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61. Fremont Real Estate, Newark Real Estate, Alameda County Real Estate - Miguel And Serving the real estate needs of home buyers and sellers in Fremont, Newark, and surrounding areas. http://www.teampadilla.com/ | |
62. Publications: Judy Myers You may reach me via email at jm@uh.edu or by regular mail at Judy E. Myers Assistantto the Dean of Libraries University of Houston Libraries Houston, TX http://info.lib.uh.edu/about/libpubs/myers.html?t=text |
63. Steve Pardoe's Home/Default/Index Page Mountainnering trip reports and pictures, including Mount Blanc, France; Mount Whitney, California; and Cotopaxi, Ecuador. Information on cragging in England. Photos from uk.rec.climbing meetings. http://www.pardoes.com/ | |
64. I812: John J. M. FOUST (1843 - ) Louise Preece said his name was John JA, rather than John JM She related to FatherChristopher FOUST Mother Judy FONDREN Family 1 Semerine Pernine HOLCOMB http://members.aol.com/jogt/gregg/d0001/g0000039.htm | |
65. Judy Garland 1922-1969: Destroyed By Drugs At Rainbow's End - Psychiatry Manipul Article about her struggle with drugs. Published by Citizens Commission on Human Rights. http://www.cchr.org/art/eng/page18.htm | |
66. I491: J.M. DAVIS ( - ) _SIDNEY MASTON DAVIS _ _CECIL DAVIS _LOIS SIPES JMDAVIS _CLYDE SITZES _ Judy KAY FREI. http://www.hal-pc.org/~jamesl/g0000213.html | |
67. Courtroom TV Shows: Judge Judy, Mills Lane, And Joe Brown Judge Judy, Judge Mills Lane, and Judge Joe Brown are all briefly profiled on this page. http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/1014/court.htm | |
68. Judy Moore Productions This site requires Flash 5.0 or higher. http://www.judymoore.net/ | |
69. RollingStone.com: Movies: Reviews: Judy Berlin Review, short synopsis, and cast list. http://www.rollingstone.com/movies/default.asp?oid=73070 |
70. Untitled JM Cohen, Rare Books 2 Karin Court New Paltz, NY 12561 USA Phone 845883-9720Fax 845-883-9142 E-Mail Judy@jmcohenrarebooks.com. http://www.jmcohenrarebooks.com/jmcsearchs.html | |
71. Webgrrls International Cybergrrl interviews Blume about her book Summer Sisters. http://www.cybergrrl.com/fs.jhtml?/fun/bookgrrl/art825/ |
72. J.M. Cohen, Rare Books -- Ordering Top of Page, JM Cohen, Rare Books 2 Karin Court New Paltz, NY 12561 USA Phone845883-9720 Fax 845-883-9142 E-Mail Judy@jmcohenrarebooks.com. http://www.jmcohenrarebooks.com/jmcorder.html | |
73. Judy Dater Short biography and highlights of her career at Duckspool.com. http://www.duckspool.com/tutors/Judy Dater/judy_dater.htm | |
74. The Centre For Marine Studies - Staff And Students, Ove Hoegh-Guldberg Home » Staff » St Lucia Staff » Judy O'Neil. O'Neil, JM (1999) Grazer interactionswith nitrogenfixing marine cyanobacteria adaptation for N-acquisition http://www.marine.uq.edu.au/staff/oneil.html | |
75. Judy Blume A thirdgrader's report on Blume's life. http://www2.lhric.org/pocantico/womenenc/blume.html | |
76. Personal Publications, Marine Botany, Centre For Marine Studies Judy O'Neil ARC postdoctoral associate part time Lecturer Project Marine Cyanobacteriaj.oneil@mailbox.uq.edu.au, Refereed publications O'Neil, JM (1999 http://www.marine.uq.edu.au/marbot/people/publicationsjudy.htm | |
77. Punch & Judy With The Punch & Judy College Of Professors Representing The Britis UK organisation of leading professional Punch and Judy performers. http://www.punchandjudy.org | |
78. BPL Marykate And Ashley Books Katschke, Judy. Butcher, Nancy. Stine, Megan. Stine, Megan. Butcher, Nancy. 1.3. 4. 5. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 19. 23. ADVENTURES OF MARYKATE AND ASHLEYJM DOO. JM DUB. http://www.brownsburg.lib.in.us/kidsmarykateashley.htm | |
79. Wired News: Deconstructing Public Enemy They're watching from above, eyeing your bank account, and listening to your conversations. Here's the truth behind the paranoia in Enemy of the State. By Judy DeMocker Wired News http://www.wired.com/news/culture/0,1284,16507,00.html | |
80. Judy Nice site with pages for quilting and sewing, family, recipes and worksin-progress. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/7684/judy.html | |
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