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Lewis Alfred Henry: more detail | ||||||||
21. Book People: Additions To The IPL Online Texts Collection 08-17-01 http//www.legionof-mary.ie/handbook/ Dewey Subjects 267.182 Roman CatholicAssociations LC Subjects Legion of Mary Lewis, Alfred Henry, 1857-1914. http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/bplist/archive/2001/2001-08-22$2.html | |
22. Book People: Additions To The IPL Online Texts Collection 07-18-01 National Park Service National parks and reservesUnited States HistoricsitesUnited States Lewis, Alfred Henry, 18571914. _Wolfville Days_. http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/bplist/archive/2001/2001-07-18$5.html | |
23. INDEX Arch (18781957) Archie P. (1857-1914) Bertha (1882 Alfred James (1829-1862) AlfredMillridge ( - ) Alice Henry Jonas (1839-1911) Henry Lewis (1852- ) Henry http://www.go.ednet.ns.ca/~neil/revisedDB/fowndx.htm | |
24. 600000 People Connected With European Royalty Father Robert Lewis Scearce (18521903) 12 Mother Father Alfred Henry Owen (1846-1926)15 Mother Sarah Father William Vincent Hall (1857-1914) 15 Mother http://www.e-familytree.net/f4314.htm | |
25. Brooklyn Public Library /All Locations 3 Quin, Dan, 18571914 See Lewis, Alfred Henry, 1857-1914 1 Quin, Douglas./ Yasashii kaze. 1997 1 Quin, Douglas, 1956- 1998 1 Quin, Eleanor. http://catalog.brooklynpubliclibrary.org:90/kids/10,505,856/search/aQuin, Dougla | |
27. Historical Manuscripts Commission | National Register Of Archives | List Of Pers and Graphic Artist (2) Brace, Lewis Jones Knight 7) Broughton, Sir Delves Louis (18571914)10th Baronet (1 1838-1922) Chemist (1) Brown, Alfred Henry (1860-1932 http://www.hmc.gov.uk/nra/browser/person/page/personBR.htm | |
28. Autumnmist.homeip.net81/E-Books/-%20PROJECT%20GUTENBURG%20AUTHORS.TXT Mikhail Yurevich, 18141841 Leroux, Gaston, 1868-1927 Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim,1729-1781 Levy, Steven Lewis, Alfred Henry, 1857-1914 Lewis, CS (Clive Staples http://autumnmist.homeip.net:81/E-Books/- PROJECT GUTENBURG AUTHORS.TXT |
29. Tucson Pima Public Library /All Locations Mark Nearby AUTHORS are Year Entries Lewis Albert L 1977 1 Lewis Alcinda C 19491995 1 Lewis Alfred Allan 2 Lewis Alfred Henry 1857 1914 4 Lewis Alice Haliday http://infolynx.ci.tucson.az.us:90/kids/10,376/search/aLewis, Amanda./alewis ama | |
30. The Significance Of Mount Shasta As A Visual Resource: Index Of Artists 1939) Magers, Ella - Marple, William Lewis (1827-1910 Ralph Davison (1858-1945)- Mitchell, Alfred R. (1888 San Francisco Art Boom Nappenbach, Henry (1862-1931 http://www.siskiyous.edu/shasta/art/artists.htm | |
31. WHMC-Rolla -- Military--Civil War 1861; Nathaniel Mead, letters, 1862; Lewis E. Meador Thomas Murray, correspondence,18621867; Alfred N. Nelson Sitton, Civil War memoir, nd; Henry Ellison Skaggs http://www.umr.edu/~whmcinfo/topics/MilCiv | |
32. Lawyers In South Carolina History Angus Hamilton 1893-1964; Mann, Alfred Cleo - 1889 O'Neall, John Belton - 1793-1863;Osborne, Henry Kimsey - 1875 John J. - 1885-1958; Perrin, Lewis Wardlaw - 1886 http://www.sciway.net/hist/people/lawyers.html | |
33. Family Studies Of Brown County, Indiana 1. Lewis Jackson Deaver 18211876 2. Sarah Deaver 1826 1. John Henry Deckard 1840-19042. James Madison Deckard Catharine R. Eddy 1854- 4. John Alfred Eddy 1856 http://members.iquest.net/~sclevenger/BROWN/STUDIES/DIV003.HTM | |
34. Www.rootsweb.com/~nvclark/schlt.txt Henry Ellis C. 1921 1992 US Army WWII Henry James 1880 Marie 1907 1962 Bunker Brosmort marker Lewis Nat S M. 8 Nov 1831 29 Sept 1910 Mason YEAGER Alfred Wm 18 http://www.rootsweb.com/~nvclark/schlt.txt |
35. Grand Forks County, ND GenWeb Project MOEN, Ole, 1884, 1970. MOEN, Alfred M. December 27, 1892, 7Oct-63. HOGENSON,Henry, December 29, 1887, December 30, 1887. SCHLOSSER, Lewis, 1852, 1900. http://www.rootsweb.com/~ndgrandf/honeyford.htm | |
36. Author Pseudonyms Charles H(orace) Snow Hare, Cyril Alfred A(lexander Ben Lieutenant Beale CormackHarford, Henry W(illiam M(ichael) Disch Hargreaves, R. Lewis Melville Harker http://www.trussel.com/books/pseud_h.htm | |
37. Ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/nv/clark/cemetery/schlt4.txt Henry, Ellis C. 1921 1992 US Army WWII Henry, James 1880 Marie 1907 1962 Bunker Brosmort marker Lewis, Nat S 8 Nov 1831 29 Sept 1910 Mason YEAGER, Alfred Wm 18 http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/nv/clark/cemetery/schlt4.txt |
38. Ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/nd/grandforks/cemetery/honyford.txt 1950 MOEN, Ole 1884 1970 MOEN, Alfred M. December 27 19, 1886 April 3, 1887 HOGENSON,Henry December 29 1914 SLETTEN, Baby 1958 1958 SCHLOSSER, Lewis 1852 1900 http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/nd/grandforks/cemetery/honyford.txt |
39. Index Macomber Mary (1807 1841) Madden Alfred Douglas (1857 Harriet (1818 - 1821) Henry(1814 - ) Henry E. Jane 1806 - 1883) Julia A. (1845 - ) Lewis (1810 - 1834 http://kinnexions.com/kinnexions/mason/rr_idx/idx017.htm | |
40. Index Page S 1827 1892. Scales, Alfred Moore, Guilford Co. Schweinitz, Lewis David von, Bethlehem,Pennsylvania, Forsyth Co., Salem, 1780 - 1834. Seawell, Henry, Bute Co. http://web.co.wake.nc.us/library/locations/orl/Dict of NC Bios Index/Index page | |
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