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41. WorldBook General Reference Encyclopedia > Life Science > Biology > Biographies Young tipcat@wam.umd.edu GA Henty A Master Cumulation of Imprints Record 1 of 1700Accession Number 37936387 Author Henty, GA (George Alfred), 18321902. http://www.surfablebooks.com/worldbookgeneral/Life Science/Biology/Biographies/B | |
42. Henty GA Henty's Historical Fiction. The Works of George Alfred Henty 18321902. Bloodand Morality GA Henty and the Tradition of Adventure Writing for Boys. http://www.valerieslivingbooks.com/henty.htm | |
43. "By Pike And By Dyke" - Little Pilgrim Book Shoppe Online Who Was GA Henty? George Alfred Henty, the Prince of Storytellers.G. A.Henty's life (18321902) was filled with exciting adventure. http://littlepilgrim.com/preston/henty.html | |
44. English Heritage - Vis_blueplaques_list_h 19 Sheffield Terrace, W8 Kensington Chelsea 2001 Henty, GA (George Alfred)(18321902), Author, lived here. 33 Lavender Gardens, SW11 Wandsworth 1953 http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/default.asp?wci=WebItem&WCE=177 |
45. Children's Literature - Island 4 GA Henty. Henty (18321902), who left the University of Cambridge to volunteerin the Crimean War and subsequently worked as a war correspondent, wrote more http://www.sc.edu/library/spcoll/kidlit/kidlit/kidlit4.html | |
46. Title Author Dewey Subjects The Historical Jesus Ancient A knight of the white cross a tale of the siege of Rhodes, Henty, GA (George Alfred),18321902, Youth Fiction, Rhodes (Greece Island)HistorySiege, 1522 http://www.unioncenter.org/Library/SortedAuthors/BooksByAuthor_H.htm | |
47. Title Author Dewey Subjects I Am A Woman By God's Design LaHaye Swi, Service (Theology). In freedom's cause a story of Wallace Bruce, Henty, GA (George Alfred), 18321902. Youth Fiction, Scotland http://www.unioncenter.org/Library/SortedTitles/BooksByTitle_I.htm | |
48. Newsletter #7 About four years ago I started noticing that homeschool curriculum providerswere selling books from the past, authored by GA Henty, 18321902. http://www.checktheseout.org/newsletter/archive/07_10_02.html | |
49. Beebe Catalog: Children's Books Surely a book with such a frontispiece would be an exciting one to read.GA Henty, 18321902. GA Henty was born in Cambridgeshire, England. http://library.cudenver.edu/newsevents/beebe/children.html | |
50. George Augustus Sala Correspondence 1, 7, Helps, Arthur, Sir, 18131875. 3, 269, . 1, 31, Henty, GA (George Alfred),1832-1902. 1, 52, . 3, 249, Herbert, John Rogers, 1810-1890. 3, 271, Hext, Harrington,pseud. http://libweb.princeton.edu/libraries/firestone/rbsc/aids/sala.html | |
51. Forthcoming Books, January 2000 Translate this page Henty, GA, 1832-1902. With Wolfe in Canada or, The winning of a continent /GA Henty. New ed. Neerlandia, Alta. Inheritance Publications, 1998. http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/forthbks/2000-01/en/ej00.htm | |
52. The Boxer Rebellion, 1900: A Selection Of Books, Prints And Photographs One of the bestknown authors of books for boys, GA.Henty (1832-1902)'prided himself on his historical fidelity and manly sentiments'. http://www.fathom.com/feature/122228 | |
53. G. A. Henty The Giant Library for Boys and Girls GA Henty G. A.Henty's life (18321902)was filled with exciting adventure. Completing Westminster http://www.internet-users.org/jacksbooks/henty.html | |
54. The BusterSoft Old South Collection WITH LEE IN VIRGINIA A STORY OF THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR by GA Henty(George Alfred, 18321902). A Fictional, but Historical account http://www.bustersoft.com/products/catalog2.htm | |
55. Child Literature - 18th Century - Rare Books GA Henty (18321902), was follower of Sir Walter Scott rather than Ballantyne,writing boy's adventure stories set in a factual historical background, With http://www.buriedantiques.com/early_children.htm | |
56. IBIS - Newsletters Article on HN Pym, GA Sala and Some Punch Artists by John Pym. of an EdinburghPrinting House by Ian Elfick and Paul Harris, and G. A. Henty 18321902. http://bookillustration.org/newsletters.htm | |
57. Records For Knights And Knighthood -- Fiction. (in MARION) Henty, GA (George Alfred), 18321902. A knight of the white cross a tale of the siege of Rhodes / by GA Henty. Mill Hall, Pa. http://www.ccpl.org/MARION/@KNIGHTS AND KNIGHTHOOD FICTION/c7e510007100/0 | |
58. A Knight Of The White Cross (in MARION) A knight of the white cross. Title A knight of the white cross a tale of thesiege of Rhodes / by GA Henty. Author Henty, GA (George Alfred), 18321902. http://www.ccpl.org/MARION/ABX-8781 | |
59. William Tinsley Publishing Correspondence 7, Grant, James, 18221887, 1, 1875. 8, Greenwood, Frederick, 1830-1909,1, nd. 9, Henty, GA, 1832-1902, 1, nd. 10, Hoey, Frances Cashel, 1830-1908,1, 1884. http://libserv10.princeton.edu/libraries/firestone/rbsc/aids/tinsley.html | |
60. REH Bookshelf - H BACK TO TOP. Henty, George Alfred. (18321902). The Bravest of the Brave.or, With Peterborough in Spain. London Blackie Son, Ltd., 1887. http://www.rehupa.com/bookshelf_h.htm | |
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