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Johnson J C F: more detail |
21. NSGS - NE Ancestree, Vol 2, No 4 ANDERSON, John Ab 1856; SWENSON, Johnson. ANDERSON, Nels J.; SWENSON, CARLSON, KILLION. BRUNING,WH b. 1848; VASSAR, MORGAN, SLAYTON. BUSH, JCF, MD; BARFIELD. http://www.rootsweb.com/~nesgs/Ancestree/vol02/v02n4p167.htm | |
22. Leon Cemetery Section A O062.1 Rolla Spicer Springer, James G. 28 Nov 1848 15 Jan Givens A.099.1.2 JCF GivensA.099.1.1 JCF Givens A 097.4.1 HB Bowman A.097.3.5 Asbury Johnson A.097.2 http://www.rootsweb.com/~iadecatu/cemeteryDocs/LeonA.html | |
23. Ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/tx/rusk/census/1860/pg0306b.txt 34 1491 1509 Johnson JCF 11 M W . . . TX . 40 1492 1510 Johnson Mary MS 3 F W . .. AL TN m Aug 28 1848 35 1531 1548 BROWN Mary E. (Elizabeth) 11 F W . . . TX http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/tx/rusk/census/1860/pg0306b.txt |
24. Ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ga/elbert/cemeteries/bethel.txt 1974 Beside Larry Duane Evans Martin Margaret 14Apr-1848 08-Mar Apr-1905 28-Apr-1905Inf s/o JCF and Pearl 1898 18-Aug-1959 h/o Bessie Mae Johnson McGee Bessie http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ga/elbert/cemeteries/bethel.txt |
25. Www2.cddc.vt.edu/gutenberg/etext03/ggold10.txt BY JCF Johnson, FGS, MEMBER OF THE AUST. that the first gold mine worked in Australiawas opened about twelve miles from Adelaide city, SA, in the year 1848. http://www2.cddc.vt.edu/gutenberg/etext03/ggold10.txt |
26. Marriages - DuPage County, IL - 1839 - 1861 JP Kreamer. Schatt, Cathanna, 20 Jan 1859, Johnson, Andrew, 1632. Shutcher, Betsey,13 Mar 1848, Pye, Austin, 407. Sievert, Christina, 06 Jun 1858, Sueltman, JCF, 1539. http://users.anet.com/~jeffb/dupagewb/marrps.htm | |
27. Autumnmist.homeip.net81/E-Books/-%20PROJECT%20GUTENBURG%20AUTHORS.TXT Pauline, 18611913 Johnson, JCF (Joseph Colin Frances), 1848- Johnson, Richard, 1757-1827Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784 Johnston, Mary, 1870-1936 Joly, Norman F. http://autumnmist.homeip.net:81/E-Books/- PROJECT GUTENBURG AUTHORS.TXT |
28. PROJECT GUTENBERG ETEXTS AUTHORS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER 675749 Johnson, Allen, 1870-1931 Johnson, Clarence Edgar, 1906- Johnson, E. Pauline,1861-1913 Johnson, JCF (Joseph Colin Frances), 1848- Johnson, Richard http://www.sign-lang.uni-hamburg.de/fb07/GermS/Project-Gutenberg-Authors.html | |
29. Jamaica Chess Federation - 2001 RATINGS 1419 Johnson, Vernon 1720 1420 Johnson, Wayne 1389 1421 Johnson, Winston 796 19931846 Monajem, Janshid 1309 1847 Moncrieffe, Carl 1384 1848 Moncrieffe, Damion http://www.geocities.com/chessjamaica/ratings.html | |
30. Untitled Harvey, James Gender M Spouse Johnson, Minerva Birth Database Number of Pages 1 Submitter Code JCF Harvey, Joel Marriage Year 1848 Marriage Location http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/6575/intl/intlmar4.htm | |
31. Liberty Cemetery, Independence County, Arkansas Allen, Emily MB Jul. 20, 1848 D. Oct. 26, 1914 NOTES Odd Fellow. Johnson, MollieMB 1876 D. 1956 NOTES Mother. 10, 1970. JCF. Keever, Infant Daughter B. Jan. http://talesofold.net/limb/graves/liberty.htm | |
32. Indianboken_m MARRYAT, FREDERICK England 1792-1848. kapten Marryat af Otto Hoffman! ; med planscheri färgtryck ; från tyskan af JCF.Haeffner Stockholm Ad.Johnson, 1893 http://members.tripod.com/naffats77/fiktind/indbm.htm | |
33. BY JCF Johnson, FGS, MEMBER OF THE AUST. that the first gold mine worked in Australiawas opened about twelve miles from Adelaide city, SA, in the year 1848. |
34. Project Name Ggchp1 that the first gold mine worked in Australia was opened about twelve miles fromAdelaide city, SA, in the year 1848. Getting Gold By JCF Johnson, FGS, back | |
36. Plumbly's Auction House - Previous Rare Book Auction Catalogue 1. Little. J. S A Century of Fires and Fire Brigades in Dunedin 1848 - 1948. DnCoulls, Somerville Wilkie. 1948. G. ALSO Johnson. JCF - Getting Gold. http://www.plumblys.co.nz/prev-bkm.html | |
37. Queries 998 and Annie Johnson of Samual HAMM, b. 1794, Spartanburg County, SC, died 1848, WayneCounty Pam High 309 Hart, Springdale, AR 72764 phigh@jcf.jonesnet.org http://www.netease.net/wayne/queries998.htm | |
38. UO Library Recent Acquisitions TITLE = AFTER CHRISTIANITY, WHAT? AUTHOR = Grumbine, JCF (Jesse Charles Fremont). PUBLISHER= Seattle, Stiepan Johnson, 1930. JS Griffin, 1848 1849. http://libweb.uoregon.edu/colldev/recent/current/current/orcoll.htm |
39. Quote Parchment JCF von Schiller Samuel Johnson. The influence of each human being on others in thislife is a kind of immortality.John Quincy Adams (1767-1848) Note unlike http://www.lnwalkup.com/quote1.htm | |
40. The Coleopterist - Biographical Dictionary Of British Coleopterists, F on a voyage on HMS Rattlesnake, to the Museum in 1848 (1848.53 Mentioned by Johnson Halbert (1902) p. 542 1905 and may have been stimulated by his son JCF Fryer http://www.coleopterist.org.uk/biogdict/f.htm | |
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