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21. I343: Jacob SANDERS (1751 - ) INDEX Created by Sparrowhawk 1.0 (4/17/1996) on Wed Aug 27 001834 1997. DebbieKay Ross. Birth 25 NOV 1966. Father Alvin Leroy ROSS Mother Jessie Mae SANDERS http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/3954/DonSchaefer/D0001/G0000088.html | |
22. The Shipman Inquiry - Witness Schedule For Evelyn Kay Ross Witness Schedule for Evelyn Kay Ross The following table DR1701010, Witness Statementof Evelyn Kay Ross re Edith Roberts. 31/08/01, Statement witness, 186kB. http://www.the-shipman-inquiry.org.uk/witnesssummary.asp?from=a&wid=148 |
23. Kay Ross - Historian For GWP Pete Harty - Fraternal Order Of Eagles GWP Pete Harty's. Historian. Kay Ross. If you have any questions youcan email me at jldew@gte.net Thank you for your help. Kay Ross. http://www.foe.com/gwpharty/historian.html | |
24. I70927: Suzuko Ameku (____ - ____) Ronda Kay Ross. . Molly Kay McKinney. _Gentry Ross Ronda Kay Ross _Helen Rice _ INDEX. HOME http://www.gendex.com/users/bobspu/spurgeon/d0030/g0000064.html | |
25. HKWIPS | Workshops On a fine November afternoon, it was a full house at the editorial workshopconducted by Professor Bryce McIntyre and WIPS' own Kay Ross. http://www.hkwips.org/Events/wkshops.htm | |
26. HKWIPS | Member Directory manirao.net . Kay Ross Freelance Editor/Copywriter/MarketingConsultant Tel 2858 1231 / 9773 3751 M Fax 2546 8924. Kay was http://www.hkwips.org/Resources/dirNOPQR.htm | |
27. HOME Secretary. Treasurer. Kay Ross. Elizabeth Ford. Dianne Cram. Susan Lock. SallyKeyes Yates. David Thomas. Kay Ross. Nancy Catton. Judy Hillegass. Contact Webmaster. http://home.att.net/~pv-ac/ac/ | |
28. Government PROcurement Questions? Contact your local district manager or Kay RossBaker, AdvertisingDirector, at 888.409.1755, e-mail kross-baker@penton.com, http://govpro.gcnpublishing.com/mediakits/govprocur_mech.htm | |
29. The I.t.a. Association Guide To Records - ITAS0001 - Films, Videos And Related R 15, ita with Mrs Kay Ross. Chroma Memorex Video (80 20C, 1 X 3000, 70T!38TE4302-4B);38 Minutes (0-476 Recorded); in hard case. 1-6, Mrs Kay Ross. http://www.austehc.unimelb.edu.au/guides/itaa/ITAS0001.htm | |
30. I142782: Andrew Brian CARTER HTML created by GED2HTML v3.1a (8/20/97) on Fri Jan 03 193244 2003. KarenKay Ross. Karen Kay Ross INDEX. Notes. http://midatlantic.rootsweb.com/database/d0108/g0000057.htm | |
31. Rooney Design | Mother Goose Rhymes | Mary Mary Quite Contrary On May 13, 2001, Kay Ross wrote I remember visiting Hampton Court Palace in Londonmany years ago. Best wishes found your site by accident, Kay Ross. http://www.rooneydesign.com/MaryMary.html | |
32. The Journal Of Process Oriented Psychology Leslie Heizer, Jytte Vilkkelsoe, Jan Dworkin, Julie Diamond, Kate Jobe, Amy Mindell,Dawn Menken, Sara Halprin, Mosses Ikiugu, Kay Ross, Salome Schwarz, Gary http://www.lao-tse-press.com/journew.htm | |
33. Totallyhk.com - Online Lifestyle Information On Living And ARTS Theatre groups. By Kay Ross. Break a leg! Kay Ross is a freelance writer,editor and marketing consultant, and a keen amateur thespian. http://totallyhk.scmp.com/thkarts/arts/arts3.html |
34. I31202 Betsy Kay Ross (ALIVE) Index of Persons Surnames Search WhippleGenWeb Home WhippleHome Betsy Kay Ross. BIRTH ALIVE. Family 1 Kim Keith Manore http://genweb.whipple.org/d0196/i31202.html |
35. Genealogy Data Page 262 (Family Pages) Ross, Robert Ashley Ross, Donna Gail Ross, Sharon Kay Ross, Catherine Elaineb. Not Shown ? Spouse Ross, Sharon Kay b. 24 FEB 1956 ? d. UNKNOWN ? http://www.ged4web.com/derik/f_105.htm | |
36. Page De Données Généalogiques 262 (Pages Des Familles) Translate this page Ross, Robert Ashley Ross, Donna Gail Ross, Sharon Kay Ross, Catherine Elaine n.Non Montré ? Conjoint Ross, Sharon Kay n. 24 FEB 1956 ? d. UNKNOWN ? http://www.ged4web.com/derik/ff_105.htm | |
37. I79716: Anna Barbara ALBRIGHT (18 Jun 1754 - ____) Lance Michael MEISENHEIMER. 1739 This person is presumed living. INDEX. MarleneKay Ross. 37122 This person is presumed living. INDEX. Thomas WHEELER. 72957 http://hostville.com/family/gen1/d0043/g0000068.html | |
38. USFWS Northeast Region Federal Aid Division Staff COMPUTER ASSISTANT Kay Ross Telephone (413) 253-8512 The Computer Assistant providestechnical support to the Federal Aid staff for the smooth running of http://www.fws.gov/r5fedaid/staff.htm | |
39. Kay, Ross Kay, Ross. Go Ahead Boys And The Racing Motorboat University Libraries,University of Maryland, College Park, MD 207427011 (301)405 http://www.lib.umd.edu/ETC/ReadingRoom/Fiction/Kay/ | |
40. Go Ahead Boys And Racing Motorboat By Ross Kay Go Ahead Boys and Racing Motorboat by Ross Kay with annotations advancing emotional literacy education from the Encyclopedia of the Self. http://www.selfknowledge.com/gabrm10.htm | |
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