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61. Project BookRead - FREE Online Book: In The Days When The World Was Wide And Oth In the Days When the World was Wide and Other Verses Henry Lawson Australian housepainter,author and poet 1867-1922. First Edition printed February 1896 http://tanaya.net/Books/dwwww11/ | |
62. Www.franklin.com/download/ebookman_free.asp?key=dwwww11 Output=preview In the Days When the World was Wide and Other Verses (2 ed.) by Henry LawsonAustralian housepainter, author and poet 1867-1922. Note on text http://www.franklin.com/download/ebookman_free.asp?key=dwwww11&output=preview |
63. Mudgee: Community Technology Centres: About Our Area One of Australia's most famous poets and shortstory writers, Henry Lawson (1867-1922),had very strong ties to Mudgee. His parents were married here in 1866. http://mudgee.communitytechnology.net.au/about_ctc/ | |
64. Sailor.gutenberg.org/etext95/dwwww11.txt In the Days When the World Was Wide and Other Verses by Henry Lawson Australianhousepainter/author/poet 1867-1922 February, 1995 Etext 214 entered http://sailor.gutenberg.org/etext95/dwwww11.txt |
65. The Loaded Dog Sally's Stuff! The Loaded Dog by Henry Lawson (18671922). From Joe Wilsonand His Mates. Henry Lawson is regarded as Australia's greatest poet. http://www.blahdeblahdeblah.com/loaded_dog.htm | |
66. Index Love Lawson, Henry (18671922) In the Days When the World Was WideJoe Wilson and His Mates On the Track Over the Sliprails Lear http://www.changanyouth.xahu.edu.cn/pages/novel/L/ | |
67. AustralianFavorite Poems profit in the end If I'd always show my copy to a literary friend. Lawson,Henry 18671922. Australian Literature Database HOME . http://users.bigpond.net.au/aussieconnection/friend.html | |
68. Grenfell, New South Wales It was called the One Mile, and in that year and place Louisa Lawson gave birthto Henry Lawson (18671922), Australian poet and short-story writer. http://www.arts.monash.edu.au/ncas/multimedia/gazetteer/list/grenfel.html | |
69. Australian Writer Banjo Paterson Henry Lawson. Know Your Australia ~ Australian Writers. Henry Lawson(18671922) Australian poet and writer. Henry Lawson's difficulties http://www.whatsthenumber.com/oz/voice/writers/lawson0.htm | |
70. Australian Writer Henry Lawson The Glass on the Bar. Know Your Australia ~ Australian Writers. HenryLawson (18671922) THREE bushmen one morning rode up to an inn http://www.whatsthenumber.com/oz/voice/writers/lawson2.htm | |
71. East Asia (Australia) Park. Lawson, Henry (18671922). · Published first collection ofshort stories in 1894, Short Stories in Prose and Verse. · Deaf http://wrc.lingnet.org/austral.htm | |
72. Authors J-L Sidney, 18421881 Larcom, Lucy, 1824-1893 Latimer, Hugh, 1485?-1555 Lau-tzu Lawrence,DH (David Herbert), 1855-1930 Lawson, Henry, 1867-1922 Lawson, John Lawton http://www.worldwide-library.co.uk/Authors/j-l.htm | |
73. L dhl.html. SELECTED POETRY OF Henry Lawson (18671922) http//www.library.utoronto.ca/utel/rp/authors/Lawsonh.html.SELECTED POETRY http://ol.scc.spokane.cc.wa.us/jstrever/poetry/llink.htm |
74. Henry Lawson Australian poet born in 1867 suffered from deafness, mental illness, and alcoholism and died when he was only 55. Read a biography. Henry Lawson. (1867 1922). Henry Lawson was an Australian poet and writer. http://www.abc.net.au/btn/australians/lawson.htm | |
75. Michelle's Australian Home Page - Poems By Henry Lawson Andy's Gone with Cattle by Henry Lawson (1867 1922). 1888. Our DaysWhen We Went Swimming by Henry Lawson (1867 - 1922). 1899. The http://home.iprimus.com.au/michellejbailey/Lawson.htm | |
76. Michelle's Australian Home Page - Australian Poetry Henry Hertzberg Lawson (1867 1922), an Australian poet, writer of short storiesand Bush Ballads, was born in a tent on the goldfields near Grenfell, New http://home.iprimus.com.au/michellejbailey/poetry.htm | |
77. POETRY.com.au - Masters - Henry Lawson http://www.poetry.com.au/classics/authors/l/lawson.html | |
78. MIDDLETON'S ROUSEABOUT By Henry Lawson MIDDLETON'S ROUSEABOUT by Henry Lawson (1867 1922). Tall and feckled and sandy,Face of a country lout; This was the picture of Andy, Middleton's Rouseabout. http://www.middlemiss.org/lit/poetry/mrouseabout.html |
79. THE TEAMS By Henry Lawson THE TEAMS by Henry Lawson (1867 1922). A cloud of dust on the longwhite road, And the teams go creeping on Inch by inch with the http://www.middlemiss.org/lit/poetry/teams.html | |
80. Discovering Democracy - Henry Lawson Bio Henry Lawson (Courtesy National Library of Australia). Henry Lawson (18671922)Henry Lawson is one of Australia's best known writers. http://www.curriculum.edu.au/democracy/biographies/hlawson.htm | |
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