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         Leblanc Maurice:     more detail
  1. Arsene Lupin versus Herlock Sholmes by Maurice, 1864-1941 Leblanc, 2009-10-26

81. GR Personnages Célèbres
Translate this page NICOLLE Emile Frédéric, Peintre et graveur rouennais, (1830 - 1894) LeBlanc Maurice,Romancier créateur d'Arsène Lupin (Rouen 1864 - 1941) DUCHAMP Marcel
Personnages célèbres XI ème siècle GUILLAUME Ier (dit GUILLAUME le Conquérant ), Duc de Normandie, Roi d'Angleterre
Vainqueur de la bataille d'Hasting 1066 (Falaise 1027 ou 1028 - Rouen 1087) XVème siècle de BETHENCOURT Jean , Navigateur, conquérant des Canaries en 1404 (1360 - 1425)
Jeanne d'ARC Sainte, Héroïne jugée et brûlée à Rouen (Domrémy 1412 - Rouen 1431)
d'ESTOUTEVILLE Guillaume , Cardinal, Archevêque de Rouen, Légat du Pape en France. Il prépara le procès de réhabilitation de Jeanne d'Arc (1403 - Rouen 1483)
Cardinal d'AMBOISE , Premier Ministre de Louis XII, Archevêque de Rouen en 1494
VERRAZANO Giovanni da , Explorateur et navigateur italien, reçut l'appui d'un banquier rouennais membre de sa famille, reconnut en 1524 l'estuaire de l'Hudson et l'Ile de Terre Neuve (Florence 1485 - Brésil 1528). XVII ème siècle SAINT-AMANT Marc Antoine Girard , (Sieur de) Poète (Rouen 1594 - Paris1661)
POUSSIN Nicolas , Peintre et dessinateur, (Villers 1594 - Rome 1665)
CORNEILLE Pierr e, Poète dramatique, auteur du "Cid". (Rouen 1606 - Paris 1684)

82. Gene@Star - Famous Genealogy
LeBlanc Maurice ( 1864 1941 ) French Author Ancestors - Surname list- Biography - Thanks To Musée Arsène Lupin Cousins Region

83. Gene@Star - Généalogie Celebre Sur Le Net
Translate this page LeBlanc Maurice ( 1864 - 1941 ) Romancier (créateur d'Arsène Lupin) Très répandudans de nombreuses régions françaises, mais surtout dans le Nord-Pas-de

84. Kwscuola - News - Percorsi Nella Rete
Translate this page Percorsi nella rete Maurice LeBlanc (1864 - 1941). Maurice LeBlancnacque a Rouen nel 1864 da un ricco padre armatore. In gioventù

85. LISWA Online Catalogue /All Locations
1993 1 Leavy Una 3 Lebeck Maureen 1999 1 Leberer Sigrid 1995 1 Leberer Sven 19951 Lebkowski Sylvia 1961 1993 1 LeBlanc Anne 2 LeBlanc Maurice 1864 1941 1999 1,213/search/aLeblanc, Anne./aleblanc
Lebert Norbert Und StephanLebert Sigmund
Lebert Stephan 1961
Lebish Louis ... Leblanc Jean Marie

86. The Mysterious Railway Passenger (1907 Ed.) By Maurice Leblanc
from The exploits of Arsene Lupin (1907 ed.) (translated by Alexander Teixera deMattos). The mysterious railway passenger. by Maurice LeBlanc (1864 1941).
The following is a Gaslight etext.... A message to you about Back to Gaslight's Arsene Lupin page from The exploits of Arsene Lupin (1907 ed.)
(translated by Alexander Teixera de Mattos)
The mysterious railway passenger
by Maurice Leblanc
I HAD sent my motor-car to Rouen by road on the previous day I was to meet it by train, and go on to some friends, who have a house on the Seine A few minutes before we left Paris my compartment was invaded by seven gentlemen, five of whom were smoking. Short though the journey by the fast train be, I did not relish the prospect of taking it in such company, the more so as the old-fashioned carriage had no corridor. I therefore collected my overcoat, my newspapers, and my railway guide, and sought refuge in one of the neighboring compartments. It was occupied by a lady. At the sight of me, she made a movement of vexation which did not escape my notice, and leaned towards a gentleman standing on the foot-board her husband, no doubt, who had come to see her off. The gentleman took stock of me, and the examination seemed to conclude to my advantage; for he whispered to his wife and smiled, giving her the look with which we reassure a frightened child. She smiled in her turn, and cast a friendly glance in my direction, as though she suddenly realized that I was one of those well-bred men with whom a woman can remain locked up for an hour or two in a little box six feet square without having anything to fear.

87. The Escape Of Arsene Lupin (1907 Ed.) By Maurice Leblanc
from The exploits of Arsene Lupin (1907 ed.) (translated by Alexander Teixerade Mattos). The escape of Arsene Lupin. by Maurice LeBlanc (1864 1941).
The following is a Gaslight etext.... A message to you about Back to Gaslight's Arsene Lupin page from The exploits of Arsene Lupin (1907 ed.)
(translated by Alexander Teixera de Mattos)
The escape of Arsene Lupin
by Maurice Leblanc
A RSENE L UPIN finished his mid-day meal, took a good cigar from his pocket, and complacently studied the gold-lettered inscription on its band. At that moment the door of his cell opened. He had just a second in which to throw the cigar into the drawer of the table and to move away. The warden came in to tell him that it was time to take his exercise. "I was waiting for you, old chap!" cried Lupin, with his unfailing good-humor. They went out together. Hardly had they turned the corner of the passage when two men entered the cell and began to make a minute examination. One of these was Inspector Dieuzy, the other Inspector Folenfant. They wanted to have the matter settled once and for all. There was no doubt about it: Arsene Lupin was keeping up a correspondence with the outside world and communicating with his confidants. Only the day before the Grand Journal had published the following lines, addressed to its legal contributor:

88. World's Literature
Translate this page WORLD'S LITERATURE France. Maurice LeBlanc. (1864 - 1941). Des couples. (1892)L'Arrestation d'Arsène Lupin. (1905) Arsène Lupin, gentleman-cambrioleur.

89. Galerie Et Biographies
Translate this page Charles JAMES (1880 - 1928). Maurice-Marie JANOT (1903 - 1978). Nicolas LeBlanc (1742- 1806). N. Giulio NATTA (1903 - 1979). Walther Hermann NERNST (1864 - 1941).
Biographies / Galerie A Richard ABEGG (1869 - 1910) Georg Bauer dit AGRICOLA (1494 - 1555) ANAXAGORE de Clazomene ARISTOTE (384 - 322 av. J.C.) Henry Edward ARMSTRONG (1848 - 1937) Svante ARRHENIUS (1859 - 1927) William Thomas ASTBURY (19898 - 1961) Karl Kriedrich Von AUWERS Ibn-Sira AVICENNE (979 - 1037) Lorenzo Romano Amadeo Carlo, comte AVOGADRO (1776 - 1856) B Chancelier Francis BACON (1561 - 1626) Roger F. BACON (1214 - 1294) Johann Friedrich Wilhem Adolf Von BAEYER (1835 - 1917) Philippe Antoine BARBIER (1848 - 1922) Sir Derek Harold Richard BARTON (1918 - 1998) Pierre BAYEN (1725 - 1798) Johann Joachim BECHER (1635 - 1682) Ernst Otto BECKMANN (1853 - 1923) Antoine Henri BECQUEREL (1852 - 1908) Friedrich Konrad BEILSTEIN (1832 - 1906) Friedrich Karl Rudolf BERGIUS (1884 - 1949) Tobern Olof BERGMAN (1735 - 1784) Marcelin BERTHELOT (1827 - 1907) Claude Louis BERTHOLLET (1748 - 1822) ... Joseph BLACK (1728 - 1799) BLOMSTRAND (1826 - 1897) Herman BOERHAAVE (1668 - 1738) Paul Emile Lecoq de BOISBAUDRAN (1838 - 1912) Carl BOSCH (1874 - 1940) Jean-Baptiste BOUSSINGAULT (1802 - 1887) Robert BOYLE (1627 - 1691) Sir William Henry BRAGG (1862 - 1942) et Sir William Lawrence BRAGG (1890 - 1970) ... Johannes Nicolaus BRONSTED (1879 - 1947) Alexander Crum BROWN Heinrich Von BRUNCK (1847 - 1911) Cornelis Adriaan Lobry de BRUYN (1857 - 1904) Eduard BUCHNER (1860 - 1917) Robert Wilhelm BUNSEN (1811 - 1899) C Baron Charles CAGNIARD DE LA TOUR (1777-1859) Auguste Thomas CAHOURS (1834 - 1910) Melvin CALVIN (1911 - 1997) Stanislao CANNIZZARO (1826 - 1910) Sir Anthony CARLISLE (1768 - 1840) Heinrich CARO (1834 - 1910)

90. Mutató
Maurice Hamilton. Maurice Kimmitt. Maurice Krafft. Maurice LeBlanc (1864 1941). Maurice Lever. Maurice M. Cotterell. Maurice Maeterlinck (1862 - 1949).
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7/15 lap

Marx, Alexandra
Marx, Georg Marx, Karl Marx, Werner ... Máté Erzsébet , útikönyvíró Máté Ferenc Máté Gábor Máté Gabriella Máté Gizella ... Máthé András , fotómûvész Máthé Árpád Máthé Elek Máthé Elek , (nyelv) Máthé Erzsi Máthé Éva Máthé Éva Máthé Gábor (1941 - ), jog Máthé Imre Máthé János Máthé József Máthé Kálmán ... Máthé Tibor , operatõr Matheidesz Mária Matheika Gábor Matheika Március Matheisz Erzsébet ... Matos Lajos (1935 - ), kardiológus Matos László Matos Lõrinc Matousek, O. Mátraaljai Szénbányák Vállalat (Gyöngyös) ... Mátray Árpád , állatorvos Mátray Gábor Mátray Kálmán Mátray Magdolna Matrica K. Heaner ... Matusz Károly , fotómûvész Matusz Péter Matute, Ana María Matúz György Matuz József ... Mátyási Gyula , gépészmérn,okta Matyasovszki József Mátyásy István Matyikó Sebestyén József Matyikó Tibor ... Maurer, Paul , fotográfus Mauriac, Claude Mauriac, François Maurice A. Biot Maurice Allem ... Maurin, Elisabeth
Készült: 2003.03.17 - 02:33
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91. NWecrivains
Translate this page instruction publique. Il meurt, rongé par la folie, le 6 juillet1893. Arsène Lupin cache Maurice LeBlanc (1864 - 1941). Né rue
Retour Ecrivains de Seine-Maritime " Je suis jeune, il est vrai, mais aux âmes bien nées La valeur n'attend pas le nombre des années " Pierre CORNEILLE (1606 - 1684) Né à Rouen, au 4 rue de la Pie, le 6 juin 1606 Corneille fit ses études au collège des Jésuites qui porte son nom aujourd'hui. Bien plus que la littérature, c'est sa charge d'avocat du roi à la "Table de marbre du palais" de Rouen qui assura son existence et pour laquelle il percevait une pension de 2000 livres. Il fut admis à l'Académie Française le 22 janvier 1647. Gustave FLAUBERT (1821 - 1880) Jules BARBEY D'AUREVILLY Né à Saint Sauveur le Vicomte, il doit son surnom de "connétable des lettres" à son allure de dandy et à sa férocité. Son œuvre est marquée par son goût pour le fantastique horrible. Guy de MAUPASSANT (1850 - 1893) Maurice LEBLANC Bernard le Bovier de FONTENELLE Victor HUGO (1802 - 1885)

92. Biblioteca Virtual
A New Philosophy Henri Bergson (.zip 107.18 Kb). LeBlanc, Maurice (1864 + 1941).The Crystal Stopper (.zip - 168.27 Kb) The Crystal Stopper (.zip - 167.84 Kb).
Obras por autor - L
La Motte-Fouqué, Friedrich Heinrich Karl, Freiherr de (1777 + 1843) Aslauga's Knight (.zip - 35 Kb)
Sintram And His Companions (.zip - 91 Kb)

The Two Captains (.zip - 42 Kb)

Undine (.zip - 77 Kb)
Undine (.zip - 70 Kb)
Lafayette, Marie Madeleine Pioche de la Vergne comtesse de (1634 +1693)
The Princess De Montpensier (.zip - 26 Kb)

The Princess of Cleves (.zip - 129 Kb)
Lamb, Charles (1775 + 1834) Tales From Shakespeare (.zip - 212.83 Kb)
Tales Of Shakespeare (.zip - 212.85 Kb)

Tales Of Shakespeare (.zip - 228 Kb)
Lamothe-Langon, Etienne Leon, baron de (1786 + 1864) ...
Memoirs Of The Comtesse Du Barry; with intimate details of her entire career as favorite of Louis XV (.zip - 351.66 Kb)
Landers, J. King Memba's Point (.zip - 112.79 Kb) Lang, Andrew (1844 + 1912), Translator Aucassin And Nicolete (.zip - 33.9 Kb) Lang, Andrew (1844 + 1912) Adventures Among Books (.zip - 180.04 Kb)

93. Project Gutenberg
Barclay, Florence L. (Florence Louisa), 18621921. Baring, Maurice, 1874-1945. Barker, Nettie Garmer
Project Gutenberg Part 1 Authors Use Control-f to find keywords This is Project Gutenberg. This list has been downloaded from: "The Official and Original Project Gutenberg Web Site and Home Page" ( PROJECT GUTENBERG ETEXTS AUTHORS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER Last Updated: Saturday 30 March 2002 by Pietro Di Miceli ( The following etext have been released by Project Gutenberg. This list serves as reference only. For downloading books, please use our catalogs or search at: Or check our FTP archive at: and etext subdirectories. For problems with the FTP archives (ONLY) email, be sure to include a description of what happened AND which mirror site you were using. THANKS for visiting Project Gutenberg. * (No Author Attributed) A Young Girl Abbott, David Phelps, 1863-1934 Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-1926 AKA: Square, A Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot), 1805-1877 Ackland, T. S. (Thomas Suter), 1817-1892 Adams, Andy, 1859-1935

94. Project Gutenberg: Authors List
Barclay, Florence L. (Florence Louisa), 18621921. Baring, Maurice, 1874-1945. Barker, Nettie Garmer
This is Project Gutenberg. This list has been downloaded from: "The Official and Original Project Gutenberg Web Site and Home Page" PROJECT GUTENBERG ETEXTS AUTHORS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER Last Updated: Monday 03 September 2001 by Pietro Di Miceli ( The following etext have been released by Project Gutenberg. This list serves as reference only. For downloading books, please use our catalogs or search at: Or check our FTP archive at: and etext subdirectories. For problems with the FTP archives (ONLY) email, be sure to include a description of what happened AND which mirror site you were using. THANKS for visiting Project Gutenberg. * (No Author Attributed) Abbott, David Phelps, 1863-1934 Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-1926 AKA: Square, A Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot), 1805-1877 Adams, Andy, 1859-1935 Adams, Henry, 1838-1918 Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848 Adams, Samuel, 1722-1803 Adams, William Taylor, 1822-1897 AKA: Optic, Oliver, 1822-1897

95. Records For Adventure Stories, French Translations Into
Adventure stories, French Translationsinto English. (LC). Records 1 to 8 of 8. STORIES/4a4300002000/0

96. Bibliographie Nationale Française Livres - Cumulatif 2001 - 823. Fictions, Band
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DL 01-30623 (D4). - 800. - ISBN 2-913997-10-4 (br.) : 65 F : 9,92 EUR.
BN 02657282
, Guillaume
/ Guillaume Lebeau. - Paris : J'ai lu, 2001 (45-Manchecourt : Impr. Maury-Eurolivres). - 253 p. : couv. ill. en coul. ; 18 cm. - ( J'ai lu : policier
DL 01-22057 (D4). - 800. - ISBN 2-290-31231-2 (br.) : 32 F.
BN 02645224
, Fabrice
/ Fabrice Lebeault... - [Paris] : Delcourt jeunesse, 2001 (impr. en Belgique). - 31 p. : ill. en coul., couv. ill. en coul. ; 30 cm.
DL 01-49519 (D4). - 741.508 3. - ISBN 2-84055-754-1 (rel.) : 55,10 F.
BN 02695579 Lebiez , Marc DL 01-05867 (D4). - 800. - ISBN 2-7475-0170-1 (br.) : 150 F. BN 02614419 Lebkiri , Moussa Le jardin des roses et des soupirs DL 01-28703 (D4). - 800. - ISBN 2-7475-0764-5 (br.) : 50 F. BN 02651426 Leblanc , Alain (1951-....) DL 01-19602 (D4). - 800. - ISBN 2-259-19248-3 (br.) : 129 F : 19,67 EUR. BN 02635151 Leblanc , Maurice (1864-1941) 813, les trois crimes DL 01-12948 (D4). - 741.5. - ISBN 2-84565-128-7 (rel.) : 62 F. BN 02628499 Leblanc , Maurice (1864-1941) L'aiguille creuse DL 01-30094 (D4). - 741.5. - ISBN 2-84565-164-3 (rel.) : 62 F.

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