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         Huntington Ellsworth:     more detail
  1. World-power and evolution. by Ellsworth Huntington . by Huntington. Ellsworth. 1876-1947., 1919
  2. Civilization and climate. by Ellsworth Huntington by Huntington. Ellsworth. 1876-1947., 1915-01-01
  3. Business geography. by Ellsworth Huntington and Frank E. Wil by Huntington. Ellsworth. 1876-1947., 1922-01-01
  4. Asia a geography reader by Ellsworth Huntington. by Huntington. Ellsworth. 1876-1947., 1912-01-01
  5. The climatic factor as illustrated in arid America. by Ellsworth by Huntington. Ellsworth. 1876-1947., 1914-01-01
  6. Memoir to Ellsworth Huntington, 1876-1947 by S. S Visher, 1948
  7. The pulse of Asia. a journey in Central Asia illustrating the ge by Huntington. Ellsworth. 1876-1947., 1907-01-01
  8. The secret of the big trees. Yosemite. Sequoia. and General Gran by Huntington. Ellsworth. 1876-1947., 1913-01-01

21. NACSIS Webcat: Full Record
? VT The pulse of Asia a journey in Central Asia illustrating the g eographicbasis of history AL Huntington, Ellsworth, 18761947 ; ,

22. IDP Newsletter No. 17
Ellsworth Huntington and the Central Asian Manuscripts at Yale. Ellsworth Huntington(18761947) was perhaps the best known American geographer of his time.
No. 17 Winter 2000/2001 ISSN 1354-5914
Tibetan Manuscripts in Gansu Province, China
by Sam van Schaik
Bibliography of Catalogues of Tibetan Central Asian Manuscript Collections

by Matthew Kapstein
Ellsworth Huntington and the Central Asian Manuscripts at Yale
by Sam van Schaik
Other Resources for Tibetan Research

Selected Publications on Tibet

Tibetan Exhibitions

Other Exhibitions
... Download this Issue as PDF Tibetan Manuscripts from the Silk Road Tibetan manuscripts in pothi and scroll form from the Dunhuang library cave photographed by Stein in 1907. Photograph from Serindia, 1921, vol. 4, Plate CLXXIII. Although the majority of the manuscripts found in the library cave in Dunhuang were Chinese, reflecting the fact that the Chinese empire controlled this area for much of the first millennium, there were also considerable numbers in other languages, primarily Tibetan and Uighur. This issue of the newsletter is devoted to the Tibetan manuscripts and Tibetan Silk Road art and culture. Below, Dr van Schaik of the International Dunhuang Project reports on the Tibetan manuscripts remaining in collections in Gansu Province, China, following his research visit to Dunhuang last year. He also gives a short report on the Ellsworth Huntington collection at Yale University. There are further reports on the Songtsen Library and listings of web sites and books relating to Tibetan art and culture.

23. Other Collections
It was bequeathed by Ellsworth Huntington (18761947), a well-known geographer andYale academic who had traveled widely in central Asia between 1903 and 1906
Other Collections
Collections in Sweden

Contents and Access

History of the Swedish Collections

Collections in Ireland
Collections in the USA
page mounted: 7/11/02 last updated: 7/11/02 Collections in Sweden Contents and Access Hedin Foundation is developing a website.
Swedish Museum of Natural History
History of the Swedish Collections Sven Hedin made four expeditions to Central Asia between 1893 and 1935 ( see IDP News 21 TOP Collections in Ireland The Chester Beatty Library in Dublin holds four Dunhuang manuscripts in Chinese and one in Tibetan. These were purchased in 1955 and the Chinese ones are now available on the IDP database TOP Collections in Finland Baron Carl Gustaf Mannerheim (1867-1951) was a Finnish national who was commissioned by the Russian imperial army. He spent two years from 1906 to 1908 crossing China on horseback, accompanied by two Cossacks, a Chinese interpreter, a cook and several attendants ( see IDP News 15 TOP Collections in Taiwan
Also in Taipei, Academia Sinica has 49 scrolls from Dunhuang, which have been digitized and are available to scholars (in CD form)

24. Home For English Learners
A noted scientist, Ellsworth Huntington(18761947), concluded from other men's workand his own among people in different climates that climate and temperature garden_DATA
Please choose the suitable level Band One Band Two Band Three Band Four Directions: There are several reading passages in this test followed by some questions. Choose the right answers and mark them by blackening the corresponding letters on the Answer Sheet. Passage 1 If you are like most people, your intelligence varies from season to season. You are probably a lot sharper in the spring than you are at any other time of the year. A noted scientist, Ellsworth Huntington(1876-1947), concluded from other men's work and his own among people in different climates that climate and temperature have a definite effect on our mental abilities. He found that cool weather is much more favorable for creative thinking than is summer heat. This does not mean that all people are less intelligent in the summer than they are during the rest of the year. It does mean, however, that the mental abilities of large numbers of people tend to be lowest in the summer. Spring appears to be the best period of the year for thinking. One reason may be that in the spring man's mental abilities are affected by the same factors that bring about great changes in all nature. Fall is the next-best season, then, winter. As for summer, it seems to be a good time to take a long vacation from thinking.

25. Meadowlark Gallery: Artist Biographies
Elliott, Stephen C. Ellsworth, Clarence Arthur (18851961), Ettinger Huntington, WilliamC. (1876-1969 Mora, Joseph Jacinto (1876-1947), Moreland, Marylee M. Morgan
Artist Biographies A B C D ... U V W X Y Z Abbett, Robert K Abeita, Jim Abram, Jr., Paul ... Adams, Charles Partridge (1858-1942) Adamson, Harry Amick, Robert Wesley Amundsen, Richard
Anderson, Carolyn
Aspaas, Jackie Delyea ... Frost, A. B.
Fuller, Arthur
Galloway, Nixon
Gerhold, Mel Gifford, R. Swain
Gollings, E. W.
... David Berg
Have questions about these images? E-Mail Meadowlark Gallery!
Home Page

26. Records For Climatology. (in MARION)
Huntington, Ellsworth, 18761947. Climatic changes; their nature andcauses, by Ellsworth Huntington and Stephen Sargent Visher
Records 1 to 17 of 17

27. Records For Man -- Influence Of Environment. (in MARION)
Huntington, Ellsworth, 18761947. Mainsprings of civilization / Ellsworth Huntington.New York J. Wiley and Sons ; London Chapman and Hall, c1945. INFLUENCE OF ENVIRONMENT/19f020003100/0
Man Influence of environment.
Records 1 to 26 of 26

28. Untitled Document
Istoricul si geograful Ellsworth Huntington (18761947) (Civilization and Climate,1924; Mainsprings of the Civilization, 1945) a efectuat o minutioasa
Constituirea ºi evoluþia geopoliticii ca disciplinã de sine-stãtãtoare
ªcoala geopoliticã germanã

ªcoala geopoliticã anglo-saxonã

Clasicii anglo-saxoni ai geopoliticii
3. ªcoala geopoliticã anglo-saxonã
În contrast cu iniþiatorii germani, gândirea geopoliticã anglo-saxonã a avut stimuli ºi surse mult mai variate. De la începuturile preocupãrilor în aceastã direcþie, au putut fi identificate trei orientãri distincte, care s-u reunit ulterior în corpul modern al geopoliticii:
Curentul istoric-ambientalist l-a avut între promotori pe istoricul britanic Henry Thomas Buckle (1821-1862) a fost între primii care au relevat relaþiile interdependente dintre climat, hranã ºi sol, pe de o parte, respectiv viaþa ºi habitatul uman pe de alta. În monumentala sa lucrare, History of Civilization in England , 3 vol., London, 1872, Buckle a întreprins mai multe analize comparative a popoarelor ºi societãþilor situate în locaþii climaterice ºi geografice diferite. Buckle a evidenþiat faptul cã societãþile trãitoare într-un mediu ambiental temperat-rece sunt mai disciplinate, mai organizate ºi mai performante. Dupã el, tocmai condiþionãrile naturii care i-au determinat pe locuitorii din acele zone sã depunã mai multe eforturi pentru obþinerea subzistenþei, i-au condus finalmente spre standarde superioare de viaþã ºi civilizaþie. În schimb, în regiunile cu un climat tropical-torid, unde hrana se putea obþine uºor, direct din naturã, oamenii au fost lipsiþi de motivaþie ºi nici nu au dobândit educaþia ºi deprinderile necesare performãrii ºi progresului. Societãþile respective caracterizându-se prin distribuiri inegale ale bogãþiei, poziþiilor sociale ºi drepturilor politice.

29. Records For Asia, Central -- Description And Travel. (in VSCCAT)
Huntington, Ellsworth, 18761947. Pulse of Asia, a journey in Central Asiaillustrating the geographic basis of history. Boston, Houghton 1907. CENTRAL DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL/f2370000f
Asia, Central Description and travel.
Records 1 to 11 of 11

30. Max-Planck-Institut Für Plasmaphysik : Publikationen : Newsletter : Klimaprogno
Translate this page Der berühmte amerikanische Geograph Ellsworth Huntington (1876-1947) riet den Sitzder Vereinten Nationen bei ihrer Gründung 1945 nach Newport, Rhode Island
cssvorlage("../../../","pr"); Publikationen Energieperspektiven
Von Meterologen und Klimaforschern wird in Zeiten, in denen von Treibhausgasen und Klimakonferenzen die Rede ist, weit mehr erwartet als die Vorhersage des Wetters von Morgen.
Tauende Arktis beschleunigt nicht Treibhauseffekt

um nur einige Beispiele zu nennen.
Energie-Perspektiven 1/2001
) zeigte. pen
Weitere Fragen?

31. Time's Weather Vane
raise the red flag of environmental determinism, a theory developed in the early20th century by an American geographer, Ellsworth Huntington (18761947).
Time's Weather Vane
by Paul Mitchinson

The National Post
, 4 April 2001
More than a few shivering Canadians must have been cheering on George W. Bush last week, as he announced the United States' formal rejection of the 1997 Kyoto climate accord. After a gruelling winter, it's tough to get worked up about global warming. But climate change is beginning to worry growing numbers of archeologists and historians. Increasingly sophisticated scientific data are suggesting the rise and fall of civilizations have been influenced by weather fluctuations such as El Niño events and centuries-long droughts. Climate is one of "dozens of factors" that archeologists have traditionally investigated, says Brian Fagan, anthropologist at the University of California, Santa Barbara. "But we've known very little about it until recently." That began to change in the 1980s and 1990s, as concern over the effects of global warming grew. Then, in 1997-98, as monsoon rains pulverized California, heat waves swept across Australia and Brazil, and smoke from forest fires blanketed Indonesia, the public started paying attention. A T-shirt slogan urged people to "Blame it on El Niño." Fagan turned that slogan into the theme of his 1999 book Floods, Famines and Emperors

32. Index
Humphrey, SD (18231883) American Hand Book of the Daguerrotype Huntington, Ellsworth(1876-1947) The Red Man's Continent, A Chronicle of Aboriginal America.
English Classics 3000 H ( Listed by Author ) Haggard, Henry Rider (1856-1925)

33. The Regional Climate Group
En ledande företrädare för denna uppfattning var Ellsworth Huntington (18761947)som ansåg att människans framsteg grundade sig på tre faktorer klimat
global climate change
Sociala och historiska perspektiv
"To be realistic also demands humility about what man can do in the face of climatic shifts, even today, other than adapt his ways. It may well be that mankind has, and perhaps always has had, an exaggerated impression of his power to alter the climate, intentionally or otherwise, for good or ill except on a quite local scale." (Lamb, 1995, 369)
  • Vad vet gemene man om väder och klimat?
  • Har miljön format människan?
  • Vilken roll spelar klimatet för beslutsfattare idag?
  • Litteraturförteckning
Vad vet gemene man om väder och klimat?
"the task of locating Eden and re-evaluating nature had already begun to be served by the appropriation of the newly discovered and colonised tropical islands as paradises" (Grove, 1995, 5)
Har miljön format människan?
Vilken roll spelar klimatet för beslutsfattare idag?
Aiken, R. (1994) Imperial belvederes: The hill stations of Malaya. Oxford: Oxford University Press Bell, M. (1993) 'The pestilence that walketh in darkness'. Imperial health, gender and images of South Africa c. 1880-1910. Trans Inst Br Geogr, N.S. 18, 327-341 Bell, M. (1995) Edinburgh and empire. Geographical science and citizenship for a 'new' age, ca. 1900. Scottish Geographical Magazine, 111, 3, 139-149

34. Gopher.quux.org70/Archives/gutenberg/authors.txt
Archer Butler, 18731933 Human Genome Project Hume, Fergus, 1859-1932 Humphrey, SD(Samuel Dwight), 1823-1883 Huntington, Ellsworth, 1876-1947 Husted, Michael

35. Pln 501
in nineteenth and early twentiethcentury Europe and North America, and was particularlyassociated with the US geographer Ellsworth Huntington (1876-1947).
UAlbany, SUNY
PLN 501/GOG 521 “Planning History and Philosophy” Ray Bromley (12.1.2000)
Knowledge of these terms may help in understanding classes and readings in Planning History and
Planning Theory. Nevertheless, it is important to recognize that all concepts are approximate and
“fuzzy.” Disagreement on exact definitions and meanings is to be encouraged. Related words are
italicized and listed in parentheses at the end of the definitions.
ADVOCACY Promoting the case of a specific individual or group; supporting them and advocating
their interests. Advocacy planners prepare plans on behalf of specific groups or communities, and/or
use every opportunity to promote what they perceive to be the interests of those groups or
communities. ( Advocate ANARCHISTS Persons who believe that the world would be a better place if there were less government or no government. Anarchists advocate “small is beautiful” approaches to societies, economies and communities, emphasizing grass-roots democracy and intermediate technology. Many

36. Index
Translate this page Genome Project Gutenberg Hume, Fergus, 1859-1932 Gutenberg Humphrey, SD (SamuelDwight), 1823-1883 Gutenberg Huntington, Ellsworth, 1876-1947 Gutenberg Husted
Habberton, John, 1842-1921 Gutenberg
Hackers, the Gutenberg
Hadden, J. Cuthbert (James Cuthbert), 1861-1914 Gutenberg
Haggard, H. Rider (Henry Rider), 1856-1925 Gutenberg
Haies, Edward, fl. 1580. Gutenberg
Hakluyt, Richard, 1552?-1616 Gutenberg
Haldeman-Julius, E. (Emanuel), 1889-1951 Gutenberg
Hale, Edward Everett, 1822-1909 Gutenberg Hale, Lucretia P. (Lucretia Peabody), 1820-1900 Gutenberg Halevy, Ludovic, 1834-1908 AKA: Halévy, Ludovic, 1834-1908 Gutenberg Halévy, Ludovic, 1834-1908 AKA: Halevy, Ludovic, 1834-1908 Gutenberg Hamilton, Alexander, 1757-1804 Gutenberg Hamilton, Clive, 1898-1963 AKA: Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples), 1898-1963 Gutenberg Hamilton, Cosmo, 1879-1942 Gutenberg Hamilton, Frederick Spencer, Lord, 1856-1928 Gutenberg Hamilton, Gail, 1833-1896 AKA: Dodge, Mary Abigail, 1833-1896 Gutenberg Hamilton, James, 1814-1867

37. Index
Lily, The Volume 03, by France, Anatole, 18441924 Red Man's Continent, Thea chronicle of aboriginal America, by Huntington, Ellsworth, 1876-1947 Red One
Russia, by Wallace, Donald Mackenzie, Sir, 1841-1919

h/o Marietta GREEN LIZZIE E w/o Ellsworth A Doughty Mommy's little chicken HEYERHARRY S 18761947; his wife M see McCLELLAN, RICHARD YORK Huntington ALVIN A

39. Ó¢Óï2×÷ÒµËÄ
A noted scientist, Ellsworth Huntington (18761947), concluded from other men’swork and his own among peoples in different climates that climate and
A. thought B. expected C. looked D. watched A. cheap B. valuable C. perfect D. wonderful A. succeeded B. supposed C. suggested D. surveyed 4. This kind of cloth well. A. washes B. wash C. is washed D. will be washed A. The coal¡­ a B. The coal¡­ the C. Coal¡­ a D. Coal¡­ the A. the third B. a third C. a three D. the three 7. A foreign language is a weapon in . A. struggle of life B. struggle of the life C. the struggle of life D. the struggle of the life A. the table tennis B. table tennis C. a table tennis D. an table tennis A. gave B. provided C. afforded D. offered 10. I didn¡¯t ask him, but he to help with my homework. A. gave B. paid C. offered D. supplied Students allowed to bring their dictionaries in that examination. A B C D Ten years passed since we said ¡°good-bye¡± to each other in the countryside. A B C D By now Lao Wang worked in that factory for twenty years. A B C D By the end of last week we learned three lessons A B C D Mary taught English in an university ten years ago A B C D It is necessary for goods to pack in strong cases.

40. College English Test (Band 3) (A)
A noted scientist, Ellsworth Huntington (18761947), concluded from other men’swork and his own among peoples in different climates that climate and
College English Test (Band 3) (A)
Part I Vocabulary and Structure (40 grades) Section A Directions: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A B C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. A. stand by B. stand up to C. stand up for D. stand out A. suggested B. assumed C. supposed D. subjected A. him B. her C. himself A. herself A. With B. For C. As D. When A. for B. before C. after D. since A. arriving B. to be arriving C. to arrive D. to have arrived A. struck to B. gave away C. touched on D. went after A. each of them B. each of those C. each of which D. each of these 9. his age, Tom has done a very good job. A. Thought B. Given C. Giving D. Thinking A. for B. to C. that D. as A. had been canceled B. have been canceled C. were canceled D. having been canceled

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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