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41. Title Lafayette , Madame de 26. Le Fanu , Joseph Sheridan 27. Lytton , Edward Bulwer 28.LeFebure , Victor 29. Lawrence , David Herbert 30. Loon , Hendrik Van 31. http://www.d-library.com.cn/wstsg/e_index.php?pageauthor=L |
42. ATHENA: Literature, Books; Pierre Perroud LeFebure, Victor · Chemical Strategy in Peace and War (inEnglish, at PG) · The Riddle of the Rhine (in English, at PG); http://un2sg4.unige.ch/athena/html/author_l.html | |
43. Biographical Database Of British Chemists, Open University 1908); LEES, Frederic Herbert (1876 1950); LEESE , Louis Frederick(0 - 0); LeFebure, Victor Major (1891 - 1947); LEHMANN, Hermann http://www5.open.ac.uk/Arts/chemists/browse.cfm?letter=l |
44. Biographical Database Of British Chemists, Open University LeFebure, Victor Major. BIRTH 1891 Barnsbury, London, Greater London,England. DEATH 1947. REFERENCES RIC list 1930; Proc. IC, 1947 http://www5.open.ac.uk/Arts/chemists/person.cfm?SearchID=587 |
45. E-DOCS Message Log (April 1998) 1274 Apr 1998 The Autobiography of a Slander, by Edna Lyall autosxxx.xxx1273 Apr1998 The Riddle of the Rhine, by Victor LeFebure rrhinxxx.xxx1272 Apr 1998 http://history.furman.edu/edocs/archive/log9804.htm |
46. The Mad Cybrarian's Library: Free Online E-texts - Authors L-Lh size353K). LeFebure, Victor The Riddle of the Rhine, Chemical Strategyin Peace and War(Gutenberg texts). Legge, James trans. Shu http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/richmond/88/1libl.htm | |
47. Books And Reading - Queens Borough Public Library Primes, . Recipes tried and true, -. The riddle of the Rhine chemical strategyin peace and war, LeFebure, Victor. Saturn {Planet Library}, Kerrod, Robin. http://www.queenslibrary.org/books/ebook/ebook.asp?category=Science |
48. Winston Powell Book Seller Very good condition, Spine bleached by light. 1930. $75 US. LeFebure, Victor. Riddleof the Rhine. Chemical Strategy in Peace and War. Preface by Marshal Foch. http://www.whatrain.com/rarebook/WPowell.htm | |
49. Aaron's Rare Book Index 1930. $75 US. Winston Powell LeFebure, Victor. Riddle of the Rhine. ChemicalStrategy in Peace and War. Preface by Marshal Foch. EP Dutton Company. http://www.whatrain.com/rarebook/ | |
50. Bibliography Boston Heath Co., 1966. LeFebure, Victor. The Riddle of the Rhine. NY EP Dutton Co., 1923. Lipset, Seymour Martin. Political Man. NY Anchor Books, 1963. http://smoter.com/bibliogr.htm | |
51. #8 Footnotes ..produce blindness as an alternative if death didn't occur.** Victor LeFebure's1923 book (with a preface by France's Marshal F. Foch) titled The Riddle of http://smoter.com/8footnot.htm | |
52. CousinsGenWeb 27 Les Patronymes étudiés (19/30) Translate this page Saint-Victor-d'Epine, HORLAVILLE Christèle. LeFebure, LE FEBURE, LEFEBVRE,LE FEBVRE, LEFEBVRES, LEFEUBVRE, LEFEUVRE, LEFEVRE, LE FEVRE, ? http://lpessiot.free.fr/normandiegw/27/cousins27/fc27pa19.htm |
53. Records For Gases, Asphyxiating And Poisonous -- War Use. (in VSCCAT) LeFebure, Victor. The riddle of the Rhine; chemical strategy in peaceand war. An account of peace. By Victor LeFebure With a http://scolar.vsc.edu:8005/VSCCAT/@GASES/97c92000c000/0 | |
54. Comanducci Arte Italia - Catalogo Artitsti V. LEFEBVRE LEFÉBURE Nicolas V. LEFEBVRE LeFebure Thierry LeFebure V. LEFEBVRE, CharlesGeorges LEFEBVRE Valentin o Lefèvre LEFEBVRE Victor LEFEBVRE Wilhelm http://www.comanducci.it/elenco/elencoL18.htm | |
55. Classic Literature, Titles, Authors, Birthdates 1937. Henry, O.,, Robe Of Peace, The,, 18621910. LeFebure, Victor,Riddle of the Rhine; chemical strategy in peace and war, The,, Saki http://www.nonstopenglish.com/Reading/classics/classics_in_literature.asp?title= |
56. Gopher.quux.org70/Archives/gutenberg/authors.txt Sheridan, 18141873 Le Gallienne, Richard, 1866-1947 Le Roy, Edouard Louis EmmanuelJulien, 1870-1954 LeBlanc, Maurice, 1864-1941 LeFebure, Victor Lear, Edward http://gopher.quux.org:70/Archives/gutenberg/authors.txt |
57. Pages De Données Translate this page PAINCHAUX, Victor Alfred (Sosa 50) × 1876 PETIT, Olympe,Pauline (Sosa 51), °11 FamilleMARCHAND - LeFebure, Mariage 22 septembre 1704 à 60 Orry la Ville. http://www.gatinaisgeneal.org/francoise/pag18.htm | |
58. Informations Généalogiques Victor (Sexe Masculin LeFebure,Augustin (Sexe Masculin) Naissance 12 juillet 1721 à Velennes; 60 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/famille.delamarre/html/dat8.htm | |
59. Wanadoo Translate this page Mathurin DAUDIN est né vers1560 à La Chaussée Saint Victor (41).Il a épousé Marion LeFebure. Mathurin est mort après 1587 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/christian.daudin/pafg20.htm | |
60. Index Van Namen Beginnend Met L Lacroix, Gustave Maurice ( levend ) Lacroix, Guy Bertha Victor ( levend- ) Lacroix Leeten, Luc Felix Maria ( levend - ) LeFebure, Alex ( levend http://users.pandora.be/Medard/vanack/idx4c0.htm | |
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