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         Josephus Flavius:     more books (101)
  1. The Life of Flavius Josephus by Flavius Josephus, 2010-07-24
  2. Josephus' Discourse to the Greeks Concerning Hades by Flavius Josephus, 2010-07-06
  3. The New Complete Works of Josephus by Flavius Josephus, 1999-06-10
  4. The Antiquities of the Jews by Flavius Josephus, 2010-01-01
  5. The Complete Works of Josephus by Flavius Josephus, 1974-06
  6. The Complete Works of Flavius Josephus by Flavius Josephus, 2008-01-06
  7. The Jewish War: Revised Edition (Penguin Classics) by Flavius Josephus, Betty Radice, 1984-02-07
  8. The Works of Josephus; With a Life Written by Himself by Flavius Josephus, 2010-02-09
  9. Against Apion by Flavius Josephus, 2009-10-04
  10. The Life and Works of Flavius Josephus - The Learned and Authentic Jewish Historian and Celebrated Warrior... To Which Are Added Seven Dissertations Concerning Jesus Christ, John the Baptist, James the Just, God's Command to Abraham, etc. by Flavius Josephus, 1957
  11. The Wars of the Jews or History of the Destruction of Jerusalem by Flavius Josephus, 2009-12-07
  12. Josephus: The Essential Works by Flavius Josephus, 1995-05-17
  13. The Complete Works of Flavius-Josephus the Celebrated Jewish Historian by William Whiston, 2010-05-12
  14. The Complete Works of Flavius Josephus by translation by William Whiston, 2008-10-15

(Catholic Encyclopedia)Category Society Religion and Spirituality J......Flavius Josephus. Jewish historian, born AD 37, at Jerusalem; died about 101. Theol.,sv; MÜLLER, Christus bei Flavius Josephus; EDERSHEIM in Dict. Christ.
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Flavius Josephus
Jewish historian, born A.D. 37, at Jerusalem ; died about 101. He belonged to a distinguished priestly family , whose paternal ancestors he himself traces back five generations; his mother's family claimed descent from the Machabeans . He received a good education , and association with distinguished scholars developed his intellectual gifts, more especially his memory and power of judgment. He also made himself fully acquainted with and tried the leading politico-religious Jewish parties of his age the Essenes Pharisees , and Impressed by the outward importance of the Pharisees and hoping to secure through them a position of influence, he attached himself to their party at the age of nineteen, although he shared neither their religious nor political views. He went to Rome in the year 64 with the object of procuring from Nero the release of some imprisoned Jewish Judaism , considering its struggle against paganism as useless. After his return to Jerusalem , the great Jewish revolt broke out in the year 66. Like most of the aristocratic

2. Josephus Flavius Game
A game inspired by Josephus Flavius story Josephus Flavius game. Josephus Flavius was a famous Jewish historian of the first century at the time of the Second
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Josephus Flavius game
Josephus Flavius was a famous Jewish historian of the first century at the time of the Second Temple destruction. During the Jewish-Roman war he got trapped in a cave with a group of 40 soldiers surrounded by romans. The legend has it that preferring suicide to capture, the Jews decided to form a circle and, proceeding around it, to kill every third remaining person until no one was left. Josephus, not keen to die, quickly found the safe spot in the circle and thus stayed alive. The applet below generalizes that situation. The number of people is limited by 50, but "Every which" controls allow for variations on the original theme. A player selects a spot and presses one of the Fast or Slow buttons to observe the sequence in which people will die. The purpose of the game, of course, is to stay alive by choosing the right spot. The counting starts from the topmost position indicated by a short straight line segment.
R. Graham, D. Knuth, O. Patashnik

3. Josephus Flavius Game
Josephus Flavius game. Josephus Flavius was a famous Jewish historianof the first century at the time of the Second Temple destruction.
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Josephus Flavius game
Josephus Flavius was a famous Jewish historian of the first century at the time of the Second Temple destruction. During the Jewish-Roman war he got trapped in a cave with a group of 40 soldiers surrounded by romans. The legend has it that preferring suicide to capture, the Jews decided to form a circle and, proceeding around it, to kill every third remaining person until no one was left. Josephus, not keen to die, quickly found the safe spot in the circle and thus stayed alive. The applet below generalizes that situation. The number of people is limited by 50, but "Every which" controls allow for variations on the original theme. A player selects a spot and presses one of the Fast or Slow buttons to observe the sequence in which people will die. The purpose of the game, of course, is to stay alive by choosing the right spot. The counting starts from the topmost position indicated by a short straight line segment.
R. Graham, D. Knuth, O. Patashnik

4. Josephus Flavius Game
Josephus Flavius Problem. Reference. WW.Rouse Ball and HSM.Coxeter, MathematicalRecreations and Essays, Dover, 1987. Josephus Flavius problem;
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Josephus Flavius Problem
Following is an excerpt from
Mathematical Recreations and Essays
by W.W. Rouse Ball and H.S.M.Coxeter Hegesippus says that Josephus saved his life by such a device. According to his account, after the Romans had captured Jotapat, Josephus and forty other Jews took refuge in a cave. Josephus, much to his disgust, found that all except himself and one other man were resolved to kill themselves, so as not to fall into the hands of their conquerors. Fearing to show his opposition too openly he consented, but declared that the operation must be carried out in an orderly way, and suggested that they should arrange themselves round a circle and that every third person should be killed until but one man was left, who must then commit suicide. It is alleged that he placed himself and the other man in the 31st and 16th place respectively. The medieval question was usually presented in the following form. A ship, carrying as passengers 15 Turks and 15 Christians, encountered a storm, and, in order to save the ship and crew, one-half of the passengers had to be thrown into the sea. Accordingly the passengers were placed in a circle, and every ninth man, reckoning from a certain point, was cast overboard. It is desired to find an arrangement by which all the Christians should be saved. In this case we must arrange the men thus: CCCCTTTTTCCTCCCTCTTCCTTTCTTCCT , where C stands for a Christian and

5. Josephus Flavius
Josephus Flavius. Josephus Flavius was a Jew who grew up in Jerusalemat the beginning of the Common Era. He 5. Josephus Flavius. Because
Josephus Flavius
Josephus Flavius was a Jew who grew up in Jerusalem at the beginning of the Common Era. He was well educated, knowing both Jewish texts and the Greek language (although his Greek grammar was faulty). During the Great Revolt from 66-73 CE, Josephus served as a general of the Galilee. When the Roman army overcame his forces, Josephus and 40 compatriots fled to a cave. They agreed to commit suicide. Josephus fixed the lots so that his name would come out last. After the others killed themselves, Josephus convinced the remaining fighter to surrender with him. As a prisoner of the Romans , Josephus volunteered to write the history of the Great Revolt . General (later Emperor) Vespasian agreed. Josephus thus provided the Romans (and now us) with a first-hand account of the fall of Jerusalem in 70 CE. It must be emphasized that Josephus was writing for Vespasian, so his work is definitely biased. He mentions several times in his Greek writings that he created an Aramaic version of the events as well, but it, unfortunately, is not extant. Following the end of the war, Josephus was taken to

6. De Bello Judaico III Der Jüdische Krieg Ergänzungen Und Register Griechisch -
Translate this page De Bello Judaico III Der Jüdische Krieg Ergänzungen und Register Griechisch- Deutsch Josephus Flavius. Griechisch - Deutsch. Autor Josephus Flavius.
De Bello Judaico III Der Jüdische Krieg Ergänzungen und Register Griechisch - Deutsch Josephus Flavius
Titel: De Bello Judaico III. Der Jüdische Krieg. Ergänzungen und Register. Griechisch - Deutsch.
Autor: Josephus Flavius
Rubrik: Geschichte Altertum Judentum Alte Geschichte
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7. De Bello Judaico II 2 Der Jüdische Krieg Buch VI- VII Griechisch - Deutsch Jose
Translate this page De Bello Judaico II 2 Der Jüdische Krieg Buch VI- VII Griechisch - Deutsch JosephusFlavius. Buch VI- VII. Griechisch - Deutsch. Autor Josephus Flavius.
De Bello Judaico II 2 Der Jüdische Krieg Buch VI- VII Griechisch - Deutsch Josephus Flavius
Titel: De Bello Judaico II 2. Der Jüdische Krieg. Buch VI- VII. Griechisch - Deutsch.
Autor: Josephus Flavius
Rubrik: Literaturwissenschaft Klassische Griechische Literatur (Altgriechisch) Belletristik Judentum Geschichte Alte Geschichte
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8. Il Problema Di Josephus Flavius
Translate this page Il problema di Flavius Josephus. 1. Il problema di Josephus FlaviusSei schiavi vengono numerati da 1 a 6 e disposti in cerchio.
BASE Cinque Il lato divertente della Matematica BASE Cinque Collezione Risposte
Il problema di Flavius Josephus
1. Il problema di Josephus Flavius
Sei schiavi vengono numerati da 1 a 6 e disposti in cerchio. Stanno per essere uccisi tutti tranne l'ultimo, unico fortunato, che sopravviverà. Per decidere l'ordine in cui saranno uccisi si fa una conta speciale: partendo dal numero 1 e contando i vivi in senso orario, se ne uccide uno sì e uno no, cioè 1, 3, 5, ...
I cadaveri vengono immediatamente rimossi e non vengono più contati.
Solo l'ultimo sopravvissuto sarà lasciato libero e si salverà.
Josephus, fortunato e intelligente, appena sa quale numero gli è stato assegnato, tira un sospiro di sollievo. Infatti ha capito che sarà salvo. Quale numero ha Josephus? 2. Il sopravvissuto
In questo caso gli schiavi sono 16, si comincia dal n. 4 e se ne uccide uno ogni 3, cioè 4, 7, 10, ..., fino all'ultimo sopravvissuto. Chi sarà l'ultimo?

9. Josephus Flavius Und Die Samaritaner Egger Rita
Translate this page Josephus Flavius und die Samaritaner Egger Rita. Titel Josephus Flaviusund die Samaritaner Autor Egger Rita. Rubrik Kategorie
Josephus Flavius und die Samaritaner Egger Rita
Titel: Josephus Flavius und die Samaritaner
Autor: Egger Rita
Niemöller Gerhard Die Bekennt...

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Dokumente des Kirchenkamp...

BELLUM JUDAICUM (Josephus Flavius) THE JEWISH WAR. By William Markiewicz.Within geopolitical realities, Israel has only two options
BELLUM JUDAICUM (Josephus Flavius)
By William Markiewicz War for holy causes has never served Israel's interests. Israel has chosen politicians who refuse to see that the opposing side also has its fanatics, and, what's more important, masses ready to die for their holiest cause: the pride of being free. One more point: If I were Israeli, I wouldn't rely too much on 'American support.' Americans may play a machiavellian game; seeing that Israel persists in a suicidal policy America may just wait until she hangs herself with her own rope. When the next Arab/Israeli conflict breaks out and Israel does well, America will intervene to mediate the ceasefire. If Israel doesn't do well, America will just wait and see, launching appeals for both sides to step back. Back to the index of the Vagabond William Markiewicz

11. Josephus Flavius / De Iudaeorum Vetustate Siue Contra Apionem
Gordan MS 67 Italy, s. XV med. Josephus Flavius / De iudaeorum vetustatesiue contra apionem. ff. 1r69v Iosephus, De Vetustate Iudeorum.
Bryn Mawr College Special Collections
Gordan MS 67
Italy, s. XV med Josephus Flavius / De iudaeorum vetustate siue contra apionem ff. 1r-69v Iosephus, De Vetustate Iudeorum
Inc.: Sufficienter ut arbitror et per libros antiquitatum opulentissime uirorum Epafrodite legentibus eos aperui de nostro genere iudeorum.
Josephus, De Iudaeorum Vetustate siue Contra Apionem ; C. Boysen , ed., Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum (Leipzig, 1898) v. 37, 1-142. Parchment (yellow on hairside), ff. ii (modern paper bifolium, i=front pastedown) + 69 + i (contemporary parchment) + iv (modern paper, iv=back pastedown), 235 x 153 (176 x 72) mm. Written in 25 lines, ruled with double vertical bounding lines full length in pale black ink (Derolez 13.31). No prickings visible. I-VII . Vertical catchwords between two inner bounding lines with pen flourishes on four sides (Derolez 12.5), verso. Quire and leaf signatures occasionally visible between the right-hand bounding lines, recto. Written by a single scribe in a fine humanistic cursive bookhand above the top line. On f. 1r a partial border in upper, lower, and inner margins, white vine-stem ornament on blue, green, and red, and gold ground with gold balls. In lower border an oval medallion has been left blank for the insertion of a coat of arms. On f. 1r, a 7-line gold initial with intertwining white vine-stems; title in blue. On f. 35r a 4-line gold initial on a blue and purple ground infilled with white penwork designs. Running heads in red. Finding aids in margins sometimes written in red.

12. Josephus Flavius In The Middle Ages
Josephus Flavius in the Middle Ages I am studying Roger Bacon's view on theology,and I am trying to figure out if Bacon actually could read the Hebrew and
Josephus Flavius in the Middle Ages I am studying Roger Bacon's view on theology, and I am trying to figure out if Bacon actually could read the Hebrew and Greek language. In the introduction of the Compendium of the study of theology, and in his Mathematics in divine utilities Bacon mentiones the book "Antiquitatum" of the Jewish historian Josephus Flavius. I like to ask two questions: 1) Can someone tell me in what language Josephus wrote? I thought in Hebrew, but I am not sure of it. 2) Was there a Latin translation of Josephus writings (especially his historical works) in the 13th century, and from which language, Hebrew, Greek or Arabian? Thanks for answering the questions in advance, Paula Franso [Submitted by: Paula Franso Tue, 23 Jan 1996 18:15:28 +200] Up

13. Re: Josephus Flavius In The Middle Ages
Re Josephus Flavius in the Middle Ages Josephus was available i Latin translation.See, eg, Lexikon des Mittelalters sv Josephus im MA . Sten Ebbesen, Cph.
Re: Josephus Flavius in the Middle Ages Josephus was available i Latin translation. See, e.g., Lexikon des Mittelalters s.v. "Josephus im MA". Sten Ebbesen, Cph. [Submitted by: Sten Ebbesen Wed, 24 Jan 1996 09:17:05 MET] Up

14. The Hyksos In The Writings Of Manetho And Josephus Flavius
Fragment from Manetho's Aegyptica, excerpts from Josephus Flavius' Against Apion.Ancient Egypt Manetho on the Hyksos Flavius Josephus Against Apion
Ancient Egypt: Manetho on the Hyksos
Avaris, capital of the Hyksos, founded in
the Saite nome
Manetho on the Hyksos
Manetho , Aegyptiaca., frag. 42, 1.75-79.2 Tutimaeus . In his reign, for what cause I know not, a blast of God smote us; and unexpectedly, from the regions of the East, invaders of obscure race marched in confidence of victory against our land. By main force they easily overpowered the rulers of the land, they then burned our cities ruthlessly, razed to the ground the temples of the gods, and treated all the natives with a cruel hostility, massacring some and leading into slavery the wives and children of others. Finally, they appointed as king one of their number whose name was Salitis. He had his seat at Memphis, levying tribute from Upper and Lower Egypt, and leaving garrisons behind in the most advantageous positions. Above all, he fortified the district to the east, foreseeing that the Assyrians, as they grew stronger, would one day covet and attack his kingdom. In the Saite [Sethroite] nome he found a city very favorably situated on the east of the Bubastite branch of the Nile, and called Auaris (= Avaris ) after an ancient religious tradition. This place he rebuilt and fortified with massive walls, planting there a garrison of as many as 240,000 heavy-armed men to guard his frontier. Here he would come in summertime, partly to serve out rations and pay his troops, partly to train them carefully in manoeuvres and so strike terror into foreign tribes.

15. Herod's Temple - Historical Writings
Josephus Flavius (translated by W. Whiston), Michigan 1999. Josephus Flavius (translatedby W. Whiston), Michigan 1999 Josephus Flavius (translated by W. Whisto.
Contents Index
Historical Writings
The primary material sources for the description of Herod’s Temple few: Josephus - Antiquities, 15.11 Josephus – The Wars of the Jews, 5.5 The Mishna – Tractate Middoth The New Testament The Talmud Below are some specific passages relating to The Jewish Temples: Jewish Antiquities, Book 3, Chapters 9-10 Josephus Flavius (translated by W. Whiston), Michigan 1999 Jewish Antiquities, Book 4, Chapter 8 Josephus Flavius (translated by W. Whiston), Michigan 1999 Josephus Flavius (translated by W. Whisto Jewish Antiquities, Book 15, Chapter 11 Josephus Flavius (translated by W. Whiston), Michigan 1999 Jewish Antiquities, Book 17, Chapter 9 Josephus Flavius (translated by W. Whiston), Michigan 1999 Jewish Antiquities, Book 18, Chapter 3 Josephus Flavius (translated by W. Whiston), Michigan 1999 Against Apion, Book 2 Josephus Flavius (translated by W. Whiston), Michigan 1999 Philo, The Special Laws I Philo from Alexandria (translated by F.H. Colson), Cambridge and London 1950 Vitruvius, On Architecture, Book VIII, Chapter V

16. "The Wars Of The Jews" By Josephus Flavius
The Wars Of The Jews by Josephus Flavius. Book IV Chapter 1. 2.As this city was naturally hard to be taken, so had Josephus, by
"The Wars Of The Jews" by Josephus Flavius Book IV - Chapter 1 2. As this city was naturally hard to be taken, so had Josephus, by building a wall about it, made it still stronger, as also byditches and mines under ground. The people that were in it were made more bold by the nature of the place than the people ofJotapata had been, but it had much fewer fighting men in it; and they had such a confidence in the situation of the place, thatthey thought the enemy could not be too many for them; for the city had been filled with those that had fled to it for safety, onaccount of its strength; on which account they had been able to resist those whom Agrippa sent to besiege it for seven monthstogether.

17. Search Results For 'josephus'
4853 bytes Josephus, Flavius Christian Classics Ethereal Library Josephus, FlaviusJewish historian Works about Flavius Josephus Flavius Josephus from The

18. Tåìa:  Èîñèô "Ôëàâèé" (Josephus Flavius) - Ôîðóì Èóäåÿ.�
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19. Josephus
Josephus Flavius, the ancient Jewish writer of first century Palestine, wrote anumber of historical, apologetical and autobiographical works which together
Josephus Flavius, the ancient Jewish writer of first century Palestine, wrote a number of historical, apologetical and autobiographical works which together comprise a major part of Hellenistic Jewish literature. The original Aramaic version of his first work, known as Bellum Judaicum , or The Jewish War , has been lost. However, the Greek version of this work, and the rest of his works written in Greek during his Roman exile after the destruction of Jerusalem, were preserved by the Church, particularly because of their general importance for the history of Palestine in the early Christian period and for the curious Testimonium Flavianum to the founder of Christianity contained in the Jewish Antiquities Latin translations of Josephus' oeuvre made between the fourth and sixth centuries were studied in Christian Europe for an entire millennium. The editio princeps of Josephus displayed here was in fact an edition of his works in Latin, still the intellectual language of Europe in 1470; the first edition of the Greek text did not appear in print until nearly 75 years later, after the Renaissance revival of Greek learning. Subsequently, hundreds of editions of Josephus' works appeared in all corners of the Western world, not only in Greek and Latin but in every modern vernacular as well. Among the most popular authors during the history of Christian printing, Josephus suffered a different fate among Jews: except for a pseudepigraphic medieval Hebrew paraphrase of The Jewish War

20. Flavius Josephus
Flavius Josephus on Early Christian Writings the New Testament, Apocrypha, Gnostics,and Church Fathers information and translations of Gospels, Epistles
Flavius Josephus
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