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141. Home Page JM Professor Judy Batt, Centre for Russian and East European Studies (awarded 2002). JulianCooper, Centre for Russian and East European Studies, jm.cooper@bham.ac.uk. http://www.bham.ac.uk/JeanMonnet/jmpersonnel.htm |
142. Judy Joseph - Del Mar Realty Associates Specializing in Del Mar, Solana Beach, Cardiff, and San Diego County real estate. http://www.judyjoseph.com/ |
143. Daytrading Index Futures Links Trader Profile Judy buffy MacKeigan. How did you come to choose a nicknameof Buffy? JM It is one of my kitty cats names the other is Biffy. http://www.dacharts.com/trader-buffy.php |
144. Judy Garland The One And Only Biography, filmography, quotes, greeting cards, photo gallery, and multimedia. http://www.reeljewels.com/Garland/Judy.htm |
145. Judge Judy Official site of the Judge Judy television show. Currently includes biography of the Judge, a case submission form for those who want to be on the show, sound clips, and a form to comment on the site. http://www.judgejudy.com |
146. JM AB - JM I Massmedia Judy Korman från JM delade ut broschyrer och visade besökarna runttill visningslägenheterna. Helsingborgs Dagblad (200302-03). http://www.jm.se/presscenter/jmmassmedia/notiser/2003-02-03-001.xml |
147. PopMatters Judy Berlin Movie review and picture. http://popmatters.com/film/reviews/j/judy-berlin.html |
148. Accelerated Reader (JM) Accelerated Reader Test (JM). Thomson Marguerite Henry Katherine Paterson Puckett/BrownJanet Shaw Janet Shaw Else Holmelund Min Jan Pfloog Judy Delton Judy http://www.mpls.k12.mn.us/schools/elementary/kenny/arjm.htm |
149. Judy Blume Includes biographical sketch, listing of Blume's works, reviews of her books, and copies of letters young adults have written to Blume. http://www.kutztown.edu/faculty/reagan/blume.html |
150. Clients_reports JM (2001). Building human capacity. G8 dot force Working Paper No. 3. Consultationdocument prepared for Industry Canada. Ottawa Industry Canada. Judy Roberts http://www.robertsassoc.on.ca/clients_reports.html |
151. Educational Paperback Association Blume, Judy The author tells the story of her own life. http://www.edupaperback.org/authorbios/Blume_Judy.html |
152. Contacts Cooptee, Jake Arden, 8021, jm.arden@city.ac.uk, External Relations. Co-optee, JohnCowley, 8893, jc.cowley@city.ac.uk, Sociology. Co-optee, Judy Early, 8771, j.early@city http://www.city.ac.uk/AUT/Archive.htm |
153. Lorna's Shoestring Puppets Puppeteer based in Manchester, England. I offer Punch and Judy, Marionette Cabaret, Storytelling and Workshops. I specialise in Early years. http://www.shoestringpuppets.fsnet.co.uk |
154. E-mail Directory Shrum, Scott and Carol, shrums@usit.net. Shugart, Clarke and Judy, jm.shugart@att.net.Shugart, Emily, Fouroffabfour@hotmail.com. Smith, Lois, lsmith6083@aol.com. http://www.wesleymemorialumc.org/email.asp |
155. Teens Enter Virgin Territory In August, a couple of 18year-olds are scheduled to have sex for the first time, not in a car or a hotel, but on the Internet. The Web site creator says his intentions are strictly honorable. By Joe Nickell and Judy Bryan. Wired News http://www.wired.com/news/news/story/13761.html |
156. Rough Guides Travel Shopping. Specialty Shops. JM Capriola Company, Judy Andreson, Recommended, ? Artsand Culture. Museums. Western Folklife Center, Judy Andreson, Highly Recommended,? http://travel.roughguides.com/planning/journalDestination.asp?LocationID=982&Mod |
157. Judy Smith's Quilting Page Quilting, needlearts and antiques can be seen here. http://www.quiltart.com/judy/ |
158. Liverpool University HACB Judy Coulson Dr Judy Coulson. Neurotransmitter Biology Group. Telephone +44 (0)151 7945850. Fax +44 (0)151 794 5517. Email JM.Coulson@liv.ac.uk. Research. http://www.liv.ac.uk/hacb/staff/Coulson.J.html |
159. Anna, Judy My paintings are unique, colorful, and I love to vary the subjects of my paintings. http://www.milams.com/JudyAnna/ |
160. Bunnys Judy Thomas' Fuzzy Lops Located In Lawrenceville, Georgia. Grand Champion JM's Poppy Poppy is a beautiful sable point doe who also was a Fuzzy Lop of the Year http://persians.homestead.com/bunnys.html |
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