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         Ives Charles:     more books (43)
  1. Charles Ives: A Life with Music by Jan Swafford, 1998-01-17
  2. Selected Correspondence of Charles Ives by Charles Ives, 2007-06-14
  3. Charles Ives and His World
  4. The Charles Ives Tune Book (Bibliographies in American Music) by Clayton W. Henderson, 1990-11
  5. The Music of Charles Ives (Composers of the Twentieth Century Serie) by Philip Lambert, 1997-07-25
  6. Ives Studies
  7. A Union of Diversities: Style in the Music of Charles Ives by Larry Starr, 1992-03
  8. Baseball and the Music of Charles Ives: A Proving Ground by Timothy A. Johnson, 2004-07-15
  9. Charles Ives: "My Father`s Song": A Psychoanalytic Biography by Professor Stuart Feder, 1992-06-24
  10. Charles Ives: A Research and Information Guide (Routledge Music Bibliographies) by Gayle Sherwood Magee, 2002-06-28
  11. Charles Ives: A Bio-Bibliography (Bio-Bibliographies in Music) by Geoffrey Block, 1988-09-27
  12. The Third Symphony of Charles Ives (Cms Sourcebooks in American Music) by Mark Zobel, 2009-03-02
  13. Charles Ives and His Music (Da Capo Press music reprint series) by Henry Cowell, 1981-06
  14. Charles Ives Omnibus (Monographs & Bibliographies in American Music, No. 18) by James M. Burk, 2008-03-30

21. My Little Charles Ives Page
Includes reviews of his works, and links to other sites.Category Arts Music Composition Composers I Ives, Charles...... .. On this page you will also find links to some audio files of Ives' music to geta first impression. Charles Ives (18741954) is a great American composer.
My little Charles Ives page
mirror site in Europe mirror site in Taiwan Is it natural, that one is excited by the music of Charles Ives? Is he a romantic, or more the kind of a musical craftsman constructing polytonal music scores? ... On this page you will also find links to some audio files of Ives' music to get a first impression. Charles Ives (1874-1954) is a great American composer. His music wasn't esteemed very high by his contemporaries, as he often doesn't obey the rules of the classical or romantic music styles. Now he is widely recognized as Father of the modern American music . Nevertheless, when talking with my friends, I still have the impression that many people get a strange feeling when hearing most of his works.
I think about everything he has composed be it important for the development of modern music or not sounds great , just because it sounds great. I enjoy it, maybe just because it's so complicated. Hope you don't conclude that I'm entirely crazy. Here is a list of Ives's works, that I use to listen regularly, together with a simple rating. The links go to my own descriptions of the works, personal rather than scientific ones:
  • Symphony No. 2 (*) [listen

22. CHARLES IVES (1874-1954)
2Apr-01 Charles Ives (1874-1954)
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23. - Charles Ives (1874-1954)
Charles Ives. De Amerikaanse componist Charles Ives (18741954) werdgeboren in Danbury, Connecticut. Ives werd zeer beïnvloed door
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Charles Ives
De Amerikaanse componist Charles Ives (1874-1954) werd geboren in Danbury, Connecticut. Ives werd zeer beïnvloed door zijn vader, die kapelmeester was. Als componist was Charles Ives grotendeels autodidact. Charles Ives koos bewust voor een carrière in het verzekeringswezen. Hierdoor kon hij zich muzikaal alles veroorloven wat hem maar te binnen schoot. Op het eerste gehoor klinken de muziekstukken van Charles Ives erg chaotisch. In zijn werk komen grote dissonanten voor, die dan veelal worden gevolgd door hymne-achtige passages. Charles Ives gebruikte allerlei muziekstijlen en liet deze na of door elkaar horen. Soms worden die door de uitvoerenden in verschillende tempo's of toonaarden gespeeld. Charles Ives was een echte pionier, die alles uitprobeerde. Uiteraard is zijn werk hierdoor niet zo erg toegankelijk en wordt het zelden uitgevoerd.

24. Charles Edward Ives (1874-1954) -
Geschriften Essays before a sonata and other writings by Charles Ives (waarbijPostface to 114 songs en Some ‘quartertone’ impressions), bew.
klassiekemuziekgids net Charles Edward Ives
Danbury, Conn., 1874 –
New York 1954
Amerikaans componist
Zoon van de dirigent en muziekleraar George E. Ives, wiens brede muzikale oriëntatie en experimentele instelling hij erfde.
In zijn jeugdjaren werkte hij als kerkorganist en van 1894 tot 1898 studeerde hij aan de Yale University muziek bij Horatio Parker.
In 1906 begon hij een succesvolle carrière als leider van een mede door hem opgerichte verzekeringsmaatschappij. Zijn kantoorbetrekking stelde hem naar eigen zeggen in staat als kunstenaar onafhankelijk te blijven. Hoewel er voor het componeren weinig tijd overbleef, was zijn productiviteit zeer groot.
Na 1926 heeft hij echter geen nieuwe werken meer voltooid. Ives begon al vroeg met muzikale verkenningen buiten het conventionele idioom. In een reeks psalmzettingen uit 1894 treft men polytonaliteit, enhemitoniek en allerlei vormen van dissonerend contrapunt aan. Hij kwam later tot een atonale schrijfwijze (zie atonaliteit) en een vergaande differentiatie van metriek en ritmiek, onkundig van soortgelijke ontwikkelingen die terzelfder tijd in Europa plaatsvonden. Tevens experimenteerde hij met kwarttonen ( Three quarter-tone pieces voor 2 piano's, 1923–1924). Anderzijds keerde hij voortdurend terug naar traditionele Amerikaanse bronnen: de populaire melodieën, gospelliederen, circus- en marsmuziek die hij uit zijn jeugd kende en die hij in zijn muziek citeerde.

25. Skidmore's CD Collection - I
3 places in New England Orchestral set no. 2, Ives, Charles, 18741954. Suites,M5.I8 T5 1995. Ives, Charles, 1874-1954. Multiple forms, M3.1.I9 S4 1993.
CD Collection - by Composer
(Shelved at Circulation Desk)
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Browse by Musical Form Browse by Call Number A ... H I J K L M ...
Composer Musical Form Call Number Oeuvres variâees pour orchestra, saxophone, haubtois, et violoncelle Ibert, Jacques, 1890-1962. Multiple forms Vive Ibert! orchestral works of Jacques Ibert. Ibert, Jacques, 1890-1962. Multiple forms Songs Illing, Rosamund. Songs Music of Andrew Imbrie Imbrie, Andrew, 1921- Multiple forms Dream sequence Imbrie, Andrew, 1921- Multiple forms Symphonie sur un chant montagnard franðcais ; Fervaal. Prâelude ; Symphony no. 2 Indy, Vincent d', 1851-1931. Multiple forms Sappho de Mutilene Ionatos, Angâelique, 1954- Songs Caucasian sketches suite no. 1, op. 10 ; Caucasian sketches : suite no. 2, op. 42 : Iveria Ippolitov-Ivanov, Mikhail Mikhaæilovich, 1859-1935. Suites Ave Regina coelorum Isaak Ensemble Heidelberg. Multiple forms American landscapes Isbin, Sharon. Multiple forms Works for orchestra Ishii, Maki. 3 places in New England Orchestral set : no. 2 Ives, Charles, 1874-1954. Suites Remembrance a Charles Ives collection.

Translate this page Visual Rondo. Toda la información de música clásica en un CD-ROMCharles Ives (1874-1954) Compositor norteamericano nacido en
Charles Ives
Compositor norteamericano nacido en Danbury (EE.UU.) el 20 de octubre de , recibe las primeras lecciones de música de su padre, George Ives , entusiasta aficionado y miembro de la banda local. Con esos conocimientos y la práctica de instrumentos de teclado llegó a ser el organista de la localidad con tan solo 15 años, y en 1893 ya actúa como organista en New Haven , hasta que un año después ingresa en la Universidad de Yale , donde estudia música con Horatio Parker . Ese mismo año fallece su padre, lo que sume al compositor en una fuerte depresión.
En entra a trabajar en una compañía de seguros, aunque sigue ejerciendo como organizta, esta vez de la Iglesia presbiteriana de Bloomfield en New Jersey . Con todo, tiene suerte en el campo personal y comercial. Mientras que en contrae matrimonio con Harmony Twichell , en tanto el trabajo convencional como el musical deben ser abandonados durante un tiempo a consecuencia de los problemas de salud que padece Ives.
El compositor moría en Nueva York el 19 de mayo de a los 79 años de edad. Su música no responde a guión ni escuela alguna. Ni siquiera es posible encontrar una línea de desarrollo en sus obras. El mismo Ives olvidaba sus propias obras una vez estas habían sido compuestas.

27. °¬·ò˹(Charles Ives 1874-1954)
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°¬·ò˹(Charles Ives 1874-1954)

28. Alphamusic - Charles Ives
Sehr geehrter Kunde,
unsere Produktdatenbank wird derzeit aktualisiert. Daher können wir Ihnen im Augenblick nicht das von Ihnen gesuchte Original-Produkt anzeigen, sondern stellen Ihnen interessante Auktionen zu Ihrem Suchbegriff vor. Melden Sie sich jetzt bei Ebay an und bieten Sie für diese interessanten Produkte mit. Ihr Alphamusic-Team Produkt Preis Gebote Endzeit Charles Ives: Symphonie No. 4, Stokowski EUR 3.00 Alle 1 Artikel bei eBay aufrufen Ausschlussklausel

29. Alphamusic - Symphonie Nr.1
Translate this page Februar 2003. Cover vergrößern Cover vergrößern, Ives,Charles (1874-1954) SymphonieNr.1 CD (Symphonische Musik) Sony, ADD VÖ-Datum 7.5.2001 Bestell-Nr.
Sehr geehrter Kunde,
unsere Produktdatenbank wird derzeit aktualisiert. Daher können wir Ihnen im Augenblick nicht das von Ihnen gesuchte Original-Produkt anzeigen, sondern stellen Ihnen interessante Auktionen zu Ihrem Suchbegriff vor. Melden Sie sich jetzt bei Ebay an und bieten Sie für diese interessanten Produkte mit. Ihr Alphamusic-Team Produkt Preis Gebote Endzeit SERGE PROKOFIEV - SYMPHONIE Nr.1 + Nr.5 EUR 5.00 BRAHMS Symphonie Nr.1 Herbert von Karajan EUR 1.00 Gustav Mahler - Symphonie Nr.1 und 4 EUR 9.00 Johannes Brahms symphonie nr.1 c-moll rar !!! EUR 1.00 Balakirew Symphonie Nr.1 Tamara Beecham EUR 4.00 Prokofieff Symphonie Nr.1 Romeo und Julia EUR 4.00 Alle 6 Artikel bei eBay aufrufen Ausschlussklausel

30. WIEM: Ives Charles
( World Polska Leksykon Encyklopedia I...... Muzyka, Stany Zjednoczone Ives Charles (18741954), widok strony znajdz podobnepokaz powiazane. Ives Charles (1874-1954), kompozytor amerykanski. napisz do nas losuj: has³a multimedia Muzyka, Stany Zjednoczone
Ives Charles widok strony
znajd¼ podobne

poka¿ powi±zane
Ives Charles (1874-1954), kompozytor amerykañski. Muzyki uczy³ siê pod kierunkiem ojca George'a, kapelmistrza w Danbury, oraz H.W. Parkera w Uniwersytecie Yale w New Heaven (1891-1893). Pracowa³ jako urzêdnik towarzystwa ubezpieczeniowego do emerytury w 1930. Przejêty ideami romantycznego transcendentalizmu R.W. EmersonaH.D. Thoreau , uwa¿a³ muzykê za ekspresjê ¿ycia i duchowo¶ci ludzkiej. Niezliczone cytaty amerykañskich pie¶ni hymnów marszów oraz fragmentów z dzie³ klasyków ³±czy³ z nowatorskimi ¶rodkami brzmieniowymi i kompozycyjnymi, polimetri± politonalno¶ci± klasterami , polifonicznym konstruktywizmem, mikrotonowo¶ci±. Szacunek dla tradycji wi±za³ ze zmys³em przekory, innowacji, odrêbno¶ci. Z perspektywy rozwoju muzyki XX w. okaza³ siê prekursorem licznych kierunków i tendencji awangardowych, aczkolwiek we w³asnej estetyce stawia³ na pierwszym planie nie nowoczesno¶æ, lecz moralne i duchowe przes³anie sztuki, przeciwstawiaj±c siê jej rozgraniczaniu na sztukê profesjonaln± i popularn±. Z wa¿niejszych dzie³: 4  symfonie (pi±ta

31. Charles Ives - Danbury's Most Famous Composer
Biographical essay from the Housatonic Valley Tourism District with information on the Charles Ives Category Arts Music Composition Composers I Ives, Nancy F. Sudik. Charles Edward Ives (18741954), Danbury-born-and-raised maverickcomposer, cared little for the musical styles and fashions of his day.
Charles Ives - Danbury's Most Famous Composer
by Nancy F. Sudik
Charles Edward Ives (1874-1954), Danbury-born-and-raised maverick composer, cared little for the musical styles and fashions of his day. He cared even less for music critics. He was fond of saying that pretty music was for pretty ears, and he had no regrets that his music was not considered "pretty". Not until 1939, twenty years after he stopped composing, did the American public become aware of his music. Acceptance came much later. Charles Ives' first and most influential teacher was his father, George , a Civil War band leader, who introduced him to the concepts of polytonality and multiple meters. Young Charles grew up listening to his father's bands marching up and down Danbury's Main Street and was greatly influenced by his father's frequent musical experiments. One popular anecdote recounts the occasion when several of George's bands marched to Elmwood Park from different directions, simultaneously playing marches in different meters and keys. Another tells of George's experiments with quarter tones, which were inspired by the out-of-tune church bells of the First Congregational Church next to his home. George Ives' musical innovation and the sights and sounds of the Danbury area had a powerful impact on young Charles and contributed to his unconventional approach to music. Charles Ives began composing at a young age. In 1888, he played his composition "Slow March" at the funeral for Chin-Chin, his cat. He was fond of using fragments of music familiar to Danburians. Patriotic music, hymns, and marches figured prominently in his compositions. He combined fragments of this conventional music with the unconventional compositional techniques he learned from his father. The result was uniquely American and uniquely Charles Ives.

32. Charles Ives
Charles Ives (18741954). my humble contributions to Ives research.Charles Ives the symphonic works A review of the recordings of
CHARLES IVES (1874-1954)
my humble contributions to Ives research
Charles Ives: the symphonic works
  • A review of the recordings of Charles Ives's major orchestral works. (Hopefully one day I'll get around to writing the companion piece devoted to the chamber music).
    The introduction in the review contains a concise overview of his musical style and output, and program notes are included for each piece.
Charles Ives: discography
  • An incomplete discography.
  • Note that at the moment it contains just the symphonic works referred to in the review article.
The Three Places In New England
  • A brief description of each of the three places, and links to other websites with more details.
Coming soon!
Charles Ives: bibliography
  • An annotated bibliography of written works about Ives and his music.
My paper "Landscapes In Music: An Overview" contains a plethora of Ives references, and in the second part, plenty of discussion of his works.
Ives elsewhere on the Web
  • The Charles Ives Society should be your first stop. It includes a most thorough list of works, as well as the outline of James Sinclair's A Descriptive Catalogue of the Music of Charles Ives . (The Yale University Press page for the book, including ordering information, is

33. Alphamusic - 26 Lieder
Translate this page Februar 2003. Cover vergrößern, Ives,Charles (1874-1954) 26 Lieder CD (Lieder)Etcetera, DDD, 84 VÖ-Datum 20.5.2002 Bestell-Nr. 5134427 17.99 EUR.
Sehr geehrter Kunde,
unsere Produktdatenbank wird derzeit aktualisiert. Daher können wir Ihnen im Augenblick nicht das von Ihnen gesuchte Original-Produkt anzeigen, sondern stellen Ihnen interessante Auktionen zu Ihrem Suchbegriff vor. Melden Sie sich jetzt bei Ebay an und bieten Sie für diese interessanten Produkte mit. Ihr Alphamusic-Team Produkt Preis Gebote Endzeit - BRAVO HITS 26-, 2 CD's, Super Lieder EUR 1.00 Alle 1 Artikel bei eBay aufrufen Ausschlussklausel

34. Composer
Charles Ives (18741954). The American composer Charles Ives learned a greatdeal from his bandmaster father, not least a love of the music of Bach., Charles

35. Charles Ives
Charles Ives (18741954). One of the most original American composersof the 20 th Century was Charles Ives. Ives was born in Danbury
Charles Ives (1874-1954)
One of the most original American composers of the 20 th Century was Charles Ives. Ives was born in Danbury, Connecticut on October 20, 1874. Ives's father, George Ives, was a bandmaster - the youngest one in the Union Army during the American Civil War, and was a bit of a free spirit himself. George Ives passed that quality on to his son in part by forcing his son to participate in strange musical experiments. One night George stood outside in a thunderstorm listening to the church bells ring in the wind. He spent the rest of the night trying to find the pitch on his piano, only to discover that it wasn't there (the bells were out of tune). This led George to build a device made up of 24 violin strings and a series of weights and pulleys which he called a quarter-tone machine This device was able to play the notes "in between the cracks" of the piano keyboard, notes out of tune with the normal tuning system. Download and play this MP3 file You will first hear three pitches.

36. MSS 14, The Charles Ives Papers In The Irving S. Gilmore Music Library Of Yale U
Library of Congress Subject Headings. Ives, Charles, 18741954. Ives, Harmony Twichell.Albrecht, Otto Erwin, 1899- Ayres, Fredric, 1876-1926. Babitz, Sol.
MSS 14, The Charles Ives Papers in the Irving S. Gilmore Music Library of Yale University
Title: The Charles Ives Papers Dates: 1874-1983 (inclusive) Created by: Charles Ives Call number: MSS 14 Repository: Irving S. Gilmore Music Library, Yale University Quantity: 51 linear feet (70 boxes) Abstract: Music, correspondence and other writings, photographs, and additional materials by and about the American composer and insurance executive Charles Ives (1874-1954)
In 10 series as follows: I. Music manuscripts. II. Literary writings. III. Correspondence. IV. Scrapbooks. V. Diaries. VI. Photographs. VII. Programs. VIII. Writings about Ives. IX. Ives's collection of music by others. X. Miscellaneous.
Administrative Information
Access Restrictions: The Papers are open to researchers by appointment. There are no restricted materials in the collection. Please contact the Special Collections staff to schedule an appointment. Acquisition Information: The Charles Ives Papers were established in the Music Library of Yale University by Harmony Twichell Ives in 1955. Use Restrictions: Preferred Form of Citation: MSS 14, The Charles Ives Papers in the Irving S. Gilmore Music Library of Yale University.

37. 11Modern Music : Charles_Edward_Ives
Charles EDWARD Ives (18741954) - Born in Danbury, Connecticut, Ives was botha composer and a business man. His music sounds experimental, even today.
CHARLES EDWARD IVES (1874-1954) - Born in Danbury, Connecticut, Ives was both a composer and a business man. His music sounds experimental, even today. He pioneered many of the compositional techniques used by later composers such as polytonality, et al.
A text summary of the clickable map above, meant for web-crawlers and other automatic tools:
Charles Edward Ives was composer
Charles Edward Ives was business man
Charles Edward Ives was American
Charles Edward Ives wrote experimental music
Charles Edward Ives was born in Danbury, Connecticut
Charles Edward Ives has a gravestone
Charles Edward Ives pioneered polytonality
Charles Edward Ives pioneered spatial music
Charles Edward Ives pioneered chance music Charles Edward Ives had dates Charles Edward Ives composer of Modern Music

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LIves of the Great Composers Installment 4 Charles Ives (1874-1954) (originallypublished in the literary magazine Big Fish, January, 1991),
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  • 39. Charles Ives
    Composers Charles Ives (18741954).
    Charles Ives
    Charles Edward Ives (1874-1954), Danbury-born-and-raised maverick composer, cared little for the musical styles and fashions of his day. He cared even less for music critics. He was fond of saying that pretty music was for pretty ears, and he had no regrets that his music was not considered "pretty". Not until 1939, twenty years after he stopped composing, did the American public become aware of his music. Acceptance came much later.
    His music did not meet with acclaim either in Danbury or anywhere else in the United States. Europeans, however, were very curious about Ives and everything American. Renowned Austrian composer-conductor Gustav Mahler, during his tenure with the New York Philharmonic, reportedly happened upon a copy of the Third Symphony (Camp Meeting). He brought the score back to Europe in 1911 with the intention of performing it, but died before doing so. Several published sources, however, report that the symphony was indeed played in Munich. The score Mahler took has never been recovered.
    Ives' interest in Transcendentialism and the Concord Four - Emerson, Hawthorne, the Alcotts, and Thoreau - is apparent in The Concord Sonata and its accompanying literary work "Essays Before A Sonata" published in 1919.

    40. Charles Ives - Strijkkwartet No. 1
    Charles Ives (1874 1954) Strijkkwartet no. 1 (1896) ‘A Revival Service’De Amerikaanse componist Charles Ives (1874-1954) werd
    Charles Ives (1874 - 1954)
    In het eerste deel, Andante con moto, een fuga in C, horen we gedeelten van hymnen.

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