Choose: Charlotte Art History Database Please select at least one of the following properties to be searched for.
(use CTRL to select multiple items). Then use the submit button at the bottom of the document to query the database. Artist or Architect: Aalto: Alvar 1898 1976 Abbatini: Guido 1600 1656 Abbot Zenon Abbott: Berenice Abel de Pujol: A.D. 19 C Abruzzo: Tony Adam: Robert Adam: Robert (and others) Adam: Robert 1728 1792 Adams: Dan Adams: Tate 1922 Affandi 1907 1990 African Sculpture Aga: Mehemt Emin 18 C Aga: Sedefkar Mehmet 17 C Ahmad Jamal: Syed op. 1970s 1980s Ajun: Wajan op. 1950s Akioka: Miho 1952 - Albers: Joseph 1888 Alberti: Leon Baptista 1578 1660 Alechinsky: Pierre 1927 - Ali Reza Bijapur op. 1610 Allan: Micky op. mid-late 20 C Allen: Davida 1951 Allen: William van Allington: Edward 20 C Allport: Mary Morton 1806 1895 Altdorfer: Albrecht Alvarado: Nunelucio 1950 Alvarado: Nunelucio 1950 - Amaury-Duval: Eugene-Emmanuel 1808 1885 Amedee Couder: Jean-Baptiste 1797 1864 Anderson: Laurie 20 C Andre: Carl 1935 Andrea (ascribed to): di Aloigi 1484 1516 Angelico: Fra Giovanni Angelico: Fra Giovanni 1387 1455 Angkuna Kulyuru: (Graham) 20 Anguissola: Sofonisba 1527 1623 Anonymous Anonymous (Bavarian) Anton: H op. 1970s - | |