Pierre Loti Kahvesi… Ünlü Fransýz romancý Pierre Loti’nin adýyla anýlan kahve, Ýstanbul’un tarihi semtlerinden Eyüp’te bulunuyor. Eyüp, dini mekanlarý, mezarlýklarý, doðal güzellikleriyle önemli ve eski bir yerleþim bölgesi. Eyüp’ten Eminönü’ne kadar tüm Haliç’in tepeden görülebildiði Pierre Loti Kahvesi, yerli ve yabancý turistlerin oldukça ilgi gösterdiði bir yer. Deniz subayý ve yazar…
Kahvehane kültürü …
Osmanlý kültüründe önemli yere sahip kahvehaneler, “kahve” ve “kýraathane” olarak da bilinirler.
Çay, kahve ve meþrubatla birlikte nargile içilen, tavla, domino ve tavla gibi oyunlarýn oynandýðý mekanlardýr.
“Kýraathane” kahvehanelerde gazete ve dergi bulundurulan dönemlerden kalma bir tabirdir.
Kahvehanelerde kimi zaman sazlý sözlü eðlenceler yapýlýr, kimi zaman da topluca kitap okunurdu.

89. Azalay E.V.- Literaturtipps 3 (Belletristik)
Translate this page die Gelegenheit dazu. Pierre Loti (1850 - 1923), mit bürgerlichemNamen Julien Viaud, war Marineoffizier. Reisen nach Nord- und
Literaturtipps (3): Belletristik
Gebundene Ausgabe - 173 Seiten - Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft - 24 € zur Bestellung
Gebundene Ausgabe - 44 Seiten - Bombus Verlag - 5,90 € zur Bestellung
Broschiert - 353 Seiten - Piper - 9,90 € zur Bestellung Pierre Loti: Im Zeichen der Sahara
Broschiert - Dtv - 8,95 € zur Bestellung Broschiert - 256 Seiten - Goldmann - 11 € zur Bestellung Malika Oufkir, Michele Fitoussi: Die Gefangene. Ein Leben in Marokko
Broschiert - 379 Seiten - Ullstein Tb - 8,95 € zur Bestellung Nizami: Die sieben Geschichten der sieben Prinzessinnen
Ledereinband - Manesse Verlag - 49,80 € zur Bestellung
Taschenbuch - 114 Seiten - Berlin Verlag - 12 € zur Bestellung
Broschiert - 252 Seiten - Goldmann, Mchn. - 9,95 € zur Bestellung
Taschenbuch - 828 Seiten - btb/Goldmann Verlag - 13,50 € zur Bestellung
Asher, Michael: Zu zweit gegen die Sahara

Taschenbuch - 352 Seiten - Piper - 9,90 € zur Bestellung Dayak, Mano: Geboren mit Sand in den Augen Taschenbuch - 219 Seiten - Unionsverlag - 8,90 € zur Bestellung Taschenbuch - 190 Seiten - J. Horlemann Vlg. - 12,30 € zur Bestellung Gartung, Werner: Die Salzkarawane

90. Matt & Andrej Koymasky - Famous GLTB L-2
Lorne, Marquis of, * 1845 + 1914 UK, ? Lorrain, Jean, * 1855 + 1906 - France,Writer. Loti, Pierre, * 1850 + 1923 - France, Writer. Loud, Lance, * ? + ?
Last update: December 4th th
Famous GLTB People (Or who tried it at least once...)
TO READ SOME DOCUMENTATION ABOUT THAT PERSONAGE Being this list too long, we split it in two parts;
from Laaksonen to Lewis from Leyendecker to Lysander
Leyendecker, J.C.
* 1874 + 1951 - U.S.A.
Illustrator for the Sat Evening Post, Collier's etc. [+ Charles Beach for 50 yrs] Leyland, Winston * ? + ? - U.S.A. Editor My Dark Pain Is Love , and Now the Volcano * ? + ? - U.S.A. Historian, writer * 1910 + 1976 - Cuba Novelist, writer Paradiso Liang Jianwen ruled * 550 + 551 - Cina (see Jianwen) Liberace, Lee * 1919 + 1987 - U.S.A. Piano entertainer, showman, philantropist Licata, Sal * ? + ? - U.S.A. Historian Licht, Hans * 1875 + 1929 - Germany Classics scholar Lichtenstein, Mitchell * 1956 + living - U.S.A.? Actor Lidbury, Malcom * 1967 + living - U.K. Painter, activist Lieberman, Lowell * ? + ? - U.S.A.? Classical composer Liebig, Baron Justus von * 1803 + 1873 - Germany Chemist Liebman, Marvin * 1923 + living? - U.S.A. Conservative activist, top aide to William F. Buckley

91. Riedl Frigyes: Arany János állatai
író. — Természetleírásai új színnel gazdagították az oroszprózát. Loti, Pierre (1850—1923) francia író. Kemény
rovatok j¡t©k arch­vum jegyzetek mutat³k ... huhog³k h­dverők mesterkurzus mnemonika aforizm¡k errata ... a rovat tartalomjegyz©ke kulcsszavak biol³gia: ¡llattan, etol³gia Greguss gost
­r³, eszt©ta.
Gyulai P¡l
irodalomt¶rt©n©sz, a magyar irodalom egyik legjelentősebb kritikusa, k¶ltő, ­r³.
Taine , Hyppolite Adolphe (1828—1893)
francia filoz³fus, historikus, irodalom- ©s műv©szett¶rt©n©sz. — A pozitivista iskola jelentős alakja, a kor nagy hat¡sº gondolkod³ja volt. R IEDL F RIGYES Arany J¡nos ¡llatai R©szlet a szerző Arany J¡nos c­mű k¶tet©ből Riedl Frigyes (1856—1921) a pesti egyetemen Greguss gost ©s Gyulai P¡l tan­tv¡nya, 1879-ben P¡rizsban Taine hallgat³ja volt. Kritikusi p¡ly¡j¡t a Pesti Napl³ -n¡l kezdte, majd a Budapesti Szemle ¡lland³ munkat¡rsa lett. 1881 ©s 1904 k¶z¶tt a belv¡rosi re¡liskola tan¡rak©nt m¡r jelentős irodalomt¶rt©n©szi munk¡t fejtett ki: Rhetorika Po©tika Arany J¡nos A magyar irodalom főir¡nyai Magyarok R³m¡ban P©terfy Jenő (1900). 1896-ban az Akad©mia levelező tagja lett, 1900-ban bev¡lasztott¡k a Kisfaludy T¡rsas¡gba, 1905-től hal¡l¡ig Gyulai P¡l ut³dja a budapesti egyetemen. Ezekben az ©vekben ­rt, r©szben hal¡la ut¡n kiadott jelentős munk¡i:

92. Buchkategorien @sec52
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der 1953 in santiago de chile geborene roberto bolano sass ein halbes jahr in pinochets gefängniss, bevor er nach spanien ins exil zog. mit dem roman 'stern in der ferne' hat er ein buch geschrieben, das in unvergleichbarer schönheit von einer wahrheit spricht, die zu unrecht bereits der historie zugerechnet wird. derrida, jacques als ob ich tot wäre - as if I were dead das interveiw von ruth robbins und julian wolfreys mit jacques derrida wurde im juli 1995 auf dem interantionalen «applied derrida» symposium geführt, das von der geisteswissenschaftlichen fakultät der universität luton veranstaltet wurde. rollins, henry

93. Fédération Nationale Du Patrimoine
Philippe CHAPLAIN - Victor HUGO (1802-1885)
63 bis Bd Joffre, 9234O Bourg-la-Reine
Pierre Loti (Julien Viaud) - 1850-1923 "Marin et écrivain français",
c'est ce que nous dit le Petit Larousse,
et totalement hors du commun.
il sera grand reporter, photographe et dessinateur de talent. avec des titres comme "Pêcheur d'Islande ", "Ramuntcho ", "Aziyadé ", Pierre Loti, dans sa jeunesse, "Le Figaro ", "L'Illustration " et "Le Monde illustré ". aujourd'hui encore, il passionne, fait parfois pleurer C'est ce personnage extraordinaire Jacques Pierre-Loti-Viaud Evariste Galois GUY SCHOELLER Armand Millet ECRIVEZ NOUS !

94. Oscar Wilde Collection
Oscar Wilde, 1854-1900
Collection, 1851-1957 (bulk 1877-1957)
3 boxes (1.26 linear feet) Acquisition: Purchases and gifts, 1959-1975
Access: Open for research
Processed by: Chelsea Dinsmore, 2002
RLIN Record ID:
Table of Contents
Biographical Sketch
Scope and Contents

Folder List

Index of Correspondents
Index of Third-Party Works
Biographical Sketch
Oscar Fingal O'Flaherty Wills Wilde, born in 1854 in Dublin, Ireland, was the second son of Sir William Robert and Lady Jane Francesca Wilde. At the age of ten, Wilde entered the well-known Portora Royal School, where he excelled in Greek studies. His interest in Greek continued at Trinity College, Dublin, where John Mahaffy, an eminent Greek scholar who later took Wilde on a tour of Italy, was his tutor. Wilde was awarded a scholarship in classics from Magdalene College, Oxford, which he entered in 1874. During his fourth year at Oxford, Wilde won the prestigious Newdigate Prize for imitative poetry with a verse praising Ravenna, a city he had visited with Mahaffy and the burial site of Dante. In addition to his studies, Wilde began to develop his role as poseur and aesthete. Wilde received his BA in 1878 and, after an additional year at Oxford, went to London where he began writing. In 1880 Wilde published Vera; or, The Nihilists, and in 1881 he was hired by Richard D'Oyly Carte to boost Gilbert and Sullivan's new opera Patience in America by means of a lecture tour. Dressed in black velvet and a full length fur coat, he spoke on the new aestheticism from New York to San Francisco. He met with Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Louisa May Alcott, Walt Whitman, and Jefferson Davies, among others.

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