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Lewis Alfred Henry: more detail | ||||||||
61. National Portrait Gallery A-Z Of Portrait Sitters (T) 18821976), Actress; wife of Sir Lewis Casson. Sir Henry Thomas Tizard (1885-1959),Scientist and administrator. Sir Alfred Aspinall Tobin (1855-1939), Judge. http://www.npg.org.uk/live/search/a-z/sitT.asp | |
Nicholas Taafe, 6th Viscount Taafe (1677-1769), General in the Austrian army. 1 portrait. Robert Tabor . 1 portrait. (1892-1985), Writer, journalist and diplomat. 12 portraits. Mr Tabrum . 1 portrait. George Grant Tabuteau (1881-1940), Major-general; surgeon to King. 1 portrait. Marie Taglioni (1809-1884), Ballerina. 1 portrait. Sir Sourindro Mohun, Raja of Tagore (1840-1914), Founder of Bengal Music School and Bengal Academy of Music; Land owner. 1 portrait. Archibald Campbell Tait (1811-1882), Archbishop of Canterbury. 7 portraits. Catherine Tait (1819-1878), Established cholera orphanage. 1 portrait. Charles Talbot, 1st Baron Talbot of Hensol (1685-1737), Lord Chancellor. 1 portrait. Christopher Rice Mansel Talbot (1803-1890), Politician. 2 portraits. Edward Stuart Talbot (1844-1934), Bishop of Winchester. 3 portraits. Gilbert Talbot (1891-1914), Son of Edward Stuart Talbot; inspiration for Toc H movement. 1 portrait. Mary Anne Talbot (1778-1808), Female soldier and sailor. 2 portraits. | |
62. Woodmen Of The World Burials - Colorado Cities Brown, Alfred R. 1909 WOW (38y, 3m, 18d) Hengstler, Victor E W. 1850 1931 WOW Riek,Louis Henry 1878 - 1906 WOW Frederickson, Ida 1869 - 1906 * Women Lewis, Wm http://www.interment.net/data/us/co/colorado_cemetery_oz.htm | |
63. Names Index Page Alfred (28 MAR 1917 MAY 1986) NICKELL, Alfred C (28 AUG 1854- 5 MAR 1926) NICKELL,Henry Stelson (10 Wallace ( 1864-19 NOV 1938) NICKELL, Lewis Wallace (1932 http://nickell.tierranet.com/nickupl/names1.htm |
64. Family Tree Maker's Genealogy Site: User Home Pages: From Virginia Through The S Thomas Eatman 16971770 ELLIS; Rees Ap Lewis born abt Wagner Wedding Portrait 1869(79 KB) Alfred G. Goforth KB) Joseph Jackson Jordan, son of Henry W. Jordan http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/m/a/y/Lyndall-J-Mayes/ | |
65. Pleasant View Cemetery, Gage County, Nebraska Lenger, Charlotta L. 1839, 1900. Lenger, Henry (Baby). 1886, 1887. Lewis, Sarah.1850, 1904. Lewis, (Baby). Lisk, Goldie M. Mccown,. Mccown, Alfred. Mccown, Annasarah. http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ne/county/gage/cemeteries/pleasmid.htm | |
66. Prospect Cemetery, O'Neill, NE Knapp Knapp, Belle R. 1876-1928 Knapp, Lewis 1876-1928 23 April 1942 US NavyWWI Shaw, Henry W. 26 Dec 1857-6 Mar 1903 Father Shipman, Alfred 1832-1918 http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ne/county/holt/cems/prospect.html | |
67. Sherlock Holmes Pastiche Characters - N Newman, Cardinal John Henry (British Theologian, 18011890 37; Copper Beeches (ArthurH. Lewis) 22; A Northcliffe, Lord, Alfred Harmsworth (British Press Baron http://www.schoolandholmes.com/charactersn.html | |
68. Name Index Sorted By Date Modified 1899 1966) Headrick, Warren Heathcock, Alfred Marion (1897 Ann (1842 - ) Smith,Cornelius Henry (1827 - ) Smith James Emery Johnson, James Lewis Johnson, Jane http://members.cts.com/crash/h/hindskw/KennethHinds/datesort.html |
69. Methodist Mnisters S-V Savery, George, W, 1839, 1885. Savin, Lewis, U, 1887, 1918. Siddle, Jonathan,W, 1828, 1830. Sidnell, Henry WJ, W, 1881, 1898. Silcox, Alfred J. W, 1869,1916. http://rylibweb.man.ac.uk/data1/dg/methodist/ministers/t8.html | |
70. Methodist Ministers C-D Course, James R. MA Ph.D. W, 1920, 1960. Court, Lewis H. U, 1892, 1960. Craggs,Charles G. W, 1895, 1950. Crago, Alfred, U, 1894, 1952. Crookshank, C. Henry, W,1899, 1955. http://rylibweb.man.ac.uk/data1/dg/methodist/ministers/t2.html | |
71. INDEX Dorothy Ira N. Lewis Nina Kathryn Lorenzo (18501899) Abigail (1805-1888) Abram Henry(1858-1920 1845) Alda Amelia Aldis Alexander (1885-1885) Alfred (1814-1904 http://prometheusli.com/genealogy/Weaver/fowndx3.htm | |
72. INDEX 18881979) Jane (1919- ) John Perrine (1871-1944) Lewis Washburn (1887 Byron Stewart(1883-1970) Era Alfred (1886-1953) Esta M. (adopted 1925-1998) James Henry Sr http://www.pe.net/~dtripp/genealogy/fowndx.htm | |
73. WebGED: Noyes Family Data Page Milford, New Haven, Connecticut father Cappallo, Lewis spouse Noyes, Alfred Preston (1921 Plymouth, Massachusetts father Card, John Henry(1857 1903 http://noyes.rootsweb.com/wga18.html | |
74. List Of 1999 Works By Title and Janet Floyd (both of King Alfred's College, Winchester and Experienced ReadersSummerfield, Henry (University of a new understanding of Lewis Carroll Leach http://www.usc.edu/dept/LAS/english/19c/title_1999.html |
75. List Of 1999 Works By Author Janet Floyd (both of King Alfred's College, Winchester Nineteenth Century Fiction;Heaney, Henry (University of Dreamchild a new understanding of Lewis Carroll; http://www.usc.edu/dept/LAS/english/19c/author_1999.html | |
76. V3 More New England StoningtonI c20p180 Alexander Lamb SalisburyI Alfred Lamb GrotonI Lamb Waterbury c5p630Harold Lewis Lamb 8Apr1899 16Jan18xx New Haven c2p791 Henry Lamb Sharon http://www.lambsite.com/lambgen/data/v3c.htm | |
77. Birth And Death Dates Of Authors 1806 1872) LEVY, Steven (1951 - ) Lewis, (Harry) Sinclair (1885 - 1951) Lewis,Agnes Smith (1843 - 1926) Lewis, Alfred Henry (1857 - 1914) Lewis, C(live) S http://gutenberg.net.au/birthdeath.html | |
78. Www.iamonroe.org/wpa/wwpa.txt 1858;1888/7/16;Oakdale;Cedar;; Whitlatch;Lewis;;1820;1905/8 1916/12/6;Oakview;Troy;;wifeof Alfred Whitmore;Mary E 6th Iowa Infantry Civil War Wiand;Henry;F.;1853 http://www.iamonroe.org/wpa/wwpa.txt |
79. Komponisten-Daten: B Translate this page Bisegger, Ronald (1923) Bishop, Henry Rowley (1786 Gustav (1882) Bock, Jerry = Lewis,Jerrold (1928 Roland (1935) Boeckmann Böckmann, Alfred (1905) Boedeker http://home.t-online.de/home/pfaelzer.saenger/07komp_b.htm | |
80. Melvin Cemetery Transcription, Ford County, IL Beck, Lena, 1852 1926, Beck, Lewis, 1866 - 1953, Starks, Frank, 1863 - 1935, Stather,Henry, 1831 - 1896, Steel, Eliza Bull, 1842 - 1909, Steinman, Alfred, 1905 - 1956, http://www.iltrails.org/ford/melvincem.html | |
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