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21. Index 1950 Transgression, A, by Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, 18601904 Travels in Englandduring the reign of Queen Elizabeth, by Hentzner, Paul, 1558-1623 Travels of http://www.elbooks.sk/angdieloT.html | |
22. Authors G-I O., 18621910 AKA William Sidney Porter, 1862-1910 Henry, Patrick, 1736-1799 Henty,GA (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Hentzner, Paul, 1558-1623 Herodotus Herrick http://www.worldwide-library.co.uk/Authors/g-i.htm | |
23. Future Attractions - Books To Put On-line Hanover Historical Texts Project. TRAVELS IN ENGLAND DURING THE REIGNOF QUEEN ELIZABETH by Paul Hentzner, 15581623 PROJECT GUTENBERG-tm. http://users.ev1.net/~theweb/futattrac.htm | |
24. Niagara University Library: Rare Book Room Collection 1473-1800 AUTHOR Hentzner, Paul, 15581623. Bentley, R. (Richard), 1708-1782.Walpole, Horace, 1717-1797. Naunton, Sir Robert, 1563-1635. http://www.niagara.edu/library/rare.html | |
25. Www.2000english.com/information/Contents.txt and The Raven or The Days of King Alfred Saint George for England With Lee in VirginiaA Story Of The American Civil War Hentzner, Paul (15581623) Travels in http://www.2000english.com/information/Contents.txt |
26. Penn State's Electronic Classics Series Hentzner And Naunton Page Links to great literature in PDF England during the Reign of Queen Elizabeth by Paul Hentzner (1558 1623 German) and Fragmenta Regalia by Sir Robert http://www2.hn.psu.edu/faculty/jmanis/hentnaun.htm |
27. Penn State's Electronic Classics Series Hentzner And Naunton Page From this site you can download Travels in England during the Reign of Queen Elizabethby Paul Hentzner (1558 1623 German) and Fragmenta Regalia by Sir http://www.hn.psu.edu/faculty/jmanis/hentnaun.htm |
28. Katherine Rowberd (Persona Details) Harrison, from Holinshed's Chronicles; Travels in England during the reignof Queen Elizabeth by Paul Hentzner 1558 1623; The Book of the http://infotrope.net/sca/persona/ | |
30. Project Gutenberg Bourget, Paul, 18521935. Bourrienne, Louis Antoine Fauvelet de, 1769-1834 http://www.surfsteve.com/gutenberg/authors.htm | |
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