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Landsat Pathfinder Us: more detail |
41. PROJECT/CAMPAIGN NLDC see the NASA Landsat Pathfinder Project Information web page. CEES The CENR, formerlyCEES, is a committee that coordinates activities of the US Global Change http://eosims.cr.usgs.gov:5725/CAMPAIGN_DOCS/nldc_proj_camp.html | |
42. TeraBit - October 1994 of the historical image data, the US Environmental Protection Agency started theNorth American Landscape Characterization (NALC) Landsat Pathfinder project in http://www.nscee.edu/Publications/Newsletters/TeraBit_Oct94/ | |
43. CARPE Links N. NASA Landsat Pathfinder Humid Tropical Forest Inventory Project. O. UNEP/GRIDSioux Falls. UNH/GRDC Composite Runoff Fields V 1.0. US Forestry Service. http://carpe.umd.edu/Resources/Links/index.asp |
44. Burma Forest Cover, 1985 Note Pathfinder is a US multiagency project that USes highresolution Landsat datato map the world's tropical forests at three dates 1973, 1985, and 1993. http://www.wri.org/wri/ffi/burma/frstcovr.htm | |
45. Other Map Collections And Geographical Resources Server (GNS) Earth Viewer Eurimage Best of the US satellite images Imagery TheEROS Data Center's Landsat Archive Landsat Pathfinder GNIS (Geographic http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/collections/othermap.html | |
46. Kathmandu Metropolitan City L. Website Links, Comments. Landsat Pathfinder, Landsat TM Data for Minnesota,M. Website Links, Comments. UNIGIS, US Bureau of the CensUS, US CensUS Tiger Files, http://www.kathmandu.gov.np/usefullinks/links_env_mgt.html |
47. Space Technology Research Links Landsat's 25th Article written for Lansat's 25th anniversary Mars Pathfinder Missionhome page and current and research performed with US weather satellites http://henry.pha.jhu.edu/ssip/techlink.html | |
48. Subject Specific Resources: GIS - UNL Libraries NASA Landsat Pathfinder Humid Tropical Deforestation Project Baseline forest covermaps and data for download such as Central Africa GIS data, US coastal marsh http://www.unl.edu/libr/gis/subj.html | |
49. ESIP Federation Landsat Pathfinder Tropical Deforestation Data; Global Land Cover Data Sets; LandsatThematic Mapper and Multispectral Scanner Scenes; US Coastal Marsh Health http://www.esipfed.org/compliance/business/business_home/4b.html | |
51. UTview Links Landsat 7. Landsat images for $19.95, western US. Microsofts Terraserver. OhioLinkLandsat 7. Pathfinder AVHRR data. Remote Sensing Class Page. GIS Links. | |
52. CIPEC - Remote Sensing Related Sites Access to Data in the USA and from NonUS Ground Stations; Access to Data on theInternet; MSS Information; MSS Terms; NASA Landsat Program; Pathfinder Program;TM http://www.cipec.org/research/rs/rslinks.html | |
53. TES NEWS, V. 4, N.3, Scabland Part I Photo from the US Geological Survey EROS Data Center, Sioux the same scale and comparea Landsat image of to the region around the Mars Pathfinder landing site http://emma.la.asu.edu/TESNEWS/4_VOL/No_3/ken_jim_1.html | |
54. USGCRP Seminar: Extent And Implications Of Land Cover Changes: The View From Spa He is the Principal Investigator on NASA's Landsat Pathfinder Project, which isUSing Dr. Skole serves on numeroUS committees in the US relating to Global http://www.usgcrp.gov/usgcrp/seminars/960312SM.html | |
55. Correction Of Landsat Imagery For Interannual Variability J. C. Eidenshink, The 1990 ConterminoUS US AVHRR Data Set and JA Sturdevant, TheNorth American Landscape Characterization Landsat Pathfinder Project. In http://elm.aero.und.edu/about/ERIM_MS2.html | |
56. IIC Forest Information Remote Sensing Landsat and Landsat TM online USer guides published by the US Geological Survey The goalof NASA's Landsat Pathfinder Program is to establish long-term, medium- to http://www.iic.state.mn.us/finfo/land/landsat2.htm | |
57. Samples Of Remotely Sensed Images Landsat gallery USGS - MSS and TM Landsat Pathfinder Page (Some Atlanta CEOS CDSamples of Landsat MSS/TM from NASA Our Changing Planet - US Global Change http://www.geog.nottingham.ac.uk/~mather/useful/sample_images.html | |
58. Optical Sensors Scene Finder program to convert lat/long to path and row Landsat Pathfinder Page(Some PCI Geomatics Landsat 7 page. MTI page from US Department of Energy. http://www.geog.nottingham.ac.uk/~mather/useful/optical-sensors.html | |
59. Links UK Environmental Change Network US Geological Survey US Global Change Research Landsatprogramme details Landsat Pathfinder Page (Some nice data sets for http://www.ipi.uni-hannover.de/html/links/links.htm | |
60. Untitled Document UW Tropical Cyclones; UNH Landsat Pathfinder; North America; Radarsat. Post OfficeLocator; Track Mail via US Postal Service; Track Packages via Federal Express; http://www.sac.usace.army.mil/permits/links.html | |
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